White House Push for Obamacare Isn’t Going Down as It Was Planned

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 12,2009

RUSH: Let’s talk a little health care, ladies and gentlemen, ’cause tomorrow there’s a big, big vote in the Senate Finance Committee. The big news today: ‘After months of collaboration on President Obama’s attempt to overhaul the nation’s health-care system,’ and destroy it ‘the insurance industry plans to strike out against the effort on Monday with a report,’ in fact they have come out with that report, it has been released ‘warning that the typical family premium in 2019 could cost $4,000 more than projected.’ By the way, an interesting thing here. You know, last week I made the observation. After playing an audio sound bite from Katty Kay of the BBC, who did not understand where ‘Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm,’ came from, because she is totally ignorant of anything going on outside her little cocoon world.

Over the weekend, on WABC AM 77 in New York Mark Simone was talking to Margaret Carlson, who I know, used to be at TIME Magazine. I think she’s now at Bloomberg. She did not know, in a conversation — Mark Simone had to point out to her — that there are 1700 insurance companies nationwide selling health care coverage. She thought there were 12 or 13 and that’s why we needed a government option. She did not know! She was stunned, said she was going to have to look it up. She also did not know that the health care plan, as being debated, will not be implemented for four years. She did not know. She thought it would happen immediately. Now, these are the people… I’m not digging Margaret Carlson, please here, folks. It’s just a symptom, a symptom of the so-called mainstream, the best and brightest among us.

They are clueless. They have literally no idea what’s going outside the world in which they live and work. Now, I — and you — on the other hand, we know everything about them, we watch ’em, we study them, we read them. They don’t listen to this program or any other. They don’t watch Fox News. They go to websites to find out what we supposedly said on issue after issue and purposely those things are false, sometimes outright false, or taken out of context. But even at that, some in the mainstream press have reported that the health care bill doesn’t get implemented ’til 2013, four years from now, if it passes. Others have stated the number of insurance companies out there nationwide that are selling private health care plans.

She didn’t know! Katty Kay didn’t know that it was students at this school in New Jersey that had this little propagandist song that they recorded on video, ‘Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm.’ Thought that I was being disrespectful to the president by parodying it. They also demo they have no sense of humor. Regardless, 2019, if the bill passes, typical family premium ‘$4,000 more than projected. ‘Industry officials said they intend to circulate the report prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers on Capitol Hill and promote it in new advertisements.’ The report ‘was paid for by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), an industry trade group,’ and the White House is not happy about this because the insurance companies trying to collaborate like pharmaceutical companies have collaborated. They are very, very upset about this at the White House. It’s not going down the way they thought it should or would.