The Democrat Party is a Gulag

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 8,2010

RUSH: Mr. President: ‘If the American people hate their health care system so much, why are you having to desperately pressure members of your own party to change it?’ You know what’s going on in the Democrat Party right now is a cleansing. Obama… I forget who wrote this. Some blogger I’d never heard of. It’s a fairly decent point. I took it personally at first then I realized I shouldn’t have. Barack Obama has done more for conservatism than anybody since Ronald Reagan. He is destroying the Democrat Party. The problem is he’s destroying the country at the same time.

But what’s happening to the Democrat Party is a cleansing. Obama from South Chicago, Pelosi from San Francisco, the media elite in DC and New York, are using what’s left of the so-called moderate Democrats to advance their radical agenda and then wipe out the same people in their party who helped them deliver it. No big tent. But a gulag. The Democrat Party has become a gulag! Where’s this story? ‘Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., tells Newsmax that some House Democrats agree with Republicans on certain healthcare reform issues but can’t publicly support them for fear of retribution from Speaker Nancy Pelosi.’ The Democrat Party’s a gulag! That’s where Dick Durbin works, by the way. A gulag!

The news about the Democrat Party sounds more and more like what we used to hear on the old Soviet Union and Stalin and what we hear out of Venezuela. It is a gulag, and they are purging the very people who are necessary to enact their agenda. Oh, yeah. It’s what Stalin used to say. Stalin used to say: Well, we’ll have fewer Democrats but they’ll be better Democrats. Well, that’s what Obama’s saying. That’s what Pelosi says. ‘Yeah, yeah. We’re going to have fewer Democrats, but they’ll be better Democrats.’ That’s exactly what’s going on here. They don’t have a big tent. They have an an expanding gulag. This tax, this penalty, this is just another sop to the unions. Big companies that have massive health care obligations will dump them on the taxpayers, protecting SEIU and the UAW and teamsters and all the rest of them.


RUSH: This is from The Politico at about 11:37 this morning: ‘Team Obama predicted health care had a 51 percent chance of passing at the beginning of March, according to a preview of New York Times reporter Peter Baker’s Rahm opus…’ They have rushed this out. There’s a New York Times Magazine piece coming out Sunday on Rahm Emanuel. They’ve rushed it out because of all the problems in there. They’ve rushed at least a summary of it out and they are obsessed with polls in this White House — as we all know Obama says he doesn’t care about polls. They predicted that health care had a 51% chance. ‘Writes Baker: ‘If the president and his chief of staff manage to salvage their ambitious campaign to overhaul health care in the next few weeks — a proposition the White House privately put at 51 percent as the month began, according to an official — then, as Emanuel said, they will be seen as smart all over again. But that 49 percent chance of failure could devastate Obama’s presidency, weaken Democrats heading into the fall midterm elections and trigger an even fiercer, more debilitating round of finger-pointing inside the administration.” Hmm


RUSH: Yeah, we’re going to go back to it. It’s too good to only use it one time. We had to go back to it, especially now that the Democrat long knives are out in even greater force for resigning Congressman Eric Massa.

Greetings. Rush Limbaugh back at 800-282-2882.

Now, here’s the thing they’re saying. All these Democrat specialists, pollsters and so forth, ‘Ah, this guy? Come on! Who’s going to believe this guy? This guy’s credibility is shot. This guy doesn’t have any credibility, saying Rahm Emanuel came up to him nude in the shower in the gym, the House gym, poking him in the… demanding he do the right thing on health care. This guy doesn’t have any credibility?’ This guy doesn’t have any credibility? This guy’s got as much credibility as anybody else in this party has! Here’s the thing. It doesn’t matter whether he has any credibility. He’s a Democrat. Even though he changed parties to win an election, he’s a Democrat, and these people are imploding. This is a giant cleansing of this party going on, it has truly become a gulag. Not a big tent but an expanding gulag but just the fact that this guy out there is saying this stuff — and the White House hasn’t really responded.

I read where the White House was responding to these allegations, but I haven’t seen it all over the place. You know, the White House didn’t respond to Paul Ryan. I haven’t seen this massive refutation. They’re just sending people out saying, ‘This guy’s got no credibility. (muttering)’ let me tell you something folks. This kind of stuff does not happen in the Republican Party. There were many times — many times, ladies and gentlemen — during the immigration debate during the Bush administration that emissaries from the White House were sent down here to try to explain to me why I was wrong, but none of them ever showed up naked in the shower poking me in the chest while they try to get my mind right. It was all very civil. Republicans just don’t do this kind of stuff. So we’ve got these five sound bites of Eric Massa, who was on a radio show in New York yesterday just ripping the Democrat Party front-to-back, sideways, and I’m going to play ’em all back-to-back here.

MASSA: Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn. He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote; he would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive. And if he doesn’t like that he can come after me personally because — let me tell you a story about Rahm Emanuel. I was in the congressional gym, and I went into the showers which, by the way, I for the life of me can’t figure out why they took all the shower curtains off the shower stalls in the congressional shower. The last thing I want to look at is my fellow colleagues naked, but they don’t have shower curtains down in the gym, and I’m sitting there showering naked as a jaybird and here comes Rahm Emanuel not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest yelling at me because I wasn’t going to vote for the president’s budget. Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?

MASSA: What the heck is he doing in the congressional gym? He goes there to intimidate members of Congress. We had words and he hates my guts. He’s hated me since day one and now he wins. So he’ll get rid of me and this bill will pass, and I don’t know what we’re going to do in this country.

MASSA: When I voted against the cap-and-trade bill, the phone rang and it was the chief of staff of the president of the United States of America, Rahm Emanuel, and he started swearing at me in terms and words that I hadn’t heard since that crossing the line ceremony on the USS New Jersey in 1983. And I gave it right back to him in terms and words that I know are physically impossible. I told him to do things that I know the human anatomy cannot do. There’s no doubt in my mind and it got quiet and I said, ‘Rahm, let’s have a conversation and you pretend that you’re the chief of staff to the president of the United States of America and I’m a sitting member of Congress,’ and he said, ‘There’s no reason to for you to swear at me,’ and I said, ‘You’re the one that lit on me first, and I’m going to give as good as I can get.’ So if Rahm Emanuel wants to come after me maybe he ought to hold himself to the same standards I’m holding myself to, and resign.

MASSA: I’ve had union leaders tell me point-blank, ‘We are not going to contribute to your campaign unless you vote for this health care bill.’ Is that or is that not a bribe? It makes me weep when I realize our nation is being destroyed from within. But I will not go quietly into the evening. If you think that somehow they didn’t come after me to get rid of me because my vote is the deciding vote in the health care bill then, ladies and gentlemen, you live today in a world that is so innocent as not to understand what is going on in Washington, DC.

MASSA: You cannot effectively govern this country without the consent of the governed. The entire nation has said: ‘Let’s rewrite the health care bill, let’s find what we can agree on.’ No, no, no, no. We’re going to ram this down the throats of the American people and anyone who stands in the way of doing that is going to be smeared. And they’re going to be kicked out of Congress. And we’re going to have people like Steny Hoyer lying in the press. They are going to ram this bill down the throats of this country, and it is going to rip this nation politically to pieces, and it will be a generation before we recover.

MASSA: Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn. He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote; he would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive. And if he doesn’t like that he can come after me personally because — let me tell you a story about Rahm Emanuel. I was in the congressional gym, and I went into the showers which, by the way, I for the life of me can’t figure out why they took all the shower curtains off the shower stalls in the congressional shower. The last thing I want to look at is my fellow colleagues naked, but they don’t have shower curtains down in the gym, and I’m sitting there showering naked as a jaybird and here comes Rahm Emanuel not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest yelling at me because I wasn’t going to vote for the president’s budget. Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?

RATHER: Part of the undertow in the coming election is going to be, uh, President Obama’s leadership, and the Republicans will make a case — and a lot of independents will buy this argument — ‘Listen, he just hasn’t been (mutters). Look at the health care bill, his number one priority. It took him forever to get it through, and he had to compromise it to death,’ and a version of, ‘Listen, he’s a nice person, he’s very articulate,’ this is what’s going to be used against him, ‘but he couldn’t sell watermelons to –‘

MATTHEWS: Okay! I– I — (interrupting) Lemme — You have suggested —

RATHER: If — if you gave him state troopers to flag down the traffic.

RUSH: That’s just yesterday. Here. Grab sound bites 12 and 13. This was also great. This was on This Week yesterday during the roundtable. Former labor secretary Robert B. Reichhhh and George Will were talking about health care reform. Reichhhh went first.

REICH: Health insurance is going up in terms of rates 20, 30, 40, 50% in many states. Uh, in fact, Goldman Sachs just this past week has said to, uh, its — many of its investors, invest in some insurance companies because they don’t have competition and they have — are exhibiting huge profits. That is money directly out of the pockets of Americans. Let them compete across state lines, fine. But not a race to the bottom. Set minimum federal standards, because we’ve seen over and over again that the recipients of health insurance don’t know what they are buying very often. Until there are common standards, minimal standards, then people are going to be taken and —

WILL: There you have the —

REICH: — that is what’s happened over and over again.

RUSH: And George Will was just sitting there taking it all in, and hit a grand slam.

WILL: There you have the premise of this legislation and the core of today’s liberalism. The American people are such dopes they can’t be counted upon to buy their own insurance.

REICH: Meh, they’re not dopes. They’ve just been taken.

RUSH: Robert B. Reichhhh. So it was a great day on the Sunday shows yesterday (laughing) and we’re happy to make it all available because we know how few people watch these things anymore.

Ken Blackwell has a piece in the American Thinker today: ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Your House! — ‘It’s all supposed to be voluntary, those ‘home visits’ that are tucked into the mammoth Obamacare bill. If you have a strong stomach, and a stronger bottom, you can find home visitation on pages 568-595. That’s Section 2951 of H.R. 3590, the Senate bill that Harry Reid brought down the chimney on Christmas Eve. All voluntary, they say, but once you ‘volunteer’ to have the oh-so-helpful folks from Social Services come in to help with your newborns, or with a number of other specified issues, will you ever be able to get rid of them? The bill provides for federal funding and supervision for this vast expansion of government intrusion into family life,’ and it’s described in pages of the bill. But what’s really interesting to me about this story is Gloria Borger. ‘One of their senior advisers told CNN’s Gloria Borger what President Obama’s people are telling wavering Democrats on Capitol Hill: Borger: ‘Right. This isn’t going to be subtle at all [Sunday]. I think this is it. I was speaking with one senior White House adviser just before I came on the air, and he said, think of it this way. This is the last helicopter out of Saigon. OK?’ Could anything be more bizarre? A senior member of the administration is comparing the president’s signature measure [health care] in Congress to the forced evacuation of the US Embassy in South Vietnam in 1975.’ (laughing) It’s the last helicopter out of Saigon.


RUSH: This is Fred, Jacksonville, Florida, welcome, sir, great to have you on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Great getting the opportunity to speak to you, Rush, and mega Sunshine State and Marco Rubio dittos.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: First I just wanted to say that I support you in everything you do and the best way I know how is by using your sponsor companies. You represent a great bunch of companies, Zicam, Carbonite, ProFlowers, and currently I’m saving up to get one of those Sleep Number Beds. So thank you for being so selective with your clientele.

RUSH: Thank you very much, sir. I appreciate your sophistication in understanding their role.

CALLER: Well, what I called about was it seemed kind of odd to me and I wondered what your thoughts were that they threaten Massa with an ethics investigation yet Charlie Rangel is still gainfully employed? Seriously?

RUSH: That’s not hard to understand. See, what you have forgotten — and Dick Durbin told us this — Charlie Rangel served in a segregated black unit in Korea. This country really mistreated Charlie Rangel, just like it did Congressman William Jefferson (Democrat-Louisiana). We have to understand these people are going to try to get a little piece of the pie once they’re on the inside. It’s owed to them. Besides, Charlie was a right vote on health care and Massa is not. The real thing about Massa, by the way, that’s kind of gotten overlooked with his radio appearance yesterday, is what he’s saying is that the Democrat leadership is responsible for putting out the news that he had this complaint against him, sexual harassment against a male worker in his office, and he’s saying that they did this on purpose to force him to resign because he is a ‘no’ vote on health care. And that’s why he’s launching on Rahm Emanuel. They’re out there, ‘This guy doesn’t have any credibility.’ If Rangel were voting ‘no’ on health care, believe me, they would have done something a lot sooner than they did. There’s no honor among thieves. But if you’re going to be a thief you better be on the side of the other thieves or they’re going to kick you out.


RUSH: Here’s Eleanor in Sonora, California. I’m glad you called. Great to have you with Rush Limbaugh. Hi.


RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: It’s an absolute privilege to talk to you. Thank you for taking my call.

RUSH: You bet, any time.

CALLER: The comment I wanted to make was I really feel that it would be something wonderful if we could develop a national triage contract with the new president, with incoming presidents, so that they accept the presidency on the Bible and tell Americans that they understand what the country needs because we all know what the political situation is in the economic situation when they’re coming in. So it would behoove them not to give us what we least need, not to give us the beginning of the presidential legacy, but from day one, like what happens, I guess, in triage in the hospital is there’s a determination made when someone comes in that there’s a whole shopping list of symptoms, and, you know, you go through the least important and you start on the most important because that’s the one that’s going to make life survive. And this president I just don’t understand how he keeps telling everybody that he’s focused on jobs like a laser, and it’s just the only thing he’s doing —

RUSH: Yeah, I know.

CALLER: — absolutely nothing about.

RUSH: We’re trying to understand irrationality as rational people, and it’s not possible. Look, presidents are elected as stewards of the Constitution. They’re not elected to remake the country. He’s guilty of constitutional fraud. He misled everybody. This is very, very serious stuff. This guy is doing things that nobody expected him to do. Well, a lot of us expected him to do but you wouldn’t listen to us. Well, you did, but I mean a lot of other people wouldn’t. I understand: ‘Do you understand the Constitution? Do you agree with it?’ He woulda just lied, he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care at all. He doesn’t care. The public is shut out of his health care reform rallies now. The public is shut out. He doesn’t care. I’m glad you called out there, Eleanor, thanks very much.