How ‘Bout That Sand Shot?

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 9,2011

RUSH: Andrew in Charleston, South Carolina. Great to have you with us, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Thank you so much, Rush. I just wanted to comment: After two years of reported 10% unemployment and sort of unreported 20% unemployment, in my workplace as a physician we’re basically at bare bones. I’m just curious why, at this point, no one is commenting on the fact that there are just normal jobs left to be lost in America? I mean, these numbers that exist are skewed because everyone I know that’s bare bones.

RUSH: Well, now, wait a minute. What do you mean when you say that there aren’t any more jobs left to be lost?

CALLER: In the big picture that they keep reporting these fewer numbers of people being laid off and things like that, and I’m telling you that in my position, if we start firing people at this point, we can’t run our business anymore. So when people report it’s fewer people being laid off, it makes it sound like things are improving.

RUSH: This is where I would, sadly, disagree with you — and not in an argumentative way.

CALLER: No, no, no!

RUSH: There is an option ahead and that is shutting down your business.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: That’s what people have been forced to do! That is why we are in this position. We have maybe… If you’re right, we’ve reached a point where businesses are running bare bones and they can’t survive if they fire any more people, the option still remains to shut down.
CALLER: (laughing) Well, my patients wouldn’t care for that very much. I’m just saying that the Obama administration uses that to give these optimistic numbers that they’re declining layoffs, when in fact people aren’t laying anybody else off because they just maybe can’t afford to. And I also wanted to say: Great shot out of the sand trap in the Bahamas, man! That was beautiful.

RUSH: Yeah, thank you. You saw that, huh? You know what I wish they would have shown on that show? That shot, that sand shot is one of the hardest in golf — a long sand shot like that deep in the bunker — and there’s a 35-mile-an-hour wind going from my left to right. And immediately after I hit the shot Haney ran into the bunker and grabbed the camera crew and explained what happened, how it happened, what was necessary to make that shot. It would have been very instructive for people to watch it. They just didn’t have the time to put that in, but I’m glad you noticed it, sir. I appreciate that.