Check Your Credit Cards for Fraudulent Obama Charges

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 15,2008

RUSH: This is Patty in Oxford, Mississippi. Hey, this is where the last debate was. Hi, Patty, nice to have you on the program.

CALLER: Hey. Mega dittos. I am so honored, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you very much. Great to have you here.

CALLER: What I called about was earlier, I heard you discussing a couple I believe it was in Kansas City that had a charge to the Obama campaign that they didn’t make?

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: My best friend had the same thing this month, three times on her credit card.

RUSH: Your best friend had a charge of $2,300 bucks to the Obama —

CALLER: No, no, not $2,300, but she had three separate charges to the Obama campaign, and she is a staunch Republican.

RUSH: What was the total, do you recall?

CALLER: I don’t. She told me one of them was small, like $15. She said none of them were very big, but anyway, she called and immediately wanted it removed from her card, which the credit company did. The Obama campaign, she called them, and they tried to talk her into letting it stay, and she said no, I want it, and I want it before the election.

RUSH: Wait a second. How did the Obama campaign find out about this?

CALLER: Well, she called them.

RUSH: Oh, she called them.

CALLER: She called them, ’cause she wanted that charge removed immediately.

RUSH: I thought she called the bank.

CALLER: She called the credit card center after she called the Obama campaign.

RUSH: And the Obama campaign tried to talk her into letting the charges stay?

CALLER: Yes, they did.

RUSH: Now, wait a minute. I just got another e-mail about — let me see. This is Associated Press about an hour ago: ‘Two Missourians say they were surprised to receive credit card statements indicating they had donated to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. Sandy Pogones of Camdenton and Steve Larman of North Kansas City each found a $2,300 charge on their credit card–‘ So the Larmans are a couple. We already talked about the Larmans. So now there’s another one, Sandy Pogones in Kansas City. We found another one with a charge from the Obama campaign on their credit cards. They both contacted the credit card companies which dropped the charges. Sandy Pogones said she’s contacted the Missouri attorney general’s office and the FBI. Steve Larman of North Kansas City says he just wants to know if another organization is funneling money to Obama or if somebody’s using Obama’s name to steal from people. So I’m glad I heard about this and I’m glad you called because this apparently is now far more than just a random couple.

CALLER: But when you consider the ACORN voter fraud thing, I’m not really surprised. There could be more to it than meets the eye.

RUSH: Well, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. What we already know about ACORN, for example, can you imagine what we don’t know?

CALLER: I don’t think I want to know.

RUSH: Well, you’re going to at some point. This group’s going to have to be exposed. The legitimate question here with all of these reports of fraud and now in Ohio with the secretary of state, Jennifer whatever her name is, we had run-ins with this woman during Operation Chaos. She sat idly by and let ACORN run free and the sixth US Circuit Court of Appeals has essentially said, ‘You better find out who every one of these registered voters is if they’re legitimate, and you gotta find out if everybody who voted in Ohio in that six day period back in early October was legitimate.’ And she said, ‘I don’t have time to do this.’ ‘Well, you do your job.’ The court has come down and said, ‘You do your job.’ Now, when you’ve got the US Sixth Circuit involved, where’s the FBI? Where is the Justice Department investigating this group? Fourteen states now, maybe 15. Pennsylvania is the latest, somewhere in Philadelphia, that has come up.