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On Wednesday, the CIAdirector, Leon Panetta, tolda Senate intelligence committee that if we ever capture Osama Bin Laden or other Al-Qaeda leaders, they’ll likely be sent to our Air Force base in Bagram, and then toClub Gitmo. Now, that’s welcome news for me;I have a thriving merchandise product line featuring Club Gitmo apparel.
But other people, ladies and gentlemen,are notunhappy. Said an ACLU honcho: “If this is the direction the administration is thinking of going, it is very disturbing.” So-called human rights groups expressed worry that Obama is retreating from his pledge to close Gitmo,and they don’t like the hint that he may use our air base in Afghanistan. An appeals court ruled last year that Bagram is beyond the court’s reach,so terrorists could be held indefinitely and interrogated there.
Well, the regime quickly “clarified” Panetta’s remarks, insisting that Obama has every intention of closing Gitmo, but they had to admit that “many countries are either incapable or unwilling” to take the terrorists, and “we require some mechanism to be able to detain them ourselves.”
Before the regime seized power, I predicted Gitmo would not be shut down. On his first day in office when Pharaoh Obama signed his little Executive Order,I again predicted Gitmo would not be shut down. And today, one more time, I predict Gitmo will still be open when theregime is a distant memory.
So, who you going tobelieve? Hint: Pick the guy with a track record for being right. Don’t doubt me.
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