The Lady Who Read Rush’s Dad’s Speech at the Ashland Tea Party

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 17,2009

RUSH: We’ll start with Diana in Ashland. This is fascinating. Yesterday we had a phone call from somebody that was at the tea party in Ashland, Ohio. It was an 82-year-old guy, a World War II vet. He said, ‘Rush, a woman read your dad’s speech on the signers of Declaration, and you could hear a pin drop.’ She’s called us. That’s who Diana is. Hi, Diana. It’s great to have you here. That was a wonderful thing you did.

CALLER: Thank you. I really called to just thank you for putting it on the site so I was able to share it with the 600 wonderful people who had come to our tea party in Ashland.

RUSH: It blew me away that anybody would even think to do that at the tea party. That’s terrific. Our family is especially proud. And this guy said you could hear a pin drop when you were reading it.

CALLER: It was absolutely silent, and at the end everybody did cheer. I got very good vibes from people. People were very happy to have heard the sacrifice and really the suffering that some of our founders went through, especially the lesser-known ones that we don’t really hear about, just like your father’s speech had said. And I got amazing feedback. Everybody loved it. I thought the speech itself was appropriate to things that the tea party rallies were all about which was the limited government and stopping the excessive taxation

RUSH: Well, God bless you. I can’t thank you enough for doing that. We posted it again yesterday afternoon at RushLimbaugh.com. It’s amazing. Diana, thank you.

CALLER: You’re welcome, and thank you.

RUSH: You bet. I got e-mails last night from people who read it for the first time who knew nothing about it. It’s stunning to me. It really is. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, because we all know what the status of the public school system’s been for a while. So many people who read that speech at RushLimbaugh.com, the signers of the Declaration — our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor — they had no idea. They thought they just signed the Declaration and went on. So if you don’t know about this (laughing)… If you don’t know what the people who declared independence for this country… By the way, here’s another interesting factoid for you. There weren’t official polls back then but historians, as Obama would say, ‘all historians agree from all sides of the aisle.’ One-third of the population was for independence. One-third was against independence (because they were scared of what the British would do) and a third didn’t care either way. So you see it was a third of the population that got in gear, essentially, and went on to participate and lead the Revolutionary War — and, in fact, that one-third probably expanded and grew as time went on.