Biden on Stimulus: “Look Around!”

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: I heard some things Joe Biden said, and last Thursday I instructed Cookie, on air, to do the following.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Cookie, you gotta get audio of this speech when it’s given. We gotta do a Bob Torricelli on this. ‘Come see what I see everywhere I go. Workers rehired –‘ by the way, Harley-Davidson is cutting 1,000 more jobs as profits plummet. This is from the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Journal Sentinel. ‘Come see what I see everywhere,’ Biden says. ‘Workers rehired, factories reopened, cops on the street, teachers in the classrooms.’ These people are a joke.

RUSH: The only reason he could be saying this is if he’s walking around Washington because their unemployment rate is only 6.2%, employment’s growing, it’s government. People in the DC area literally do not have — in an ordinary day — anywhere near the life experiences or they don’t even see same things people outside of Washington see. So I said, ‘Do a Bob Torricelli on this.’ What’s a Bob Torricelli? Well, we put together a Bob Torricelli montage when it was proven that he had taken a bunch of bribes. He went to the floor of the Senate when he was a senator from New Jersey, April 18th, 2001, to deny all these charges. He took a bunch of bribes from a guy named David Chang, and there was no question he ended up resigning over this. Well, he didn’t resign. They pulled him out of the reelection race when his poll numbers were down and they put Lautenberg in there. Anyway, what you’re going to hear here is Torricelli angry as he can be on the floor of the Senate, denying the charges while David Chang’s attorney, Brad Simon, lists all the things that Torricelli accepted.

TORRICELLI: To challenge my integrity is beneath contempt. I do not deserve this treatment.

SIMON: Two watches, a Rolex watch, diamond earrings for his girlfriend.

TORRICELLI: I have never —

SIMON: Television set.

TORRICELLI: — ever —

SIMON: Oriental rug, grandfather clock, other antique items.

TORRICELLI: — done anything —

SIMON: Suits.

TORRICELLI: — at any time —

SIMON: Approximately 14 deliveries of envelopes of cash to Torricelli’s house.

TORRICELLI: — to betray the trust of the people of the state of New Jersey. Never!

RUSH: All right, so I said, ‘Cookie, put one of these together on Biden saying, ‘Come see what I see everywhere I go.” So we did it. Here is Biden telling us to look around, the results of the stimulus, combined with the Money Honey, CNBC, Maria Bartiromo reciting economic facts.

BIDEN: For those who say that our economic decisions haven’t saved jobs —

BARTIROMO: Unemployment right now at nine-and-a-half percent.

BIDEN: — it simply hasn’t worked —

BARTIROMO: Consumer sentiment taking a dive.

BIDEN: I say look around you.

BARTIROMO: Gasoline up $1.65 to $2.65.

BIDEN: I say don’t let your opposition to the Recovery Act blind you to the results.

BARTIROMO: The numbers speak for themselves.

BIDEN: Come see what I see.

BARTIROMO: The Obama administration stimulus is not working.

BIDEN: Come see what I see. I say, look around you.

RUSH: Well, these are just great. Just to illustrate — I don’t even know what to call it anymore.