Sheriff Arpaio Rips Sheriff Dupnik

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 14,2011

RUSH: Joe Arpaio, the Sheriff of Maricopa County, was on Hannity last night. During a discussion of Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, Hannity said, ‘He mentioned Rush Limbaugh by name. He did it in the opening hours, repeatedly: Talk radio, Rush Limbaugh. I wanted to get your reaction, Sheriff Arpaio.

ARPAIO: I’m a little discouraged at his comments. He is running the investigation. I was a high federal law enforcement official. We have to be very careful what you say, not to give ammunition to the person being arrested and will go through the criminal justice system. I am concerned about his remarks. I hate to say this, but I don’t think it was correct to blame everybody on these murders. That’s not fair, it’s not true, and I take issue with that.

(playing of parody song: I’m Not a Sheriff)

RUSH: White comedian Paul Shanklin as Sheriff — well, not a Sheriff — Clarence Dupnik and I’m Not a Sheriff.