RUSH: We have our first iPad winner as well from our Facebook page. Folks, I don’t know. Let me click on it. I want to find out the number of friends that we have had click the button up there. I don’t know what the record is for a 24-hour sign-up. We are at 188,775. Now, I don’t know if anybody has compiled the fastest growth on a Facebook fan page, but I mean this is huge, 188,000 in 24 hours. We’re going to be at 200,000 before this half hour is up. You ought to go look, if you haven’t. These people that are signing up, these people that are clicking on the ‘like’ button, they’re the heart of America. It’s exactly what we’ve always said about this audience. It is a warm experience to just look randomly through some of the names and faces and stories of all of our Facebook friends. And then contrast that with the way this audience and your host are portrayed by the media: a bunch of racist, sexist, bigot homophobes and all that. Instead what we have on the Facebook friends page is a heart of America cross section. This audience is the real heart of America, hardworking, decent and judging from the comments they left on the photos, caring and kind as well.
The leftists and our opponents will continue to try to call us racists, mind-numbed robots, nincompoops, whatever it is. The evidence to the contrary is right there. It’s just fabulous. Now, we have our first iPad winner. It’s Blake R. of Kansas City, Missouri. We’re going to be in touch with Blake R. today. We still have eight custom EIB iPads left to go. We’re giving away three a week from now every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so the next one will be tomorrow, through August the 30th. And what makes these different is you can’t get them anywhere else. They are engraved on the back and it’s not a chintzy little tiny engraving that you have to use a microscope to see. It’s huge. It has my signature and the EIB logo on the back and they’re only going to be these few. My brother says this 188,000 is no big deal, he already has 350 friends after a month. (laughing) Okay. Well, good.
I got a note from somebody. You remember Katie from Michigan long ago, a college student? I got an e-mail from her and she said she picked up just 2,000 friends signing onto our page, and the growth is geometric. It’s exponential. So here’s what you do. Now, if you already signed up, if you did so yesterday or this morning, last night, if you signed up for the iPad giveaway, you’re already registered, you don’t need to do it again. If you haven’t, just go to, and if that is a little too complicated simply go to and we’ve got a link at the top of the page, orange banner, taking you to our Facebook page. Once you get to the Facebook page, that’s, click the sweepstakes tab, follow the instructions, and you’ll be registered. And once you do it you’re registered for all remaining eight iPad giveaways. In addition, we have the wedding photos that are up, and that was actually the reason we inaugurated the Facebook friends page yesterday.
Speaking of which, everything I do everybody copies at some point down the line, and look at this. We have spies, ladies and gentlemen, that sign up at the environmental wacko websites, the ACLU, Obama’s websites, the Democrat National Committee, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee. One of the spies received an e-mail yesterday. ‘Dear such-and-such. Who wants a chance to win an iPad? One lucky winner will get a brand-new iPad, a $100 iTunes gift card which you can use for some e-book downloads, and my personal recommendations for the best summer political reads.’ The letter is from The Forehead, Paul Begala, but you have to send the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee five bucks to be registered to win an iPad. So they’re using an iPad as a fundraiser, but one, one iPad! We here at the EIB Network are giving away no strings attached nine of them. You don’t have to pay anything.
At our Facebook page you can also sign up for Rush in a Hurry. I don’t talk about that enough but you should do this. It’s the greatest encapsulation of this program each day, an hour after the program, e-mailed to you free of charge, no strings attached, you don’t have to do anything. It’s a summary of the program, some html links, audio sound bites, transcripts. It’s a preview of what the fully updated site will look like each afternoon five to six p.m. These iPads that we’re giving away are signed first editions in essence. The signing is engraved on the back. And these are the top drawer iPads, 64-gigabyte with 3G capability if you want it. Now, that will cost you. But you don’t have to activate it to use it. So we’re not giving away anything that costs people any money to use.
RUSH: We’ve inaugurated our Facebook page. We opened it up yesterday, and already we’re up to 212,000 friends since we announced it and we gave away our first engraved iPad. Nine of them we’re giving away. The first one went to Blake R. of Kansas City, Missouri, who, if he’s not been reached yet, will be reached today and he’ll be told that he’s won. It takes two weeks to engrave these things. We just got our hands on them last week. I mean you gotta have some pull go get your hands on nine iPads, let’s face it, and our engraver doesn’t just push these things out in a couple of minutes. So each iPad is engraved with the EIB logo and my signature and getting them from us is the only place that you can get these: 64-gigabyte iPad plus 3G to go along with your Wi-Fi if you want to. The 3G is an optional hookup. You don’t have to hook it up.
So the address here is, and if that’s too much to remember just go to We’ve got a link to our Facebook page at the top of our website page and we have posted 20 pictures from the wedding of the year, mine, from June the 5th. And they’re works of art, these pictures are, they’re really — I was talking to Kathryn, ‘Do you think we should add some more pictures?’ (interruption) You do? Snerdley says we should add some more pictures. Kathryn and I were talking about this, we were driving home from dinner discussing whether we should add more pictures, and, you know, we’re thinking about it. But the nuts and bolts of them are up there, there are additional ones. We’re not gonna put any of the guests up, we’re not going to do that, Snerdley. Yeah, the guests want to remain anonymous and so forth and H.R. doesn’t want his picture out there. You can’t move through the crowd if everybody knows. So, at any rate, you can register if you haven’t registered already to win. We got eight more iPads to give away every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until August 30th. We have a drawing late at night, we will inform you if you’re a winner the next day. If you’re registered once, that’s it, you don’t have to register anymore.
If you’ve registered once you are registered for all the remaining eight iPads that we’re going to give away. (interruption) Did I know what? Hm-hm. Yeah. Right. (laughing) Snerdley, stop this. Snerdley is reminding me of something I already know, that there are e-books that are for free, and the classics, by the way, classic literature is available for free, the iPad is a book reader, it’s called iBooks, it’s an app that you can get. You can put your kindle app on the iPad. Barnes & Noble has a reader and you can put that on your iPad and these are free. Snerdley says, ‘You don’t do free but you need to tell people there are free books.’ What do you mean I don’t do free? I have free books on my iPad. If I could pay for them I would, but there hasn’t been an option. I’ve got, yeah, some of the classics. There literally are hundreds of books that are free for download. And it just a snap. So, again, it is The wedding pictures are up and as we go on I’ll be posting things there now and then. I’ll be watching TV at night, I’ll see something outrageous, and if I want to comment on it I’ll put it up there. It’s just a snap. I’m probably going to be at the computer working anyway. So we’re just getting started with all of this. You can see the wedding pictures and register for the free iPad, eight more to go, engraved, my signature, EIB logo, big, too, on the back.
RUSH: I just got a note: ‘Limbaugh, if you really cared about America you’d be giving away Chevy Volts on your Facebook page, not iPads.’ (laughing) If I really cared about America.