RUSH: Did you see where the ChiComs, Hu Jintao questions the future of the dollar. Hu Jintao is saying that the world’s currency system is a thing of the past. Now, who else said that recently? Jared Loughner, a currency kook, the Tucson shooter, absolutely right. Could it be that the ChiComs are listening to extremist lunatics from the radical left? Could well be.
By the way, the AP has a story that runs — well, it’s probably all over the place today, I have the LA Times version of it: ‘Opposition to Healthcare Law Eases, Poll Finds.’ Get this. Only about one in four poll respondents favor repealing. Now that’s 65% down to 25% only favor repeal Obama’s health care law. This is a bogus poll, and Jeffrey Anderson, the Weekly Standard, has documented how. We’ll get to that in due course.
‘Two things are clear from Saturday’s ABC News town hall meeting in Tucson. One: Tucsonans are eager to move forward and recover from last week’s horrible shooting rampage.’ Oh. Let me find this. It’s a story from the New York Times, Matt Bai. Only in the New York Times would you see this. ‘After Tucson, Is the Anger Gone?’ Now, this is presented as a news article, not an editorial or even a sermon. But we are too stupid, apparently, to receive the flash of clarity this shooting provided us, so the New York Times has to tell us what it all meant. The headline, ‘After Tucson, Is the Anger Gone?’ And here’s one of the pull quotes. ‘If the shooting didn’t feel like the turning point in the civic life of the nation that some of us had imagined it might become, then it may be because such turning points aren’t always immediately evident. Or maybe it’s because the murder suspect appeared to have no obvious ideology, his crime an imperfect parable for the consequences of political rhetoric.’
This is shameless. Let me reread the paragraph and translate for you. ‘If the shooting didn’t feel like the turning point in the civic life of the nation that some of us had,’ hoped and tried to make it real, ‘then it may be because such turning points aren’t always immediately evident. Or maybe it’s because the murder suspect,’ couldn’t get pinned with being a right-winger, despite our best efforts. ‘Perhaps, though, we have to consider another explanation — that the speed and fractiousness of our modern society make it all but impossible now for any one moment to transform the national debate,’ damn it.
So here you have this guy, Matt Bai, desperately hoping that this one event would get rid of right-wing media. That’s what he means here, turning point in civic life of the nation is get rid of right-wing media. And, damn it, now the speed and the fractiousness of our modern society makes it all but impossible for any one moment to transform the national debate, so they’re gonna have to come up with many more of these. One moment is not enough. We need more of these.
Now, I don’t want to hear from anybody saying, ‘Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Limbaugh, that’s shameful of you to say that.’ It’s the Democrats that keep talking about the opportunity such events present them. Mark Penn: Obama needs this like Clinton had the Oklahoma City bombing, to reconnect with the American people. Not all transformational moments entail violence. ‘Not all transformational moments entail violence. John Lewis Gaddis, the pre-eminent cold war scholar and Yale professor, sees a national turning point in 1954, when Senator Joseph McCarthy testified before a Senate subcommittee in what came to be known as the Army-McCarthy hearings. The interrogation of McCarthy by Joseph Welch, an Army lawyer — ‘Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?’ — resonated throughout a country that was just then discovering the nascent power of television. Years of ruinous disagreement over the threat of internal Communism seemed to dissipate almost overnight.’ Oh, yeah, years of ruinous disagreement over the threat of internal communism. It did no such thing. All it did was humiliate McCarthy. It didn’t get rid of the notion that there was internal — for crying out loud, there was a Communist Party USA.
At any rate, what a triumph here. Never mind that the whole thing was staged. The Army McCarthy hearings were staged, and never mind that we are still suffering from the ravages of years of internal communism. In fact, several of them are in this regime. Several of them have been in this regime. Van Jones, for crying out loud, folks, we got varying degrees of communism, Marxism, socialism throughout this regime. The New York Times is still claiming the shooting was the consequences of political rhetoric, just not the kind that they wanted? Oh, yeah, the Cold War did not end after those hearings, of course not. So anyway, the shootings aren’t changing enough. We need more shootings. (interruption) Well, Snerdley, I’m just telling you, let me read this to you again. If you understand the mind-set of the left, which I do, here you go.
Perhaps, though, we have to consider another explanation for why this didn’t get rid of right-wing media, that the speed and fractiousness of our modern society make it all but impossible now for any one moment to transform the national debate. Shootings aren’t changing enough. I mean if one is not enough to get rid of right-wing media, then what is needed? Again, I remind you, it’s these guys that wish for events like this so that their presidents can reconnect with the American people: Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, Mark Penn going after this guy.
Now we move to Tucson. ‘Two things are clear from Saturday’s ABC News town hall meeting in Tucson. One: Tucsonians are eager to move forward and recover from last week’s horrible shooting rampage. And two: that process is going to be slow and painful. That latter point was driven home by the arrest of a shooting victim, who threatened a speaker during the taping of the program.’ You have to read to the second page to find out the speaker was a Tea Party member. ABC News Anchor Christiane Amanpour single-handedly destroying the show Sunday with Brinkley, whatever it is, they’re going downhill fast. What did the show used to be called? Yeah, This Week Needs David Brinkley. Here I am one of America’s foremost political figures, I couldn’t remember the name of the show. That’s how badly they have destroyed it. Is it This Week with Christiane Amanpour? Well, whatever it is, ‘ABC News Anchor Christiane Amanpour hosted the remarkable gathering of victims, heroes, witnesses and first responders. It was the first time most of them had been together since Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a Safeway parking lot, killing 6, and wounding or injuring 14 others — a rampage that happened one week earlier almost to the hour.’
On the platform, the names of people that were there. ‘On the front row was Kenneth Dorushka, who was shot shielding his wife from Loughner’s gunfire; and J. Eric Fuller, who was shot in the knee.’ J. Eric Fuller is the lib Democrat who threatened the Tea Party spokesman at the ABC News town hall called After the Tragedy: An American Conversation Continued. Correspondent David Muir spoke with Tea Party cofounder Trent Humphries about the shootings. And while Humphries is answering — you’ll hear it in a minute — he is interrupted by Tucson shooting victim J. Eric Fuller. Muir says, ‘Christiane, Trent Humphries is a Tea Party member, and I’m curious, Trent, if you could stand for just a moment, the congresswoman supported the Second Amendment. She had a gun. And I’m curious when you hear this, that there needs to be debate from Democrats and Republicans in the room, where do you see us heading forward?’ Here’s the Tea Party guy, Trent Humphries.
HUMPHRIES: It’s not just gun laws that are standing in the way of this happening. There are all kinds of laws that Congress needs to look at, and I think there is a time for this debate, but for what we saw and felt right now, I’m not sure that applause and things going on are appropriate right now until we’ve had actually maybe had the funerals finished for the people that have — that were suffered and died. My neighbor is one of those people. And I love that man. And —
FULLER: You’re dead.
HUMPHRIES: — and I want to see — I want to see some introspection, maybe, from the people before the national debate happens.
RUSH: Did you hear the ‘you’re dead’? It was somewhat off mic, ‘You’re dead.’ That was James Eric Fuller who last Friday night, syndicated public TV show Democracy Now during a discussion about what happened in Tucson, he said this.
FULLER: The first thing that I wrote down and what my reaction was to it was how many other people, how many other demented people are out there. It looks like Palin’s back, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target. Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled, senseless hatred leading to murder, lunatic fringe anarchism subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all, even nine-year-old girls.
RUSH: Now, Obama’s speech was Wednesday. This was Friday. Where’s the civility? Besides, this guy is a Looney Tune leftist, as was Loughner. Loughner hated Bush. He believed that Bush was behind 9/11. Oh, yeah, he hated George W. Bush. We have learned over the weekend Loughner hated Bush, he believed he was behind 9/11, was screwing up the currency. Oh, yeah, that’s left-wing kookism, absolutely right. We knew some of that on Friday. We also know that his best friend said on Good Morning America he didn’t listen to political radio, he didn’t care about that. But he hated George W. Bush. Now, this guy comes along, James Eric Fuller. That was a great speech Obama gave, right? I mean the oratory, he really got through to everybody, right? Here’s two days later: how many other demented people, looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle, the rest got their first target? Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengence for all, even nine-year-old girls. Vicious, vicious, vicious anger, ladies and gentlemen, from James Eric Fuller.
RUSH: So James Eric Fuller says, ‘You’re dead’ to the Tea Party guy. At that point ‘State Rep. Terri Proud (R-Tucson) rose to explain and clarify current and proposed gun legislation in the state, several people groaned or booed her. One of those booing, according to several witnesses, was Fuller. Witnesses sitting near Fuller told KGUN9 News that Fuller was making them feel very uncomfortable,’ sort of like Jared Loughner did to his classmates in the community college out there. ‘The event wrapped up a short time later. Deputies then escorted Fuller from the room. As he was being led off, Fuller shouted loudly to the room at large. Several witnesses said that what they thought they heard him shout was, ‘You’re all whores!’
‘Fuller, age 63, is a political operative who specializes in gathering petitions for ballot initiatives. Before the program began, he passed out business cards to people sitting around him that read: ‘Signatures ‘Expediting Initiatives since 2006 ‘J. Eric Fuller ‘Political Circulator.’ A Pima County Sheriff’s spokesman told KGUN9 News that the department has charged Fuller with one count of threats and intimidation, and said they plan to charge him with at least one count of disorderly conduct. Humphries told KGUN9 News that he does plan to press those charges…’ Now, this threaten-er, Eric Fuller, is getting a mental evaluation. Yet Frank Rich and Paul Krugman and Matt Bai of the New York Times are all walking around free.
They have made just as incendiary comments in the written word as this guy has in the spoken word.
And what are the differences between what Jared Loughner is supposed to have espoused and what Reverend Wright espoused? Reverend Wright believes that 9/11 was a Bush inside job. ‘America’s chickenssss are coming home to roost!’ I mean, how could Obama sit in a peeeew in Reverend Wright’s church, listen to the rantings of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, and not demand he get a mental evaluation? We’ve all played for you those sound bites. I mean, like Loughner, Wright hates Bush, says ‘9/11’s an inside job.’ He even has weird number theories like Wright’s hero, the Reverend Farrakhan. They’re all whores? Does that mean…? Did Fuller work for Jerry Brown during the elections? ‘Cause that he says one of his big statements. Here’s Geraldo last Saturday night on Geraldo At Large. He said this about Fuller’s death threat and arrest at the ABC News town hall.
RIVERA: Despite Mr. Obama’s appeal to our better angels, there was a very public death threat today in Tucson that prompted police action. Ironically, it came from a hard-core liberal.
RUSH: Uh, ‘Ironically it came from a hard-core liberal’? Ironically? Yeah, yeah, because we’d all expect it to come from a conservative, I guess. Wow. Interesting. ‘Ironically, it came from a hard-core liberal,’ ‘despite Obama’s appeal to our better angels.’
RUSH: Now, this guy Eric Fuller is out there saying that Boehner and all these gun control people got what they wanted out there, right? They’re Second Amendment people. Well, Gabrielle Giffords is one of those. They joins Boehner in support of the Second Amendment. Does this lunatic believe that she’s therefore responsible for her own shooting? That’s what he was upset about, and that’s what he was talking about on that program Friday night.
‘Yeah, well, all these people out there, they got their first victim! These Second Amendment types.’
Well, she’s one of them. She is one of them.