Regime, OSHA Spread Our Cash

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 10,2010

RUSH: Here we are in Obamaville, Hooverville, whatever you wish to call it, I have a website, it’s from the US department of labor, OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2010 Susan Harwood Grant Awardees. There are three pages of them here. The Alliance of Forest Workers and Harvesters in Albany, 85 grand. Casa Latina, Seattle, 85 grand. The Center for Human Services in Bethesda, Maryland, 85 grand. Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice, California, 85 grand. Now, stick with me on this. Farm Worker Legal Services of New York in Rochester, 85 grand. Hispanic Resource Center of Larchmont & Mamaroneck in New York, 85 grand. Lake-Sumter Community College, the grantee will assess worker needs and develop a training program on safe patient handling and movement practices for student nurses and health care providers in a three-county area in Florida, 85 grand. Make the Road New York, Inc. They’re gonna conduct a needs assessment to identify workplace hazards in small businesses located in New York City, 85 grand. Miami-Dade College Kendall campus, 85 grand. Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest, 85 grand. It’s all OSHA grants. Then you get down to American Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation, 220 grand. Board of regents, University of Wisconsin System, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 180 grand. California Rural Legal Assistance, San Francisco, 225 grand.

It goes on. It’s three pages of these. Farm Worker Justice, El Centro Humanitario Palamos Trabajadores in Denver, Idaho State University, a bunch of unions, New Jersey AFL-CIO, the National Labor College. All these are 225,000 to 200,000 to 180,000. SEIU, Service Employees International Union in Washington, the Education and Support Fund, 215 grand. Now, what does all this add up to? Ladies and gentlemen, this is your tax dollars. This is your tax dollars, and it’s all being parceled out by this administration behind the scenes. Nobody knows anything about it. You don’t know anything about it. This is nothing more than vote buying. This is simple redistribution of wealth. It’s coming from OSHA. Nobody ever votes on any of this stuff. These are not even earmarks. This is just the administration passing out goodies, and it’s all your money, it’s all our money. What does any of this have to do with the middle class, with working people or other titles given to Americans by the government?

If an inventory were done of every federal grant and contract and the billions and billions of our tax dollars that are being doled out to these groups and causes, there would be an uprising, more than we’re seeing going on today, if people knew about this, this is just OSHA, one little department of the Labor Department. Three pages, the 2010 Susan Harwood Grant Awardees, we’re giving money away to left-wing causes, left-wing groups, unions and so forth. Around half of all money budgeted for the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, is used in grants and contracts, most of which goes to left-wing groups and causes. This is the Department of Labor. Imagine what’s going on at Health and Human Services and HUD, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education and all that. This is how the left systematically spreads the wealth to all of their groups. This is why they want to get control of government. This is why they want to populate it. They want to get their hands on the public Treasury. This is how they live. This is how they’re supporting themselves. They’re not doing any work. They’re just siphoning off the work we all do, and now we don’t have the money to pay ’em any of this. We’re in debt up to our eyeballs. We’re still giving away the money.

Most of these OSHA grants, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, you go through the list and a lot of them are fronts for groups helping illegal immigrants. If you go through all three pages of this, the 2010 Susan Harwood Grant Awardees, many of them, most of them have some tie to illegal immigrants and how they’re trying to be supported or how they are being supported. And yet what is the media focused on? Where do we hear about all the waste and fraud in government, the Pentagon, right? The Department of Defense. We don’t hear about where this kind of money goes, these domestic departments and agencies. Obama’s cronies, thousands of them now in the federal bureaucracy are writing all these regulations and rules, not only for doling out grants and contracts to their friends, but putting rules in place in these agencies, from quota systems to green agendas and all the rest. My only point here is that the extent of the damage being done in Washington has yet to be really measured or exposed, because most of it occurs out of our view, like this stuff does.