Drive-By Defense: Nuts & Sluts

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 11,2008

RUSH: The sitcom continues, ladies and gentlemen, unabated. Barack Obama, the president-elect, poor guy, I believe him. I saw his press conference today, and Obama said he had no knowledge, had no idea any of this was going on. I think we have no choice but than to believe the president-select. Look, ladies and gentlemen, this man, a tough row to hoe here. This man is walking a straight line in a crooked world. He is able to walk on the cesspool that is Illinois and Chicago politics without being touched by it. You would think the way they’re starting to talk about this now that Rod Blagojevich was starring in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest instead of being a casting director in a sitcom. But that’s exactly what he is. I mean, everybody on television is saying now that Rod Blagojevich is a nut, and this is the defense, this is what they’re setting up. This is exactly how the Clintons did it, the nuts and sluts defense. In this case the nuts defense, ‘Blagojevich, we can’t believe anything Blagojevich says, he’s a nut. I mean, he might have said it, but he’s insane.’ The Drive-Bys have picked up on this. We have a montage from yesterday and last night.

MADDOW: Hometown folks use words like sociopath, delusional and compulsive to describe their governor.

BARNICLE: There’s a delusional aspect clearly to Blagojevich.

GERGEN: He is delusional.

TOOBIN: The delusional nature of Blagojevich.

COLMES: The governor was delusional.

CADDELL: I’ve been told by people for some years that he was a little on the touched side.

PAGE: He has a long reputation for being a little weird.

BROWNSTEIN: These quotes from him do not suggest mental balance.

BROWN: Blagojevich seemed obsessed in this crazy, manic way.

BARNICLE: Delusional.

OLBERMANN: A literally crazy governor.

COOPER: The notion that Governor Blagojevich thought he might get appointed to ambassadorship is like smoking glue or something.

LYONS: This is the act of a madman. This is what you call insanity.

ISIKOFF: How off his rocker he was to be talking the way he was.

TODD: Obviously this guy Blagojevich is crazy.

SHRUM: He ought to plead not guilty by reason of insanity.

RUSH: That’s probably what he’s going to do. That was Bob Shrum. Do you hear how this is all being set up now? The only problem here is that Blagojevich is starring in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and he’s refusing to resign. He’s not going to go away. In effect he’s flipping all of these people off. Now, Obama pretended that Jeremiah Wright was acting like a raving lunatic when Wright’s sermons came to light, and Jeremiah Wright correctly noted that Obama was just saying what a politician had to say, that is, Obama knew damn well what Wright was all about. Wright was shocked at things that he had been saying for 20 years were now somehow controversial. He got rich, he got famous with his anti-American racist rants. His buddy Obama thought they were inspirational for years, so what happened? I mean Blagojevich, like Ayers, like Wright, had gotten used to life in Illinois. No one had complained until Obama put ’em under the microscope. (laughing) Wright, Ayers, Blagojevich, hot stuff until Obama ran for president. They were!

There is a trail of destruction that Obama leaves behind wherever he goes. I believe firmly, folks, none of it involves him. I don’t think any of it touches him, but it’s just amazing, utter destruction. The guy’s a one-man wrecking crew. He leaving Illinois, and Illinois is what it’s always been for everybody to see. Blagojevich is ready for the funny farm; Jeremiah Wright’s in the funny farm. Bill Ayers is being interviewed by Chris Matthews on PMSNBC, and Matthews says, ‘You agitate your way, I agitate my way.’ As though there’s some sort of mutual respect. (interruption) Who did I say this about? Well, that’s true. I think Clinton does leave a path of destruction, or he did, too. Clinton destroyed people’s lives. I believe the president-select when he says he had nothing to do with this and he knew nothing about this. I mean, he said he knew that Blagojevich was trying to make a deal. I mean he said that. He said he was not amenable to any deal making which means he had to know that deal making was going on. We don’t know why he didn’t report this to the authorities and nobody in the watchdog media asked him about it at his press conference today.

Meanwhile, there’s a story here from CBS Chicago: ‘Some Question Blagojevich’s Mental Health.’ Chicago resident Meg Olson: ”Well, we think he’s nuts, that he has some kind mental problem that he would have the audacity to do such a thing.’ ‘Could it be,’ asks Jim Williams of Chicago Eyeball News, CBS 2, ‘that Blagojevich has a mental illness that has impaired his judgment?’ Dr. Daniela Schreirer is a forensic psychologist at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and she does not see any sign of mental illness in the public Blagojevich, but believes he does have sociopathic traits. ‘We’re just talking about traits. We’re not talking about full-blown diagnosis. But certainly, there’s the same sense of entitlement, the same sense of thinking I am superior. I can do whatever I want. I am not going to be caught,’ Schreirer said.’ Sounds exactly like Clinton disease.

‘Could a claim of a mental illness be the Blagojevich’s best defense in court? ‘There’s a difference between being crazy and being legally insane,’ said CBS 2’s Legal Analyst Irv Miller. Miller says don’t expect Blagojevich’s attorneys to even try that defense.’ So you see how they’re setting this up. I hope Blagojevich understands what’s going on here. He is being hung out to dry. He is the only corrupt official in Chicago, but not even he is corrupt, he’s insane. He’s a sociopath. Therefore he’s not responsible for what he’s doing.


RUSH: Folks, it’s just too good. (laughing) So I’m watching PMSNBC. There’s a discussion between the info babe from the Washington Post and David ‘Shyster’ from MSNBC, and they’re discussing Valerie Jarrett. Now, Valerie Jarrett was Obama’s original pick for his Senate seat, and out of the blue — and this is all made clear in the complaint that was released by Patrick Fitzgerald. Out of the blue, Valerie Jarrett withdrew her name. So people are saying, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa! What explains this?’ Well, let me tell you how the Drive-Bys are explaining it. ‘Well, Valerie Jarrett is completely up-and-up; and she is very, very savvy; and when she realized what was going on, that Blago was attempting to sell the Senate seat, she wanted no part of that because she is so up and up; and she went and she told Rahm Emanuel; and then Rahm Emanuel went and tipped off Fitzgerald; and that’s how this whole thing got started.’

And it dovetails with the New York Times story yesterday, thank God for Barack Obama — remember that one? — for signing the ethics bill three months ago that led to all this falling down on the head and shoulders of Blagojevich. This guy looks like a Cabbage Patch doll, by the way, Blagojevich. I’ve been trying to… He reminds me of something, ever since I’ve been looking at him closely, looks like a Cabbage Patch doll. Nevertheless, the wagons are being circled here. Blagojevich is insane; he’s a sociopath. Nobody can believe this. Valerie Jarrett’s up and up, couldn’t handle any of it. When she found out what was going on she pulled herself out of there and told Rahm, and Rahm went out there and he told Fitzgerald. And, of course, this was put forward by David ‘Shyster.’

And Kornblut said (paraphrased), ‘Wellllll, I don’t know. We’re doing a lot of guesswork here because we really don’t know yet, but that sounds very plausible.’ These are journalists. By the way, bouncing off of the Obama and Blago story with Barry hardly knowing Blago, that’s another thing. You’ve seen that out there. I didn’t really know him that well, except for when I (laughing) helped him become governor. John Fund has a piece today, and here are the relevant paragraphs. ‘One reason for Mr. Obama’s reticence may be his close relationship with the powerful Illinois senate president Emil Jones. Mr. Jones was a force in Mr. Obama’s rise. In 2003, the two men…’ We heard about this guy yesterday in that AP story, remember that? AP did a long story on these questionable associations that Obama’s had all these years.

We heard about Jeremiah Wright for the first time yesterday. We heard about Blagojevich yesterday. We head about William Ayers. We heard about Tony Rezko. The AP told us about this. They got around to it late. I thought they had vetted all this stuff before, but I was wrong about that. We heard about all these guys yesterday, and Emil Jones as well. ‘In 2003, [Emil Jones and Obama] talked about the state’s soon-to-be vacant US Senate seat. As Mr. Jones has recounted the conversation, Mr. Obama told him ‘You can make the next US senator.’ Mr. Jones replied, ‘Got anybody in mind?’ ‘Yes,’ Mr. Obama said. ‘Me.’ Starting in 2003, Mr. Jones worked to burnish Mr. Obama’s credentials by making him lead sponsor of bills including a watered-down ban on gifts to lawmakers. …

‘In 2002, Mr. Obama turned up to help Mr. Blagojevich, a staunch ally of Mr. Jones, win the governor’s mansion. Rahm Emanuel, Mr. Obama’s incoming White House chief of staff, told The New Yorker earlier this year that six years ago he and Mr. Obama ‘participated in a small group that met weekly when [Blagojevich] was running for governor. We basically laid out the general election, Barack and I and these two (other participants).’ Mr. Blagojevich won, but before long, problems surfaced. In 2004, Zalwaynaka Scott, the governor’s inspector general, said his administration’s efforts to evade merit-selection laws exposed ‘not merely an ignorance of the law, but complete and utter contempt for the law.’ Nonetheless, Mr. Obama endorsed Mr. Blagojevich’s re-election in 2006.’ Here’s the point: Obama barely knew him, but helped him get elected governor. Now, if Blagojevich has a mental problem — if Blagojevich is a ‘sociopath,’ as they are all now saying in Chicago and in the Drive-By Media nationally — Obama and Rahm Emanuel seemed not to notice it over the last six years while they provided key help to get Blagojevich elected in the first place, and then to help him get reelected.

They practically ran his campaign. They didn’t know that he was insane or a sociopath then. It’s only now that this, ladies and gentlemen, has come to light.


What is the standard for insanity, since they’re now trying to lay this off on poor old Blagojevich? How about being delusional to the extent that you think that a congresswoman from San Francisco and a Senator from Searchlight, Nevada, know better how to run the American automobile industry than the people who live and breathe it? Isn’t it somewhat deranged, delusional, and crazy to think that Pelosi and Reid can run the automobile industry? Isn’t it somewhat crazy to think that Barney Frank can run the financial industry, as the Banking Queen? Isn’t it delusional to think that obviously destructive liberal policies have nothing to do with this problem? See, I think that Blagojevich is just as normal as any other liberal Democrat politician. They’re just trying to say that he is insane and delusional as a means of covering this whole thing up and sweeping it away.

I know that there are people on our side who are saying, ‘Let’s just bide our time here, and let’s just wait. The Fitzgerald investigation is going to go on and on and on and on, and is already a hundred hours of tape. We don’t know what else is on these tapes. Let’s just be patient.’ Don’t people understand that what’s happening here is an attempt to make all of that irrelevant because the guy behind it needs to be fitted for a little white straitjacket and visited by the guys that drive the little yellow bus wearing the white coats and head him off to the funny farm, so that anything that happened here is rendered irrelevant.


RUSH: We start on the phones in Rockford, Illinois. This is Kevin. Hello. It’s nice to have you here, sir.

CALLER: It’s a great honor, Rush, to speak with you.

RUSH: I appreciate that, sir.

CALLER: Okay, yesterday on a local Chicago radio station, they briefly mentioned talk of Lisa Madigan, the Illinois attorney general, of using an obscure law to remove the governor, rather than to have him impeached. If they do that, it’s not a cover-up, but they’re going to stop the trial which would be required if they have an impeachment, and if you know anything about Illinois politics and Chicago politics, you know, everybody is tied in together and if they have impeachment they’re going to have to throw this stuff out there.

RUSH: There will not be an impeachment. There will not be a trial. There will not be a continuing further federal investigation after January 20th. The most likely thing to happen is that Blagojevich will be transferred to a mental state hospital at some point in late January or February when he refuses to resign. They’ll go into his office, grab him out of there — and his wife, who apparently cusses up a storm. They’re going after her now as somebody who’s also unstable. And then they’ll move the two Blagojevich kids probably to Washington to Sidwell Friends where the Obamas will nurture them and raise them to adulthood. It’s the only decent thing to do. Blagojevich doesn’t know this yet but even if he’s got incriminating news — if he’s got incriminating information, if he’s got proof that somebody suggested this to him and this goes beyond him — it ain’t gonna matter because he’s insane. He is a lunatic. He is a sociopath, and he is delusional. This was established yesterday and last night in the media, and it continues to be established in Chicago. The one name that nobody ever mentions in any of this, but you know is the grand pooh-bah Mayor Daley. Now, again, don’t misunderstand — and you can confirm this for me, Kevin.


RUSH: It’s not that Mayor Daley orchestrated any of this and said, ‘I want you to do this and do this.’ It’s that nothing happens there that he doesn’t know about.

CALLER: That’s absolutely correct.

RUSH: And if something does happen that he doesn’t know about, whoever is doing it isn’t going to be doing it for very long.

CALLER: But, Rush, we all know that the governor is not insane. He’s just a typical Illinois Democratic politician.

RUSH: Well, it’s just like Pelosi and Reid. I mean they have to be insane to think they can run the car business. We have to be insane to think they can. We’re all insane! This is a sitcom of the insane. I don’t think God’s writing this anymore ’cause God is not cruel, and this is getting beyond insanity. This is getting beyond a sitcom. This, ladies and gentlemen, is getting to the point of becoming a tragedy.

CALLER: Well —

RUSH: And I want to apologize to God for assuming that he had authorship of this sitcom. I knew better than that. We have free will. We’re doing this on our own. This is obviously Jim Burrows, my prolific director and writer in Hollywood that has a hand in this, ’cause he’s just a great comedian. He’s the guy makes holiday funny, and he’s turning Chicago politics now funny from deadly. Anything else you wanted to say about this, Kevin, or did I, as host, about wrap it up?

CALLER: Well, you’ve said it all, but I would like to give you a big o’orah here from Rockford and from everybody out there listening. Oo’rah.

RUSH: Kevin, thank you, I appreciate that.


RUSH: I wonder if Blagojevich has had a visitor from anybody in the Democrat Party defining what the real honorable thing here for him to do would be — as in, ‘Do you have a knife?’


RUSH: Earlier, ladies and gentlemen, we played you a media montage — in fact, grab number 15, too, because it would be nice to illustrate this again. I don’t know that people listening in the first hour may still be with us, and some of them listening now may not have been. Remember, now, Obama’s too big to fail, and this scandal, the Drive-Bys, ‘We gotta make sure this doesn’t taint Obama, not even been inaugurated yet, we’re in the transition.’ So Blagojevich is insane, he’s delusional, he’s psychopath, a sociopath. This is a media montage.

MADDOW: Hometown folks use words like sociopath, delusional and compulsive to describe their governor.

BARNICLE: There’s a delusional aspect clearly to Blagojevich.

GERGEN: He is delusional.

TOOBIN: The delusional nature of Blagojevich.

COLMES: The governor was delusional.

CADDELL: I’ve been told by people for some years that he was a little on the touched side.

PAGE: He has a long reputation for being a little weird.

BROWNSTEIN: These quotes from him do not suggest mental balance.

BROWN: Blagojevich seemed obsessed in this crazy, manic way.

BARNICLE: Delusional.

OLBERMANN: A literally crazy governor.

COOPER: The notion that Governor Blagojevich thought he might get appointed to ambassadorship is like smoking glue or something.

LYONS: This is the act of a madman. This is what you call insanity.

ISIKOFF: How off his rocker he was to be talking the way he was.

TODD: Obviously this guy Blagojevich is crazy.

SHRUM: He ought to plead not guilty by reason of insanity.

RUSH: That’s Bob Shrum there, the last voice. So you see how this shaping up. Now, the Clintons call this the ‘nuts and sluts defense.’ That was the nuts defense. Here’s the sluts montage as they are now going after Blagojevich’s wife.

SANCHEZ: The first lady with a mouth like a sailor.

COOPER: She’s got a mouth like a trucker and I have to apologize to truckers for that one.

TUCHMAN: An unflattering and sometimes foulmouthed style.

BLITZER: The Governor’s wife is also heard on the tapes at times unleashing profanities big time.

ROESGEN: She was egging her husband on like Lady Macbeth.

WALTERS: The wife is also involved. Every third word out of both of their mouths begins with an ‘F.’ It’s ‘F’ this and ‘F’ that and ‘F’ this.

BARNICLE: Officially the Bonnie and Clyde of Chicago politics, the two of them

RUSH: So once again another woman comes under attack, viciously so, by the Drive-By Media and the Democrat Party. They are leaving no stone unturned, they are leaving nothing to chance here. Blagojevich is insane, is delusional, is a psychopath, is a sociopath, and his wife is a reprobate and a slut and a foulmouthed whore! She cusses, and she’s in real estate deals, and for that we gotta dispatch her, too. She’s a first lady. She cusses, she’s in real estate deals, and she’s a first lady. Does she throw ashtrays? Does she hate the military? Does she believe in health care? Does she fire the travel office people in the Chicago governor’s office? We don’t know the answers to these questions, but there are enough similarities here. Now, Blagojevich’s wife, Patti Blago, is the daughter of some big-time Chicago alderman, politician or some such thing. And they also cuss. And we know that Chicago people involved in real estate — (whispering) Rezko. Isn’t it amazing what Democrats will do to a woman when they don’t like her, or when they want to get rid of her husband? Slut, whore, cusses, worse than sailors. No offense to sailors. Worse than truckers. No offense to truckers. And her husband’s insane, a lunatic, deranged, psychopath, in just two days.


RUSH: By the way, Patti Blagojevich — just in passing here, I don’t think we could make anything of this but, you know, she — worked in real estate with Tony Rezko. AP told us yesterday that Tony Rezko is — well, apparently he’s been charged with all kinds of crimes. He’s trying to negotiate the plea down. He is talking to the prosecutors to try to lessen his sentence. He’s giving up other people; going to lessen his sentence out there. He and his wife had some arrangement, I’m told, that helped the Obamas — which I think is very compassionate thing to do, by the way. He helped the Obamas buy their house when they didn’t have a whole lot of money and couldn’t pay what it was really worth. I mean, it was just a forerunner to what’s happening now.

At least the Obamas paid something. Some people are paying nothing for their houses, folks. Also, people are stunned at the way Democrats talk to each other. You know, when you listen to the tapes that have been released of Blagojevich talking to these other people, the F-bomb is everywhere. ‘F’ this, ‘F’ that, and even ‘MF’ that! Why are people stunned? These people, especially these Democrat politicians, it’s the way they talk to everybody. What do you think the language they’re going to use is when you’re demanding cash from somebody? You’re going to threaten ’em; you’re going to do all kinds of things. That’s what makes it so frustrating that any time some Republican comes up and mentions Obama’s middle name, all these holier-than-thou Democrats demand that person be renounced, denounced, thrown away, thrown overboard, or what have you.

And then the Republican candidate says (doing McCain impression), ‘I agree! That’s just horrible. I’m not going to tolerate that in my campaign! He’s gone.’ Meanwhile, these Democrats are going to throw the F-bomb at every place, and Patti Blagojevich’s family is shocked. It’s not the Patti Blagojevich they knew. This is from Fox 5 Eyeball News. I don’t know if it’s Channel 5, Fox Eyeball News. I see AP. I’m sorry. It’s AP-Obama. ‘Patricia Blagojevich’s father, sister and brother are refuting the foulmouthed portrait that’s been drawn of [Blogo]’s wife since his arrest, saying the first lady has been living in a pressure cooker. Chicago Alderman Dick Mell, state Representative-elect Deborah Mell and Rich Mell told the Chicago Sun-Times and NBC5 in an exclusive interview Wednesday that profanity-laced comments recorded by federal prosecutors don’t reflect who Patricia Blagojevich really is. ‘That is absolutely not my sister,’ Deborah Mell said. ‘Patti is a mother, a sister and a devoted wife. ‘She is particularly protective of her family.’ … ‘I can understand it. This [is] a pressure cooker she’s living in,’ Deborah Mell said.’