It’s Not Going Well in Copenhagen

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 11,2009

RUSH: Things are not going well in Copenhagen. They are not going well. The G77 — and don’t ask me. We got the G8; we have the G7; we have the G20. I have a G550. We’re now talking about the G77, and they have walked out of the COP 15 meeting. ‘The chief negotiator for 134 developing nations left the UN Climate Change Conference (COP15) yesterday in anger. Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping from Sudan, the G77 group’s top negotiator, is also accusing Denmark of driving the climate summit into the ground.’ This is the Danish texts where it has been discovered that the rich nations of the world, as Reverend Wright would say, (doing Wright impression) ‘The white Europeans are again taking over the world!’

Now, the plan here is the US, the UK, and Denmark, however they got thrown into this, to basically take away all climate operations, fundraising operations, theft, fleecing and all that from the UN and do it themselves and not give any money to the developing nations. The developing nations have been exempt from any carbon emissions limits but now this discovered texts puts limits on carbon emissions in the developing nations which means they have to stay poor and they’re livid about it so Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping from Sudan — the way to think of this guy is Barack Obama Sr. Barack Obama Sr. was a communist, this guy is a communist. And if it weren’t Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping from Sudan it would be Barack Obama Sr. were he still alive. Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping, however you pronounce his name. (consulting Snerdley) Look, you’re certified black enough to criticize, how would you pronounce that, Di-Aping? So Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping? Well, whatever.

He said, ”Things are not going well,’ after walking out from an hour-long negotiation. ‘It’s very problematic that there’s a different agenda running alongside the official UN process.’ When asked to elaborate on those comments, he said: ‘Your prime minister has chosen to protect the rich countries, and that’s not ok. If the Copenhagen summit ends in failure, the whole Scandinavian multilateral tradition will be jeopardized. What your prime minister is doing is completely against the spirit of the foreign aid Denmark and the Danish people have given to Africa for so many years.” So basically the welfare payments are going to stop is what this Lumumba Di-Aping is worried about. I don’t think there’s anything really to worry about here. All of this will be resolved in the end. These poor countries like China will allow the rich countries to continue to send foreign aid to them just like always. Really nothing’s going to change much. Only now they’ll be able to get even more of the pie all in the name of climate change.