Why Doesn’t What’s Happening in Detroit Embarrass Our President?

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 12,2009

RUSH: Folks, I want to take you back to last week. I want to go back to Detroit, Cobo Center, last week where some 65,000 people showed up to receive applications for stimulus money. About 3,500 people will actually be granted a portion of $15 million in stimulus money. There were scam artists outside Cobo Center selling fake applications for 20 bucks apiece. I was thinking about this all weekend and particularly after doing the Jamie Gangel interview on Thursday, first part of which today ran on the Today Show, part two will run tomorrow, and it’s at RushLimbaugh.com if you missed it, both the video and the transcripts.But I got to thinking about this and I had a mixture of emotions in my commentary about this, you know, we had a little fun with it as we do with most everything Obama does, but this is really sad when you get right down to it that this is happening in the United States of America. Listen to these two bites. This is from our affiliate in Detroit,
WJR.ROGULSKI: Why are you here?WOMAN #1: To get some money.

ROGULSKI: What kind of money?

WOMAN #1: Obama money.

ROGULSKI: Where’s it coming from?

WOMAN #1: Obama.

ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?

WOMAN #1: I don’t know, his stash. I don’t know. (laughter) I don’t know where he got it from, but he givin’ it to us, to help us.

WOMAN #2: And we love him.

WOMAN #1: We love him. That’s why we voted for him!

WOMEN: (chanting) Obama! Obama! Obama! (laughing)

RUSH: All right, that was on Wednesday, I believe. Here is the bite that we had again from WJR Detroit on Tuesday.

ROGULSKI: Did you get an application to fill out yet?

WOMAN: I sure did. And I filled it out, and I am waiting to see what the results are going to be.

ROGULSKI: Will you know today how much money you’re getting?

WOMAN: No, I won’t, but I’m waiting for a phone call.

ROGULSKI: Where’s the money coming from?

WOMAN: I believe it’s coming from the City of Detroit or the state.

ROGULSKI: Where did they get it from?

WOMAN: Some funds that was forgiven (sic) by Obama.

ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get the funds?

WOMAN: Obama getting the funds from… Ummm, I have no idea, to tell you the truth. He’s the president.

ROGULSKI: In downtown Detroit, Ken Rogulski, WJR News.

RUSH: Okay. Now, Detroit is Hurricane Katrina without the levees having been broken. It’s a mess. They have a genuine depression. Now, you’ve seen pictures of the people who showed up at Cobo Center, and I was talking to a friend, IMing back and forth on Friday night, and this friend said, ‘You know, I’m really, really thinking about that WJR audio you played of people wanting the stimulus money, I’m really troubled,’ and that started my brain neurons firing. And I got to thinking, what if I am president and that kind of thing is happening in my country? I’d be embarrassed. I would be embarrassed were I president that there were people lining up thinking they were getting money directly from me. That would frighten me about the condition of the country and the future of the country. And it would make me really wonder what’s gone wrong with our education system. These are poor black people. And when you listen to them they’re out there having a good time talking about Obama, but look what they’re doing? They’re lining up in a city that’s been devastated by Democrat administrations and governorships for years. They’re lining up for so little money that it’s insignificant.

I’d be embarrassed that my policies, that my administration had created this kind of destitution, this kind of hopelessness. It’s really, really sad ignorance. Now, President Obama, as everybody asks me and reminds me, is black. And so were these people, in large part, who showed up at Cobo Center last week in Detroit for money. I wonder if he sees these pictures and what he thinks. And my fear is that he likes it. My fear is that he enjoys this kind of dependency on him and the federal government, that he and his political advisors look at an event like that in Detroit on Tuesday, ‘We’ve got the next election sewn up, these people are totally dependent on us, they’ll never vote against us or me or our party,’ and I got to thinking that makes me even angrier and saddens me and sickens me even more, that in effect, futures are bleak, futures are being destroyed all because of the narcissistic power and desire for that power held by the president and his advisory team. It really is sad, folks, when you boil all the pictures of it away, how about all that hope and change?

All of these people, all they’ve got, they think, is Obama? When in fact they live in what is the greatest country on earth, and the greatest asset they all have is themselves. And yet does anybody promote that to them? Does anybody tell them that they are the greatest asset they have? Or are they steered to idol worship? Are they moved, are they motivated, are they inspired to look at the president or any politician as their only salvation? And if they are, it’s just a shame. This country has run rings around the rest of the world, for good, and for some of the greatest reasons ever: freedom, God-granted freedom, the acknowledgment of the source of our freedom and our rights and natural yearning as human beings to be free. We have a political party that has sought for years to dumb these people down, look at them as though they are incompetent and helpless, and then want to capitalize on that. After promoting that notion that they’re incompetent, and after telling them that the deck is stacked against them in this country because of past injustices and so forth, that the only way out is through some messianic figure in Washington, DC, or some messianic figure in Lansing or some politician somewhere.

As an American — and that’s how I see these people — as an American, it is dispiriting, it is depressing, because we are only as great a nation as we have great people. I wouldn’t be where I am had I not had people tell me things that made me believe in myself. Very few people are self-starters. We all need a push, we all need some inspiration and they’re not getting it, they’re getting just the opposite. They’re being beaten down and they’re being told the only way out of the circumstances they find themselves in is voting for a particular party, and I look at what that party and its policies have done to the poor, the disadvantaged, and the minorities in this country, their lives, to the extent that they’ve stayed loyal to that party have been destroyed, their families have been broken up. They have not grown, they have not been lifted. And as an American this is troubling. Here, listen to these two again, and try to suppress whatever entertainment factor you find here and imagine if they were your kids.

ROGULSKI: Why are you here?

WOMAN #1: To get some money.

ROGULSKI: What kind of money?

WOMAN #1: Obama money.

ROGULSKI: Where’s it coming from?

WOMAN #1: Obama.

ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?

WOMAN #1: I don’t know, his stash. I don’t know. (laughter) I don’t know where he got it from, but he givin’ it to us, to help us.

WOMAN #2: And we love him.

WOMAN #1: We love him. That’s why we voted for him!

WOMEN: (chanting) Obama! Obama! Obama! (laughing)

ROGULSKI: Did you get an application to fill out yet?

WOMAN: I sure did. And I filled it out, and I am waiting to see what the results are going to be.

ROGULSKI: Will you know today how much money you’re getting?

WOMAN: No, I won’t, but I’m waiting for a phone call.

ROGULSKI: Where’s the money coming from?

WOMAN: I believe it’s coming from the City of Detroit or the state.

ROGULSKI: Where did they get it from?

WOMAN: Some funds that was forgiven (sic) by Obama.

ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get the funds?

WOMAN: Obama getting the funds from… Ummm, I have no idea, to tell you the truth. He’s the president.

ROGULSKI: In downtown Detroit, Ken Rogulski, WJR News.

RUSH: The sad reality here is that many of these people that showed up in Detroit are black, and it seems that the president is content for them to suffer like this and to look to him as the lone solution to their suffering. By the way, the intellectuals are coming around. Charles Krauthammer late last week or over the weekend, I saw a transcript of the speech he gave. The decline is purposeful, meaning our economic decline is happening on purpose. Intellectuals are catching up to me here. This is not accidental, what’s happening to our economy.

These poor people love Obama, they think he’s one of them, and here he is presiding over their misery. He wants them to be victims. Not just them, either, folks, as many people as possible. Victims, destitute, uninformed, but worshiping him. He’s happy for them to be in the perpetual on-the-come mode, always expecting him to bail ’em out or make things right for them. And even when his efforts fail to improve their lot in life they’re going to blame everybody but him when the answer is in their own hearts and in their own souls, in their own desires, but nobody’s telling them that, nobody is building them up, nobody’s telling them they’re special, nobody’s telling them how great they can be if they just apply themselves. Just makes me sad. It just really does, because it shouldn’t be happening in the United States of America.


RUSH: Let’s go to phones. Here’s Eddie. We’re going to start in Kent, Washington today. Eddie, hello, and great to have you with us.

CALLER: Morning, Rush.


CALLER: Hello? Hello?

RUSH: Yeah, yeah, I’m here.

CALLER: Okay, yes, I couldn’t help but hear your first two sound bites about people in Detroit standing in line waiting for money. Basically what that does, Rush, it just epitomizes what’s happened to the black family since the ’64 Civil Rights Act, the war on poverty, it just pulverized it.

RUSH: Be careful here, Eddie, do you have any desire someday of owning a professional sports franchise?

CALLER: Not really.

RUSH: Good. Then go ahead and say what you want to say because otherwise if you say it the sportswriter community will come after you.

CALLER: Okay, well, let ’em come after me, I don’t give a rat’s behind. You know, the black community has been destroyed. I’m black and it just makes me sad to see the condition of the black family. Barack Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Urban League, they don’t give a fat rat’s behind about the black family. They don’t. They’ve got their seat at the table with white liberal Democrats —

RUSH: I thought the F-bomb was coming, folks —

CALLER: And they’re not about to give up that seat so they’ll sell their own people out, deliver the black vote to the white liberal Democrats and make sure the black community stays on its knees in poverty. That’s enough to make you cry.

RUSH: It is sad, particularly when they run around claiming that they’re the only way out for these poor, depressed people.

CALLER: Yeah. You know, Barack that sheep herd mind-set that I heard through those two sound bites, that’s what followed Jim Jones down to Guyana in 1978. They found over 900 people down there dead, a lot of them were black. See, if you convince these people they’re victims of something then what that does, Barack, that absolves people from being personally responsible for themselves.

RUSH: I know. I know.

CALLER: How can you be a victim in a country, the most prosperous country in the world, how can you be a victim? There was a time, my grandfather, they wouldn’t have stood in line for something like that.

RUSH: How did you avoid this happening to you? Because it’s 50 years of being told you’re a victim, how did you rise above this?

CALLER: Because I took my grandmother’s advice. She told me to use my God-given common sense, nobody owes you nothing, she taught me the art of ownership, the art of doing things right the first time, see, and I never looked back.

RUSH: Well, that’s great, it stuck with you.

CALLER: Yeah. I’m not a victim of nobody. I may be a victim of my own poor choices, but I’m a blessed man, I was born in a free country. This is my country. I served my country in uniform. I come from a long line of men in my family who served this country.

RUSH: You’re singing my song.

CALLER: Right on.

RUSH: We want everybody in this country to succeed. We want everybody in this country to reap the rewards of the privileges of being born American.

CALLER: Exactly. You know, you’re a going to achieve based on your God-given skill and talent and the freedoms afforded you, you know? See, government has become the god of the black family, unfortunately. It’s become their god, the Democratic Party.

RUSH: I don’t know about that.

CALLER: Well —

RUSH: Maybe the father.

CALLER: Yeah, well, you know.

RUSH: Black people are very religious. They’re one of the most religious groups of people around.

CALLER: Exactly. But, you know, get up off your knees with your hands stretched forward begging government — the little G — for a handout, move to the right, get on your knees and worship at the altar of the big G — God, G-o-d. He said I’ll supply all your needs, not government.

RUSH: God bless you out there, Eddie.

CALLER: Okay, you have a good day, Rush.

RUSH: You, too. Glad you called. Great first call of the day.


RUSH: Belleville, Illinois, and this is Janet. Great to have you on the program. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Arts and croissant crowd dittos. I wanted to comment. I wanted to add to your comments on Detroit. I wanted to tell your audience that what is actually going on there is something that Senator Phil Gramm warned us about back during the Clinton years. Republican Senator Phil Gramm. He said we were reaching a point when we were going to have too many people in the cart rather than pulling the cart. And when you take the job loss that’s happened under Granholm in Michigan, other jobs that take the tax dollars that keep the Ponzi scheme that is Detroit — the greatest postwar welfare state failure of this country — going, and the people in Detroit are allowed on only become more miserable because there’s 600,000 workers not paying into the system to keep it all going. And if Jennifer Granholm had not received the Obama bucks of the bailout, Michigan would be in dire straits. Come December, 100,000 —

RUSH: The point is… See, now, I want to stop you right there, because you’re playing right into the Larry Summers’ hands.

CALLER: (giggling) No!

RUSH: No, no, no, no. I’m not being critical.

CALLER: (giggling)

RUSH: This is a teachable moment. What you are saying is the same thing he is: ‘It would have been much worse if we hadn’t stepped in.’ The problem is whatever stimulus money Governor Granholm got is going to run out.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: It probably already has and then they’re right back where they are because they have not addressed the problem. There aren’t any new jobs —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: — creating new revenue, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So this is all just a Band-Aid.

CALLER: Right. Rush, it’s an infection. We just left Michigan, my family. My husband is one of the ones that lost his job. We lived in Grosse Pointe. There are very few towns in this country nicer than Grosse Pointe. Send that little video guy that goes around with the prostitute and have him do ‘Obama and Me.’ You know, take on Michael Moore. Have him go and see the white-collar folks that have lost everything trying to get out. Go to Bloomfield Hills. Those are the people that pay this country to keep going. They are the ones. They’ve been demonized and destroyed by this guy, Obama, and it’s ridiculous what’s happening. And you’ve been so on the mark. Rush, we… (sigh) I was in St. Louis having lunch with my husband after we realized from the real estate agent how much we were going to lose on the house we had to sell. A gorgeous home, that anyone would love to live in, we had to fork… We had to show up at closing with a hundred thousand dollars, in Grosse Pointe! And we had never overbought! This is insane. And I said to my husband, ‘Rush is right: This is all intentional. They don’t care about us.’ Our children, we lost that with our college funds. We had been responsible from the day we got out of college and put money aside every year.

RUSH: You have to understand that in the world of Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel, his support staff, the plight that you’ve just described for yourself is exactly what they want to hear.

CALLER: Exactly!

RUSH: They want to hear you suffer. Because in their world, you are responsible for all the other suffering around the country and around the world because you and your husband happened to achieve —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: — more than your fair share, and doing so took money out of the pockets of the rightful owners of the nation’s wealth and we’re going to return it to them. And that means your assets become worthless, your work becomes worthless, and you join everybody else in being destitute.

CALLER: Right. And, you know what? When I’m wiped out so is the rest of the country. I hate to tell you that’s how it works. That’s the system they’ve set up. We pay the taxes that keep the country going, according to the Democrats. So if this is the game Obama wants to play —

RUSH: Wait a second. You really think they’re worry about that? If that’s something they believed, that tax revenue is what’s necessary to keep the country going, then they would take steps to increase tax revenue. One of the reasons why we have a massive one-year — one-year! — budget deficit of $1.4 trillion is in part due to all the unemployment, which means there aren’t any taxes being paid. They don’t care about the revenue generation. Folks, it’s so, so hard to accept, but it’s so right. If they cared about the normal procedures by which the people who make this country work are incentivized and rewarded so that those who genuinely need assistance can be given some, if they really cared about that, they wouldn’t be doing one policy that they have implemented. Not one. It is counterintuitive, counterproductive, and counter a lot of other stuff that I can’t think of right now but I’m glad you called out there, Janet.


RUSH: North Augusta, South Carolina, Phillip, welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. First-time caller, a longtime listener, and I’m honored to be able to talk with you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: I was going to make a comment about Michigan, the welfare state. But, you know, I’m sitting here and I’m waiting to talk to you, and I’m reading a book, a biography of Alfred Nobel. I read something here that I almost fell off the chair. It says here, ‘Invitations to nominate prize candidates are sent out in the autumn of the year preceding the prize award. Nominations must reach the Nobel committees of the prize awarding bodies before the 1st of April of the year in which the award is made.’ (laughing) I couldn’t believe it!

RUSH: Now, let me address this. Let me address this. ‘Cause here we go again. You are not the first to — and I know what you’re doing out there. You are not the first, Phillip, to suggest to me that Obama knew it. Because, that’s right. When you say that the invitations to prize candidates are sent out in the fall —

CALLER: ‘[A]utumn of the year preceding the prize.’

RUSH: Right. Now, that means, invitations to people who want to nominate somebody, not necessarily invitations to potential candidates. It’s how I got nominated.

CALLER: I see.

RUSH: I did not get an official invitation to nominate myself.

CALLER: I see.

RUSH: Somebody else did, and they nominated me, and I accepted the nomination. Now, that, however, does not by itself disprove the notion that Obama knew at all along. People are beginning to ask. He might have known all along this was coming and that might explain why all the speeches and why all the trashing of America, the Cairo speech, all the apologies and so forth, and the open schedule on Friday. The only thing is that I don’t think Obama would have to be told he’s up for the Nobel Peace Prize in order to start trashing and apologizes for the country.


RUSH: He would do that anyway. But it could well be that he held off on the making a decision on the troop surge in Afghanistan ’til after the vote came in, giving him cover not to do it.

CALLER: Oh, I agree with that totally.

RUSH: He had the recommendation from the general weeks prior.

CALLER: Obviously. I mean, he drug his feet for a reason. There’s no question about it. I mean… (chuckles) But, anyway, about Michigan. I lived there in Kalamazoo. I lived there for five years and I still know a lot of people there. And I tell you what: Detroit is pulling the entire state down. Detroit has long controlled not only the politics of the state, but mandated tax increases based upon the metro area.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: It has a tremendous effect on the agricultural communities. You know, the UP the upper peninsula, they wanted to secede itself from Michigan about five or six years ago. They wanted to create a new state up there. I mean this governor is dancing up the Yellow Brick Road. She’s skipping up the Yellow Brick Road! She’s going to skip out into oblivion. What a jerk! I can’t believe that she said those things. When my wife and I — my wife, Jean — were having our lunch, and we heard your sound bite, she ran into one bathroom, I ran to the other. I mean —

RUSH: Is this the sound bites of Steve Wynn with Jennifer Granholm, you mean?

CALLER: Yeah! I mean, this woman is… I mean, look, I’m going to tell you something. There is going to be such a frightening unrest in that state that when it breaks it’s going to make the riots in Tehran look like a parade. People in Michigan are devastated by what’s going on there. I mean, if you just look at the state it’s shaped like a hand. Detroit and all around it is like a cesspool and it’s circling and circling, and it’s drawing all the agricultural community. Cherries, all kind of vegetables. Kalamazoo was the asparagus capital of the world. That’s all agricultural, and the upper peninsula is all cherries. Saginaw is dying. Battle Creek used to be once a very, you know, prominent city.

RUSH: That’s right. Tony the Tiger was the mayor.

CALLER: Yeah, Tony the Tiger was the mayor! And Kalamazoo was a quasi-manufacturing town that did stuff like seat covers for the car business, you know, the automobile industry; steering wheel covers and stuff like that. This has crippled them. It’s unbelievable.

RUSH: It’s a sad thing. It’s a sad thing. You know, one of my greatest and best affiliates of our 600 stations — they’re all great, but we have a special affection for Mike Feezey and his gang at WJR. You know, it’s tough for them, too, in the market. It’s just sad to hear this, that this kind of thing is happening. And, by the way, Michigan has been in this for a long time. Remember, it was a lone recession for a while. Michigan has been in this situation long before it worsened at this point in time. It’s been something specific, and it’s not just related to the auto industry as well. You know, our hearts go out to people up there because this is the United States of America. It really is a sad tragedy. Now, I feel a little bad here, folks. Phillip, thanks for the call. I appreciate it. We had four sound bites today, three from Steve Wynn and one from Jennifer Granholm and Steve Wynn.

Steve Wynn is from Las Vegas, Wynn Resorts. They were on Fox News yesterday, and it was the greatest illustration of statism, totalitarianism versus capitalism. He just destroyed her, and she was clueless! She ended up telling him he’s ‘simplistic.’ We don’t have time to play the sound bites is what I’m leading up to, but they are available at RushLimbaugh.com, or they will be when we update the site later this afternoon to reflect the contents of today’s program. And you’ve got to go listen to these because it’s just the best side-by-side comparison of what people in the government think is right. He’s talking about jobs, health care, tax cuts, growth, expansion — and she’s talking about benefits! He makes the claim government has never created one job. ‘Oh, that’s simplistic to say! What about the minimum wage?’

The minimum wage destroys jobs. Raising the minimum wage gets people laid off. It causes people to be fired. The data are incontrovertible on this. It’s inarguable. It was just a great side by side — and plus, you know, Jennifer Granholm had this big puff piece on Sunday in the Washington Post in which they were touting, ‘Oh, all these new green jobs!’ Yes, 40,000 new ‘green’ jobs that she’s going to ‘create’ (ahem) in Michigan…in 11 years! Yes. By 2020, 40,000 new jobs, green jobs in Michigan. Why, we ought to be creating 40,000 a day in this country. In the meantime, in 14 months, she will lose — the state of Michigan will lose — an additional 370,000 jobs. This is the forecast. Bringing the total of jobs lost I think during her term to one million, to one million! (Gasp!) And she’s touting 40,000 new green jobs in 11 years. Yet, as I say, in 14 months, 370,000 more jobs lost. You got to the point where you gotta get some money out there or your going to have riots. You gotta pass out some money, yeah, but the money is going to run out and you got a vicious cycle and we don’t have the money in the first place. So it’s just sad. It’s unhappy. And it’s not pretty.