Rush’s Morning Update: Don’t Look!
June 19, 2009
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First Lady Michelle Obama has a message for hard-hit communities:Don’t look to the feds for help. “Washington can only do so much,” she told a group of philanthropists. “Communities are built and rebuilt by regular people.” She said, “Folks working in businesses, philanthropists, foundations, and volunteers” all need to come together to solve problems.
Michelle,you’ve got the wrong audience, here, babe! That speech needs to be delivered to your husband. Or, better yet,to his teleprompter.
Meanwhile, newly elected Mayor of Detroit,Dave Bing, has problems. Unemployment is near 25 percent. The city has massive home foreclosures, and more job losses are expected due to Obama auto industry layoffs. So Mayor Bing is looking to Washington for help; he’s seeking federal funds to “fill some of the gaps.” Mayor Bing,Michelle says fix it yourself. Get some volunteers. Leave Washington alone;they’re busyrunning the auto, health care, and financial sectors in the ground.
Lastly, Detroit has yet another corruption scandal. A person– referred to as “Council Member A” in court documents– is accused of taking more than $6,000 in bribes to switch her vote on a sewer project. The press put a name on this person. Monica Conyers, wife of John Conyers(Democrat — Michigan),who subpoenas any Republican in his sight for partisan political theater.
And, wouldn’t you know. The normally camera-happy Conyers isn’t talking to mediaabout his wife. For a change, he doesn’t want anybody looking to Washington for answers, either.It’s funnyhow that works, isn’t it?
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