
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: White House press briefing today a reporter said to Bill Burton, ‘Some Republicans were equating the president’s golf game with Tony Hayward on the yacht. Is that fair?’

BURTON: All the different issues that the president’s dealing with, I think that a little bit of time to himself on Father’s Day weekend, umm, probably does us all good as American citizens.

RUSH: Oh, okay. So Obama is so pressured and he’s under such immense strain that a little time for himself on Father’s Day probably does all Americans a lot of good, a lot of us as American citizens. The spokesman just said: Look, we all benefit when Obama’s not at work. I mean, that’s the way you translate this. Those who control the language control the agenda. So we have to say that the deputy press secretary said that we as American citizens all benefit when Obama’s AWOL, when Obama is not working.

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