Lisa Murkowski is an Idiot

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 16,2010

RUSH: Lisa Murkowski said that Sarah Palin does not have the intellectual curiosity to be president. Last night on the CBS Evening News with the perky Katie Couric, the question, ‘The message you’re hearing loud and clear from voters is compromise? Is that right?’

MURKOWSKI: I will tell you, I am not one of those who wants Obama to fail. If he does well that means the country is doing well. We don’t have time as a nation to spend all of what we do blocking. We have got to figure out how we get to a point where we can be sitting around a table and talking about these difficult problems and advancing some solutions.

RUSH: There you have it. Lisa Murkowski ran as a write-in candidate in Alaska with an absolute insane comment. Insane is not even the word. I would trade Lisa Murkowski to the Democrats for Heath Shuler in a moment, and we’d be gaining a couple IQ points. It’s hard to believe, but we would be gaining a couple IQ points in that trade. I’d give the Democrats Lisa Murkowski today for Heath Shuler, and I don’t even want a draft choice in the next draft, straight-up deal. What a ludicrous thing to say. ‘I will tell you, I am not one of those who wants Obama to fail. If he does well that means the country is doing well.’ Lisa, he is doing well. He is succeeding at what he wanted to do. He got his Obamacare. This is silly to keep reliving. We are surrounded by — I don’t know what this is, a lack of knowledge? Is this ignorance? Is it pipe dream Miss America type hopeful — what is this? It certainly isn’t intellectual curiosity. This isn’t even intellectual. Lisa Murkowski, ‘We can’t spend our time as a nation blocking’? We damn well better or there won’t be a nation. What the hell was this election, Ms. Murkowski, if it wasn’t blocking? Holy smokes.


RUSH: Sarah Palin’s Alaska, the documentary show she’s doing for The Learning Channel, TLC, has beat the TLC ratings record. Highest rated show on the network, five million total viewers tuned into the premiere of Palin’s series. Now, that is more viewers than any cable news network program, outside of special events. That’s huge. And I’m gonna tell you, people are gonna hate her even more after this. People that don’t like her are gonna hate her even more. I mean this is a huge number for The Learning Channel, five million people. I don’t care what cable news program you talk about, that’s larger. And of course Lisa Murkowski last night on the CBS Evening News with the perky one, Katie Couric, Katie Couric said, ‘You’ve said that you would not support Sarah Palin for president because she’s not worldly enough.’

MURKOWSKI: I just do not think that she has those leadership qualities, that intellectual curiosity that allows for building good and great policies. She was my governor for two years, and I don’t think that she enjoyed governing.

RUSH: Well, I tell you, Sarah Palin has the intellectual curiosity to figure out that Obama is destroying the country and has to be stopped, which makes her more intelligent than Lisa Murkowski. But we didn’t even need to know that to know that Palin is sharper than Lisa Murkowski. I mean here, grab sound bite number six. If there’s any doubt, you do an A-B, side-by-side comparison, take anything Palin said and compare it to this.

MURKOWSKI: I will tell you, I am not one of those who wants Obama to fail. If he does well that means the country is doing well. We don’t have time as a nation to spend all of what we do blocking. We have got to figure out how we get to a point where we can be sitting around a table and talking about these difficult problems and advancing some solutions.

RUSH: Yeah, how about that intellectual curiosity that led to that point of view.