RUSH: A new radio ad by Americans United for Change. The ads are currently running in Cleveland, Las Vegas, Reno, and Philadelphia.
FEMALE NARRATOR: (dramatic music) Listen to what Rush Limbaugh said about President Obama’s agenda and his jobs package.
RUSH ARCHIVE: I hope he fails.
FEMALE NARRATOR: (dramatic music) The Obama jobs bill overwhelmingly passed the House… But not one Republican voted yes. Every Republican member of the House chose to take Rush Limbaugh’s advice. Every Republican voted with Limbaugh and against creating 4 million new American jobs. We can understand why an extreme partisan like Rush Limbaugh wants President Obama’s jobs program to fail, but the members of Congress elected to represent the citizens in their districts? That’s another matter. Now the Obama plan goes to the Senate, and the question is: Will our senator, John Ensign, side with Rush Limbaugh too?
RUSH ARCHIVE: I hope he fails.
FEMALE NARRATOR: Or will he reject the partisanship and failed economic policies of the past, and stand up for the people of Nevada Call Senator Ensign now at (202) 224-3121 and tell him he represents you…not Rush Limbaugh.
RUSH: We left the number in so that you can — as you did with the DCCC site — if you want, call Ensign’s office and say, ‘That-a-boy, babe! We’re behind you, pal! We know love Rush. Rush loves you.’ Ensign is one of the freshman class members of 1994, which I was made an honorary member of the House of Representatives. So here again you’ve got… This is and a bunch of labor groups. This is George Soros, lying about your host, lying about America’s Anchorman. The thing is everybody now knows what I have said. There has been so much attention focused on this. I mean, some of the wacko left that just reside in their own little cocoon world in the Internet may not know. This can backfire on these people.
It’s a mistake to pit me against the president, because I don’t buckle. I don’t buckle. Look, the president is having a Super Bowl party at the White House. He’s calling it a ‘Bipartisan Super Bowl Party.’ He’s having leaders, bipartisan leaders come to the Super Bowl party. Am I invited? (laughs) Hell’s bells, no! Why am I not invited? ‘Cause he knows I’m not going to change my mind about anything! He also knows I’ve got a better theater with a better TV than he’s got in the White House. I’m going to be watching at home. But this ad is the aimed at these senators. It’s about getting them to buckle — and here again in this ad, all of this concern for the Republicans, all this concern to save the Republicans.
Why does and why do the unions want to save Republicans? Why do they want the Republicans to do the ‘right thing’? Don’t they want the Republicans to fail. Why not wipe ’em out? If this plan’s going to be so great, do it alone, get all the credit for it, and freeze the Republicans out. They want the Republicans in it ’cause it’s bad; it isn’t gonna work. There are no four million jobs being created in this bill. This ad is a full-fledged lie. We put together a quick little response to this, just for the fun of it.
ANNOUNCER: Listen to what Rush Limbaugh said about President Obama’s agenda and his jobs package.
RUSH ARCHIVE: I hope he fails.
ANNOUNCER: Now, let’s play a little more of what Rush Limbaugh said.
RUSH ARCHIVE: I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don’t want them to succeed.
ANNOUNCER: The Drive-By Media is happy to play this little quote over and over.
RUSH ARCHIVE: I hope he fails.
ANNOUNCER: So why don’t they play the rest of it?
RUSH ARCHIVE: [W]hat is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. … Somebody’s gotta say it.
That’s my ad, and my ad is running on 600 stations in 50 states, reaching 22 million people. Obama’s little ad — and, by the way, this is not a and a unions ad. This is a Barack Obama ad. This is Obama talking to Rahm Emanuel saying, ‘Okay, get one of these things going.’ I’m the new George W. Bush. I’ve taken his place, right out of the White House. They’re running it in three states, two years before an election. I’m running my ad. In fact, grab that ad again. I’m running my ad nationwide free of charge — it’s not costing me or my affiliates anything — and 22 million people are hearing it as often as I want to air it.
ANNOUNCER: Listen to what Rush Limbaugh said about President Obama’s agenda and his jobs package.
RUSH ARCHIVE: I hope he fails.
ANNOUNCER: Now, let’s play a little more of what Rush Limbaugh said.
RUSH ARCHIVE: I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don’t want them to succeed.
ANNOUNCER: The Drive-By Media is happy to play this little quote over and over.
RUSH ARCHIVE: I hope he fails.
ANNOUNCER: So why don’t they play the rest of it?
RUSH ARCHIVE: [W]hat is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. … Somebody’s gotta say it.
RUSH: I want to take you back, just to show you, ladies and gentlemen, that you should not doubt me. Remember during the Republican primaries, the heated battles between Mitt Romney and John McCain and Huckabee. I was — we all were back then — really conflicted. This was not going to be pretty, and I remember telling you several times that if McCain or Governor Huckabee were nominated and they got elected, it was going to destroy the Republican Party. Do you remember me saying so? What do you think this week has all been about?
This week has been about destroying the Republican Party. The moderate, get-along, reach-across-the-aisle, be-above-partisanship garbage put ’em to sleep. Obama sized it up and calculated he could grab a trillion dollars with that approach. His nice-guy attitude that ignored the desires of the base of the Republican Party almost brought the party to the brink — and that’s why all of these ads, why all these Democrats are begging Republicans to be moderate, join Democrats; ’cause they know that the Republican Party trying to do Democrat Lite is how the party will destroy itself, and that is exactly their objective.