Rush Mentioned in Jay-Z Rap Song

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 25,2009

RUSH: I have been mentioned in a rap song by the rapper ‘Jay-Z.’ He has a new song out there. What’s the name of the song? I don’t know what the name of the song is. New song out mentions me and the moderate Bill O’Reilly.

‘This ain’t black versus white, my nigga, we off that. Please tell Bill O’Reilly to fall back. Tell Rush Limbaugh to get off my balls. It’s 2010 not 1864. Ah yeh we come so far … Ah, how’s that for a mix? Got a black president, got green presidents.’

RUSH: Does this, Snerdley, mark a new development in my career to be singled out in a rap song by the famous rapper Jay-Z? I guess it is. As far as I know I have never been mentioned in a rap song by anybody. I guess it means I’ve made it. I’m now in a rap tune by the famous rapper Jay-Z. ‘[T]ell Bill O Reilly to fall back. Tell Rush Limbaugh to get off my balls.’ I would remind the rapper Jay-Z: Mr. Z, it is President Obama who wants to mandate circumcision. We had that story yesterday; and that means if we need to save our penises from anybody, it’s Obama. I did not know I was on anybody’s balls, either. I’m happy to know that they think I am, though! But I didn’t actually know that I was.