RUSH: Let’s go back and relive August 28th, 2009. On this program, I made a prediction about the Ted Kennedy funeral.
RUSH ARCHIVE Lots of storms in the East Coast. You got Tropical Storm Danny moving up there, and you got other storms moving in. I’m just waiting. In fact, I’m going to make a prediction to you. Somebody like Andrea Mitchell (NBC News, Washington) or Chris Matthews (who on Wednesday proclaimed Barack Obama the last remaining Kennedy brother)… I will predict to you that sometime this weekend somebody in State-Controlled Media will tell us that these East Coast storms, that Tropical Storm Danny arriving just in time for the Kennedy funeral is symbolic of the heavens crying for Ted Kennedy.
RUSH: And, lo and behold, we have two winners. We have Andrea Mitchell and we have syndicated radio talk show host Stephanie Miller commenting on the weather and the death of Senator Kennedy.
MITCHELL: This driving rain is (voice breaks) perhaps the perfect weather for such a sad day, the tears of heaven coming down.
MILLER: Perhaps God crying over, uh, Senator Ted Kennedy.
RUSH: Don’t doubt me, folks. Do not doubt me. I mean, right there in my prediction: Somebody like Andrea Mitchell will say that the rain at the Kennedy funeral symbolic of the heavens crying for Ted Kennedy. Here, listen again. I made the prediction, play sound bite number two again.
MITCHELL: This driving rain is (voice breaks) perhaps the perfect weather for such a sad day, the tears of heaven coming down.
MILLER: Perhaps God crying over, uh, Senator Ted Kennedy.
RUSH: I also predicted, ladies and gentlemen, that throughout the Kennedy funeral service, the memorial service, that we’d get constant mentions of health care and, ‘Do it for Ted!’ Lo and behold, here’s a montage of a bunch of people from Friday, August 28th, and Saturday, August 29th.
GRANDCHILD KILEY KENNEDY: When people think of Ted Kennedy, they think about the man who changed the lives of millions by fighting for THE better health care.
CARDINAL THEODORE MCCARRICK: …By his passion for adequate health care.
FATHER MARK HESSION: …The needs of the poor, social justice, health care.
JOE KENNEDY II: If people don’t have health insurance, you stay in the race.
SENATOR CHRIS DODD: …Every American, regardless of the economic status, be granted the right to decent health care.
BOSTON MAYOR TOM MENINO: We will have reforms in health care for Ted Kennedy.
VIETNAM VETERAN JOHN KERRY: He labored with all of his might to make health care a right for all Americans, and we will do that in his honor.
OBAMA: …A veritable force of nature in support of health care.
MAX ALLEN (GRANDCHILD): For what my grandpa calls the cause of his life — in every part of this land, that every American will have decent quality health care as a fundamental right, and not a privilege — we pray to the lord.
CONGREGATION: Lord Hear Our Prayer.
RUSH: Don’t doubt me. Do not doubt me. And, remember, I caught hell for saying this was going to happen. Last summer, last April, I caught hell for saying this is going to happen. And the reason I caught hell is ’cause they knew I was right, not because they thought what I said was inappropriate.