Apologize to the British, Obama

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 20,2010

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, if there’s one country that Obama should apologize to, it’s the British. Here’s why. Follow me on this. They have this joint press conference going right now, talking about how they’re going to really take it to the Taliban. It’s a given that (ahem) Obama believes the Bill of Rights is deeply flawed. Right? It is a given that Obama believes the Constitution can’t possibly mean what it says. Barack Obama believes the founders of this country were obviously wrong in their thinking. They were wrong to declare independence much less to fight a war. Barack Obama simply does not agree with the Founders’ premise that an oppressive centralized government is something worthy of scorn and ridicule. He is in favor of an oppressive, centralized government.

Barack Obama is closer to King George than he is to the founders of the United States of America. What the Founders created has now come full circle to where it is clear Barack Obama is more comfortable with what the Founders left than what they created. Barack Obama, probably in his heart and mind, has a greater affinity for that which our Founders rebelled against than he does for that which our Founders founded. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin? Slave owners. Rich. White. ‘Men of property.’ They had a perfectly good, elitist, top-down, central planning government with an authoritarian, macromanaging, tax-happy king. And what did they do? They rebelled.

What’s the problem? Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin had it perfectly good and they didn’t know how good they had it. They sought to rebellion against that? So what Barack Obama is doing is returning this country to its roots, which are Eighteenth Century England. In Obama’s world, if ever a country was owed an apology, it’s Great Britain — and by him. If Obama were true to form, in this press conference today, he would apologize to Cameron and the British people for the fact that we ever rebelled against them in the first place. Because our Founders and the original populations had no idea how good they had it. Obama is trying to show us how good our Founders had it. (interruption)

No, Snerdley, I’m not saying this to make a point. To me this is a logical progression. Obama doesn’t believe in a Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is too negative against the government. Obama believes in a second Bill of Rights that spells out what government can do for, can do to people. There wouldn’t be a need… What’s the one thing standing in the way for what Obama wants to do? The Constitution. Who gave us that? Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, et al. It stands perfectly to reason here that Obama has a much greater affinity for that which we rebelled against than an affinity for that which we founded. So, Obama, close the loop today. Apologize to the Brits for ever doubting them. Apologize! You love apologizing for the country. This is a country you should apologize to, if you’re being intellectually up front and honest.


RUSH: Back to the audio sound bites this afternoon in Washington. It seems like every time Obama goes anywhere where there are other world leaders or whenever a world leader comes here, Obama tells them that the days of America being the engine of the economy of the world are over — and today is no different. Wall Street Journal’s Laura Meckler said, ‘President Obama, in your opening statement you referred to the fact that the British government has been taking some very tough steps to get their budget in order. You said you had committed to cut the deficit in half. Could you talk about whether you think that those decisions are going to be the decisions that they’re making? They’re gonna need to be made here on a similar level beyond pledges?’

OBAMA: When I came into office in January of 2009 I was very clear at the time, even before we knew the severity of the recession that we would experience —

RUSH: (yawning)

OBAMA: — that we have a structural deficit that is unsustainable —

RUSH: (yawning)

OBAMA: — and that for our long-term growth and prosperity we were going to have to get a handle on that. In the first, uhh, G20 visit, uh, that I made in April, uh, to England I was very clear to the rest of the world that what they cannot rely on is an economic model in which the United States borrows — consumers in the United States borrow, we take out home equity loans, we run up credit cards — to purchase goods from all around the world.

RUSH: Oh. Okay, there you have it. So, hey, world, you’re on your own. We’re not dominating anything anymore. Of course the United States is borrowing, and the United States is printing. But blame it on Bush. Blame it on the American consumer. Blame it on America. Yeah, we were giving a false sense of power to the rest of the world, projecting a false sense of power to the rest of the world anyway.

Sue in Cincinnati, you’re next on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, mega dittos.

RUSH: Thank you!

CALLER: I read a couple of books on American journalism from during the American Revolutionary War, and back then there was absolutely no pretense of truth, of objectivity, honesty. I mean, it was an all-out war between the British press and the American press, and I’m wondering where the notion of objective ever came from because we certainly don’t have it today. What do you think?

RUSH: Well, it’s an interesting question because your right. Back during the days of our founding and afterwards, I the press… You think it’s bad today? It was all tabloid back then. I mean, the stuff that we see today about Lindsay Lohan, that’s how they wrote about George Washington. That’s how they wrote about Thomas Jefferson. The pretense, though, of objectivity, that is a good question. I’d just give a wild guess at when that came into play, as something that journalism itself proffered as an aspect of what they do.

CALLER: Well, I was just going to say that I’m old enough to have lived through the Walter Cronkite days, and I think you’re right. I think he fostered that idea, and he was the perfect person to do it.

RUSH: Well, CBS fostered the idea. He was ‘the most trusted man in America.’ Of course now I am.

CALLER: (giggles) So true.

RUSH: (laughing) The best guess I could make is that the fantasy of ‘objectivity’ started around World War I. You know, Joseph Pulitzer was one of the most outrageous tabloid yellow journalists in the history of yellow journalism. And it was so bad that Joseph Pulitzer, in an effort to salvage his own name and his own reputation, created the Pulitzer Prizes. And the Pulitzer Prizes were awarded for excellence in journalism in X, like in commentary, local news reporting, the Pulitzer for Destroying the Highest Ranking Official, whatever it is. I think probably if you had to peg it, and this is a wild guess, but it would be after that. Because Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were yellow all the way and they had to try to put it back together. That would be my guess, and it survives until this day.