Rush’s Morning Update: Bailout December 15, 2008

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 12,2008

Rush’s Morning Update: Bailout
December 15, 2008

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My friends, I have grave news. Around the country, in communities large and small, after-school programs are seeing fewer donations. And without money to maintain their budgets, some are on the verge of shutting down.

Many after-school programs have resorted to cutting hours of operation and eliminating field trips. But that’s not enough to bridge the gap. It’s not just nonprofits … state programs are also cutting back funding. Fears are mounting that kids will be lost to the streets, forced to stay home alone, or turn into gangsters … without more money. Quick.

This is bad, folks. Already our children are being told that Santa’s sack is going to be smaller than last year. Already parents are facing the agonizing choice between spending money they don’t have to present the illusion that all is well — and actually telling their children they can’t have every material thing they want for Christmas. And now, this!

We are well past the idea, in this country, that parents are actually responsible for their own children. So let’s forget the option that somebody who had the child … could stay at home with the child. And forget about somebody making a profit on childcare. For unknown reasons, that’s apparently not possible.

There is only one other option. A Child Bailout. If we do it for Wall Street, for the UAW – can’t we find a few hundred billion, or even a few trillion … for the children?

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