Friday Quotes: It’s Open Line Friday!

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 28,2009

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“Honor Ted Kennedy by putting his picture on the $100,000 bill. With hyper-liberal policies, we’re going to end up with hyperinflation.”

“There’s actually a piece at the Huffing and Puffington Post on what Mary Jo Kopechne would have thought of Ted’s career. The last line: ‘Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.’ Are we to believe now that liberal young women like to die for the cause of advancing Kennedys’ careers?”

“That is sick. Folks, that’s just not normal. I’m sorry. You’re in a car, it goes off a bridge, a woman dies, you don’t report it and you try to get out of it, and you want to hear jokes about it for the rest of your life?”

“Sad news today, according to the latest Gallup poll, ladies and gentlemen: 19% more Americans are racists. Well, Obama’s approval number was 69% shortly after the immaculation, and now it’s dropped to 50%.”

“I want to revise and extend my remarks on Ted Kennedy, man of the people. He certainly was a man of the people — especially if they had big boobs.”

“By the way, did you know that Obama’s buddy, Bill Ayers, dedicated one of his books to Sirhan Sirhan? Did you know this? You had forgotten that, but I hadn’t forgotten because I have a flawless memory.”

“E-mail: ‘Rush, many of us want to know what specific steps could be taken to take control away from the insurance companies and return it directly to the patients and providers.’ Very simple: Pay for it yourself!”

“The minute the Democrats started talking about health care as a right… I mean, that was the death knell. Something cannot be a right if the government can take it away from you.”

“The Alinsky trick is to use words and language that fit within the experience of your audience, the people that you’re trying to screw — and we’re being screwed. No, we’ve already been screwed, we’re just trying to prevent the pregnancy.”

“Bud, I have a question: How has the supply of Chicken McNuggets been in Port St. Lucie lately?”