President Obama Gets Pathetic Applause at Michigan Battery Plant

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 15,2010

RUSH: Audio sound bites. Barack Obama got pathetic applause today in the battery factory in Holland, Michigan. We have two sound bites. Here’s number one.

OBAMA: Just a few years ago, American businesses manufactured only 2% of the world’s advanced batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles. But because of what’s happening in places like this, in just five years we’ll have up to 40% of the world’s capacity. For years you’ve been hearing about manufacturing jobs disappearing overseas. You are leading the way in showing how manufacturing jobs are coming right back here to the United States of America.

AUDIENCE: (smattering of applause)

RUSH: That’s pretty pathetic applause, ’cause it’s all BS. ‘American businesses manufactured only 2% of the world’s advanced batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles. But because of what’s happening in places like [your factory], in just five years we’ll have up to 40% of the world’s capacity.’ Yeah, and all the electricity it’s going to take to charge ’em. Those people do not sound happy. Then here’s Obama at the Compact Power car battery manufacture plant, Holland, Michigan, bragging about the Porkulus bill.

OBAMA: Because of a grant to this company — a grant that’s leveraging more than 150 million private dollars — as many as 300 people will be put to work doing construction, and another 300 will eventually be hired to operate this plant when it’s fully up and running, and this is gonna lead to growth in local businesses like parts suppliers and restaurants —

RUSH: This is just absolutely… This is embarrassingly pathetic. Okay, $150 million and 300 jobs, somebody want to run the numbers for me here? He spent $150 million to create 300 jobs. That’s hardly efficient, and all these ancillary businesses are going to spring up? And private dollars? Private dollars? They’re all private dollars, Mr. President. Every dollar is private until you confiscate it or print it. Every dollar is private. Our current health care thinking is what? Tobacco is the worst thing in the world for us. Am I right? Our current health care thinking is tobacco is the worst thing in the world for us, but marijuana is medicine and should be provided for us by the government. But tobacco? (raspberry) Marijuana? Right on, dude. Right on, right on, right on.

That’s $500,000 a job? Did you run the numbers, Brian? Three hundred jobs at $150 million. You people working at the Holland Compact Power car battery plant, I don’t know what you’re being paid, but the company is getting $500,000 for each one of you, and I doubt that the people that work there are being paid $500,000. So if I were you at the Compact Power car battery manufacturing plant where the president showed up today to tout all the great work you’re doing — and I don’t doubt that you’re doing great work, don’t misunderstand. But he’s very proud of the fact that 150 million private dollars were used to build your planned and pay you and so forth, that’s $500,000 for every one of you. Now, how many of you at the Compact Power car battery plant are seeing your share of the 150 mill, hmm?


RUSH: I don’t think that battery plant’s even open yet. I’m not sure. Wait ’til it opens and wait ’til Chuck Schumer hears about it. Wait ’til things start going wrong at the plant.

Have you seen the unemployment numbers today? I wasn’t going to mention this but given everything we’ve talked about today I’m gonna mention ’em. Why, the media is shocked — Shocked! — that there is good employment news. ‘Unemployment claims are down,’ but do you know why? (interruption) That’s right. I’m not making it up. (laughing) It’s because Obama Motors is not saying the traditional weeks off to retool. That’s the only reason unemployment is down. Normally Obama Motors takes this period of the year to give everybody time off while they retool for new model years.