Repentant Caller: Keep It Up, Rush

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 3,2009

RUSH: John in Pinehurst, North Carolina. Great to have you on the Rush —

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. Listen, I want to get to my point. I know time is limited.

RUSH: — Limbaugh program. Yes, hi, sir.

CALLER: Things have become quite different since the last time we talked. The last time we talked, by the way, you hammered away at me pretty darn hard. Then you hammered away when I hung up and then you hammered away at me in your newsletter. So you kind of made me famous in Pinehurst, but I hung up that phone that day very angry at you.

RUSH: Well, what was this about?

CALLER: I told you you were out of touch. A lot of it had to do with the wealth that you had made. And believe it or not, I have been a conservative my whole life, and the point is not so important today. The importance of my call lies in this. I’m back on board with you and in its entirety because your message is far more important to the American people today than you being an entertainer, making us feel good, making us laugh. Today, I want what you’re all about, and I’ll never be a Limbaugh lackey. I’ll never be a seminar caller. I’ve never figured out what that is. Today, this country is changing dramatically, and what we need is your voice more than ever, because of your right-wing views, because you push the envelope when even I thought, ‘Man, don’t push it that hard,’ stick it to these guys. You’re exactly what Mr. Steele should be. What is it about Republicans? I have voted straight ticket Republican for 20, 25 years now, ever since I left the military, ever since I started listening to you, and became a true conservative, and understood the conservative movement, I don’t understand what it is about GOP members, in particular Mr. Steele right now, becoming civilized. I want a guy to dig his nose in the dirt. Do you think Joe Biden is ever going to get civilized? Do you think Nancy Pelosi is ever going to be afraid to say exactly what the heck she wants to say to the American people and to the press, no matter who is jacking her up? What is it about the Republican Party that they’re so gutless and fearful? I’m glad the Republicans took the hammer these last two elections because we got rid of the weak, in particular, Elizabeth Dole in my state here in North Carolina. I got more respect for Debbie Stabenow back in my old home state of Michigan, and I despise her —

RUSH: Wow, that’s saying something now.

CALLER: Let me tell you —

RUSH: That’s a real, real, real leap.

CALLER: Wait a minute. I don’t like her politics. What I like is a woman that will get in there and mix it up with anybody. That woman is a —

RUSH: I kind of like that, too.

CALLER: — her husband humiliated her. What I’m asking you to do is keep this message up. I want to tell you one other thing —

RUSH: Well, I hate to interrupt you but I’m getting to the point where if you get started —

CALLER: Go ahead.

RUSH: — because there’s not enough time left. But, look, I’m not going anywhere, and I’m not changing, it’s in my heart. All this is in my core. I don’t have to write it. I don’t have to calculate it. I can’t answer why the Republicans — well, I can, but I’ve done that over and over again. We’ll welcome them when they get back, if they do. There are some of us out there, we’re all alone. We can handle it. They don’t have the votes to stop anything in Washington anyway, so right now this is a task we have with the American people and we’re better equipped to do that, frankly, than the people in Washington who can’t get coverage on television.