Drive-Bys Declare: Rush Leads GOP

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 28,2009

RUSH: Audio sound bites, montage. Chris Matthews, Norah O’Donnell, Pat Buchanan, and Mike Barnicle on MSNBC last night.

MATTHEWS: Rush has become the day-facto (sic) leader of the Republican Party?

O’DONNELL: Is Rush Limbaugh now the face of the Republican Party?

BUCHANAN: Rush is emerging as the de facto leader of the loyal opposition.

BARNICLE: Rush Limbaugh now has a larger base and more solid base in the Republican Party as a whole.

RUSH: This morning on the Fox News Channel, Fox & Friends, the co-hostette Gretchen Carlson, the Weather Guy Steve Doocy — by the way, I’m going to be appearing with these guys tomorrow on the phone sometime after 8:30 on the Fox & Friends show with Doocy — and the Sports guy, Brian Kilmeade, they had this exchange.

CARLSON: The DCCC is launching this online petition against Rush Limbaugh. This is how he responded. ‘I am greatly puzzled. Why would the Dems petition against me, if I’m doing such terrible damage to the GOP?’ It’s an interesting question.

KILMEADE: Yeah, there’s this GOP spokesman who thinks that Rush should not be the leader of the party.

DOOCY: Rush Limbaugh is having a good week. First the president of the United States calls him out. Now the Democrats in Congress are taking a shot at him. The question is, will anybody sign the petition? Because Rush has actually got an anti-Democrat petition on his website, RushLimbaugh.com.

RUSH: Yeah, we had a little fun with it, but they will… Oh, yeah. They’re going to announce all kinds of people signed it. There’s a consensus to shut me up. They’ll say their petition at the DCCC came up with a consensus to silence El Rushbo. (interruption) What was that, H.R.? Oh, yeah. Everybody from ACORN is signing the Democrat petition, of course. Everybody from Media Matters, everybody in George Soros’ army is probably signing it as well. Total setup.