RUSH: We have The Hutch on the phone from Seattle. Ken Hutcherson, former linebacker, Dallas Cowboys, Seattle Seahawks. Hutch, welcome to the program.
THE HUTCH: Hey, my man. I am so mad, I am doing back flips up here in Seattle. What in the world is going on in the United States? I mean, the whole issue, Rush — whether you like it or not — is they have done you wrong. And this is intolerance, it’s prejudice, and if America don’t wake up, it is going to happen to them. I am so mad, man, I cannot even — and I’m a man of the cloth, Rush! I’m not supposed to get this upset. It is time for all of us… You know, why don’t they talk to some African-Americans that know you?
RUSH: Oh, that would destroy the narrative. That would destroy the template.
THE HUTCH: Oh, forget that. You know, and talk to some African-Americans know that the poverty pimps, Sharpton and Jackson, they’re nothing but slave sliders and pushers to get their way. And you’re going to let them have a voice on all the stuff that they’ve done? Jesse Jackson was telling Bush to, ‘Stay out of the bushes.’ He was the one in the bushes having illegitimate kids! How in the world can the NFL — and I’m going to tell you something else, brother, straight from me, who played football. Those African-American brothers who talk about they wouldn’t play? That is the biggest lie on this side of the universe. Not only would their wives get on them and make ’em go — and their girlfriends, and their moms; they would beat ’em all the way to the 50 yard line and tell them, ‘You better get out there and get that game check.’ And why don’t they talk to the hundreds of African-American players that would be excited about you owning a team?
RUSH: Well, they want to present the idea that there are none, and that’s what they’ve done. Hutch, hang on. I gotta take a little break here. Well, I’ll need to tell you what The Hutch is to this program if you’re new and I’ll do that when we come back.BREAK TRANSCRIPT
RUSH: Hey, Hutch. I’ve got 15 seconds here before I have to do the top of the hour break. Can you hang on through the break? I’ll get right back to you at the top of the next hour?
THE HUTCH: I have to go ahead and do a commercial, Rush. I will call in later on in the week or so.
RUSH: All right. Thanks much. In the meantime, thank you very much. I know you’re busy.
THE HUTCH: We can’t take this, bro. You shouldn’t take it.
RUSH: We don’t intend to.