State-Run Media: Bin Laden Out, Obama Now Leads Muslim World

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 3,2009

RUSH: Lara Logan, ‘CBS Evening News,’ live last night from Cairo.

LOGAN: (purring) Sunset in Cairo. The call to prayer rings out. Thousands fill the mosques for Friday prayers.

MUSLIMS: (chanting)

LOGAN: Muslims around the world are paying close attention to the overtures made by Barack Obama. From his first moments as president, America’s new leader has raised the hopes of Muslims all over the world, who now expect so much of one man.

RUSH: State-controlled media, CBS: ‘Muslims around the world have had their hopes raised, and they now expect so much of one man.’ Can he possibly fulfill this task and bear this burden, the hopes of all Muslims? Except one. Actually at least one, and that would be Osama Bin Laden. There’s a new tape out reportedly from Osama. Osama says Obama is just like George W. Bush. Back to the state-controlled media, this time MSNBC, the coanchorette Monica Novotny interviewing Newsweek’s Christopher Dickey, also from state-run media. He is in Paris. The question: ‘We want to ask you about the Bin Laden tape. How much influence, how much attention will this tape get in this part of the world? Is there any chance it might impact President Obama’s speech?’

DICKEY: I don’t think it’s going to have much impact on the president’s speech. You know, eh, eh, eh, eh, Al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, eh, Osama Bin Laden more and more seen as has-beens in the Muslim world.


DICKEY: They don’t stand for the kind of defiance and resistance that they used to. There are —

RUSH: Really?

DICKEY: — other issues now that are —

RUSH: Really?

DICKEY: — of a lot more concern to Arabs and Muslims than just Al-Qaeda, just those guys up in the mountains of Waziristan or wherever they are. And I think everybody understands now that when they come out with these little video and audio presentations, they’re just trying to keep their own myth alive.

NOVOTNY: Mmm-hmm.

DICKEY: I don’t think that they have much resonance in the Arab world.

RUSH: Really? So now it’s a miracle. It’s a miracle! So Obama admits to his father’s Muslim roots and his own Muslim roots, and he admits that his grandmother is going to the Hajj, and now he says that America is a Muslim country. We could be considered a Muslim country with less than 1% of the population Muslim, and now Osama Bin Laden is a has-been. Nobody cares about him! He’s a myth. Him and Ayman al-Zawahiri up there in Waziristan in the caves? Ah, nobody cares about them anymore. Let’s see. This is June, just nine months ago, eight months ago we kept hearing over and over again about the incompetence of George W. Bush because he hadn’t captured Bin Laden, and now Bin Laden’s a myth? Bin Laden doesn’t matter? He’s old hat. Doesn’t inspire the Muslim world anymore? No! I guess what’s happened here, if we put these two sound bites together — Lara Logan, state-run CBS and this clown Dickey from state-run Newsweek — we have to conclude that the Muslim world has a new leader. Bin Laden is a myth. Obama to power!


RUSH: My trusted, devoted, and very loyal and very frightened staff think I should expound on my most recent comment. I do not know what is so hard to misunderstand or understand about this. I’ll go through it again, but I want to address one thing first. State-controlled media, Christopher Dickey, Newsweek, Bin Laden is a has-been, is a myth, the Muslim world doesn’t care anymore. Really? There’s a $50 million bounty on his head. If you turn in information that leads to his capture or arrest, which is laughable, you can collect $50 million. So I would say that if Muslims have no more use for him, and they live in abject poverty, as we know, there’s gotta be one of them that would pick up the phone and call us and tell us where Bin Laden is and collect the 50 mill, if he’s just a has-been. Folks, do you understand the absurdity of this? Now, let me expounded on this. I’m just drawing a conclusion that is a logical conclusion based on two reports from the state-controlled media. First, Lara Logan from state-run CBS.

LOGAN: (purring) Sunset in Cairo. The call to prayer rings out. Thousands fill the mosques for Friday prayers.

MUSLIMS: (chanting)

LOGAN: Muslims around the world are paying close attention to the overtures made by Barack Obama. From his first moments as president, America’s new leader has raised the hopes of Muslims all over the world, who now expect so much of one man.

RUSH: All right, now folks, she said it, state-run CBS Lara Logan, ‘America’s leader has raised the hopes of Muslims all over the world who now expect so much of one man.’ Here now state-run Christopher Dickey, Newsweek.

DICKEY: I don’t think it’s going to have much impact on the president’s speech. You know, eh, eh, eh, eh, Al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, eh, Osama Bin Laden more and more seen as has-beens in the Muslim world.

RUSH: Stop the tape. Lara Logan, state-run CBS. America’s new leader has raised the hopes of Muslims all over the world who now expect so much of one man. She’s talking about Obama. Christopher Dickey, state-run Newsweek, Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, more and more are seen as has-beens in the Muslim world. There’s been a transfer of power. There is a new figure atop the Muslim world in whom they — according to state-run CBS, not me — the nations, the world’s Muslims have so many high hopes and expectations, and that is Barack Obama, because Bin Laden is a myth, has-been, no biggie anymore. How else are we to put these two together and draw any other conclusion? I might want to soften it if it’s a little bit too hard for you and say that Barack Obama has been anointed here by the state-run media as the titular head of the Muslim world. How is that? Is that better?


RUSH: Lara Logan, CBS News, America’s new leader, Obama, has raised the hopes of Muslims all over the world, who now expect so much of one man. What hopes do Middle Eastern Muslims have? She didn’t specify. What hopes do Middle Eastern Muslims have? Might it have anything to do with Israel? What hopes has he raised? Or do they just want their share of the stimulus money?