Obama Attacks Small Businesses

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 3,2009

RUSH: I just had a chance to watch a little bit more of what he said, and let me translate this for you, Snerdley. I’m watching it with Snerdley and it’s fun because Snerdley is sitting there shouting and muttering and all that at the television set with every sentence Obama says — and I, of course, just sit there and study it. ‘Hmm, hmm, hmm.’ And basically what Obama said today was that he doesn’t know how to stimulate growth in the private sector. He doesn’t know how to do it. He has to bring in a bunch of people to now segregate in groups, and he’s gonna check back with them later this afternoon to get their ideas. He doesn’t know how to do it. I mean, if you know how to watch these things as I do, that’s what just happened here. Now, what Obama wants people to think is he’s got his sleeves rolled up and he’s working hard on it and he knows that growth can only come in the private sector. That’s what he says. He’s saying all the right things.

But what he’s really saying is he needs to convene all these people and he doesn’t know how to do it himself. The reason he’s convening all these people is it’s a circus. This is a show, and this arrogant little guy, he just said (doing impression), ‘All right, you segregate into your groups. I’m going to be back later this afternoon to get your reports — and I want details! I want details.’ What’s he doing now? Where did he go? Go off to have lunch, play tiddlywinks in the Oval Office? What did he do? All these groups segregate and so forth, but you must hear this. What…? It’s so timely. It is a godsend for all of you in this audience to hear this. If you have doubted me on occasion in my contention that what is happening in the US private sector is intentional, if you have doubted me when I have suggested to you that Obama looks at this country with a chip on his shoulder — it’s unfair, it is unjust, it is it is immoral; there’s no equality, there’s no fairness — all of this is wrapped up in this quote. And those of you who own small businesses were attacked. You were blamed for the current joblessness and economic crisis that we face.

OBAMA: Despite the progress we’ve made, many businesses are still skittish about hiring. Some are still digging themselves out of the losses they incurred over the past year. Many have figured out how to squeeze more productivity out of fewer workers. And that cost-cutting has become embedded in their operations and in their culture. That may result in good profits, but it’s not translating into hiring and so that’s the question that we have to ask ourselves today: How do we get businesses to start hiring again?

RUSH: (pause) A little dead air never hurt anybody here, folks. So what businesses normally do… What this man pretends not to understand is that the objective of a business is not to hire people so that he looks good. The objective of a business is not to raise employment so that Obama’s poll numbers go up. The first objective of a business is to stay in business. If that doesn’t happen, all the rest is academic. Most people, other than the… Well, I’m not going to characterize them the way I think about them. Other than the people that live off everybody else in these so-called nonprofits. But everybody in business needs a profit to stay in business. We are in a recession, sir! We are in a horribly rotten, bad, recession. It is a struggle to stay in business. People cannot raise prices. The unemployed cannot buy.

It is a struggle to stay in business. It is a struggle to show a profit! A profit is the only way to stay in business. I mean, you can borrow, you can do that, but in a climate like this if you can even get credit you’re just digging yourself into a hole. So he goes out there today — and this was at the beginning of his remarks. He goes out there today and basically chastises you in small business for being greedy! With sales down, you are greedy! You can’t raise prices, your sales are down, and you have now found a way to enrich yourself at the expense of ‘workers’ because you now have a new culture. Embedded in your culture, you are making your existing workers work harder. So you are becoming a sweatshop!

You are not hiring new people because you are greedy, and you want your profits, and we’ve gotta do something about that. How do we make you start hiring people? What Obama wants out of this is further class envy. He wants to ramp up the anti-business sentiment that exists in this country, particularly among the unemployed. He wants the unemployed mad at you; not at him, or government, or Democrats in Congress. He wants everybody who is about to lose a job — everybody who’s overworked, everybody who isn’t getting a raise, everybody who’s getting job salary cuts — blaming business. Not him. Not government. Not policy. This is traditional, it is a tactic out of the well-worn Democrat Party playbook. Hell, Democrat Party playbook? This is a page out of the leftist worldwide playbook. Listen to this sound bite again.

OBAMA: Despite the progress we’ve made, many businesses are still skittish about hiring. Some are still digging themselves out of the losses they incurred over the past year. Many have figured out how to squeeze more productivity out of fewer workers.

RUSH: Stop the tape right there. ‘Squeeze’ productivity. Squeeze productivity, squeeze workers! Make you work harder at no additional pay! Squeeze productivity. Productivity is the objective! Something has to be produced. Something has to be produced and in significant quantities or levels that enough is paid to keep the business going! We’re in a recession and yet this man insists on blaming you so that you will get mad at your boss or even small business owners. He wants you mad at the business sector in general. Here’s the rest of it.

OBAMA: And that cost-cutting has become embedded in their operations and in their culture.

RUSH: Stop the tape. Cost-cutting and wage cutting for the pursuit of profit — which is evil — has now become embedded in your culture. I hope you realize, those of you in small business, how you are being targeted today. I hope you realize what this summit has as its primary purpose. Oh, yeah, he’s saying all the right things. ‘We know that real recovery will only come in the private sector’ and so forth, and yet let’s go trash it. Let’s get as many people in this country as angry at businessmen and businesswomen as we can. (doing Obama impression) ‘Not me! I don’t want ’em blaming me. I don’t want ’em blaming Nancy or Harry. Blame, uhhh, Walmart,’ and then this, the big piece de resistance.

OBAMA: That may result in good profits, but it’s not translating into hiring and so that’s the question that we have to ask ourselves today: How do we get businesses to start hiring again?

RUSH: I’ll take a stab at that. Get the hell out of their lives! Cease and desist on this debacle known as health care reform. Stop any precedence of a carbon tax under the hoax premise of ‘saving the planet.’ Start talking about tax cuts. Stop spending these people’s children and grandchildren into debt that they’ll never recover from. That’s how you do it! You basically have to quit, sir. If you want to revive the private sector, resign.


RUSH: A couple of more sound bites from Obama’s professorial lecture to the students where he told them to gather and come up with ideas while he’s out playing golf and he’ll check back with them later. Here’s the first of these additional two.

OBAMA: I want to be clear. While I believe that government has a critical role in creating the conditions for economic growth, ultimately true economic recovery is only going to come from the private sector. We don’t have enough public dollars to fill the hole of private dollars that was created as a consequence of the crisis.

RUSH: Uh, wait a minute, now. Just a year ago, almost a year ago, he said only government could fix the problem, and now we don’t have enough public dollars to fill the hole that private dollars created as a consequence of the crisis? Uh, true economic recovery is only going to come from the private sector. Not as long as you’re around with these policies, sir. Not as long as you are around proposing your agenda and passing it. Finally, Coach Obama sends the attendants out to their little huddle groups.

OBAMA: I need everybody to bring their A-game here today. I’m going to be asking some tough questions, I will be listening for some good answers and I don’t want to just brainstorm up at 30,000 feet. I want details in our discussion today. I’m looking for specific recommendations that can be implemented that will spur on job growth as quickly as possible. I want to be clear. We won’t overcome our unemployment challenge in just a few hours this afternoon. I assure you there is extraordinary skepticism that any discussions like this can actually produce results. I’m well aware of that. I don’t mind skepticism. If I listened to the skeptics I wouldn’t be here, but I am confident that we’ll make progress.

RUSH: ‘I want details. I’m looking for specific recommendations. I want to be clear.’ None of it’s gonna work. Bring their A-game. Folks, the only way that somebody can bring their A game is if somebody’s got the guts to say, ‘Mr. President, you need to stop your agenda. It’s your agenda that’s causing the problem, sir. Have you considered resigning? Maybe go run the UN.’


RUSH: This sound bite from Obama today, this, folks, is the clincher, this is how we know the whole thing today is strictly BS.

OBAMA: If there are things that we’re doing here in Washington that are inhibiting you then we want to know about.

RUSH: That’s all you need to know, this is a dog-and-pony show; it is a scam; it is a sham. In fact, it is a golden oldie. I have to think they’re doing this out of panic and the unemployment number’s going to come out tomorrow and it’s going to be up. His numbers are cratering and I have to think here that this is not good, you say things like this and go out there and bash small business and greedy profiteers and so forth, and then say ‘if we’re inhibiting you in any way,’ your whole administration is a giant inhibition standing in the way of all kinds of progress, on purpose. That’s why all this makes me livid.


RUSH: Look at it this way, folks. Would you hire Barack Obama to run your business? Well, then why let him run your business? Would you hire him as an employee in your business? Why let him be part of your business? He’s admitting he doesn’t know anything about it today with his summit.