RUSH: Okay, so we repeal ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ which is a Bill Clinton devised and implemented law. Okay, so getting rid of something Clinton did is now hailed as an historic civil rights accomplishment. Well, who knew Clinton was such a bigot? Obviously he was. And, folks, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ is gone now. Openly gay individuals can serve in the military. So does this mean that Mrs. Clinton can finally fulfill her lifelong dream and join the Marines? I’m just asking.
RUSH: They’re very excited in Washington about the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’
(Playing of spoof)
RUSH: Oh, look at this, come out of that with Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress, song made famous in the seventies, Hollies. Okay, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ Now, for those of you who think that repealing ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ will put these gay rights issues to the rest for a while just ask yourself, did electing Obama put an end to all race issues? No, it didn’t. Now, we had to close down Club Gitmo, remember, because it was supposedly a recruiting tool for Muslim terrorists. So what will having openly gay recruits in the military do? I mean you know how they feel about it. They don’t dig it. The Muslims don’t dig much of anything, but they don’t dig that. So this might overshadow Gitmo. I mean I’m just taking what the left says and posing some obvious questions here. So if the decree to getting open homosexuality is so vital to the defense of the nation, why has it taken 234 years to get around to it? Well, I mean look, folks, I’m sorry, I’m not trying to disturb anybody. I’m not even trying to be provocative, but these are the questions that come to my mind as I listen to the left talk about this stuff.
And how do you leave out Private First Class Bradley Manning? Well, he is the openly gay military guy who gave all the information to Julian Assange. So an openly gay buck private saw to it that Julian Assange got all those State Department — well, hell, everything that Julian Assange has received about the US military and our diplomatic efforts has come from this guy. So why didn’t they just call the repeal ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ the Pfc. Bradley Manning Act? It seems to me that that would have only been fitting in honor of his tremendous efforts toward this end. Well, maybe that’s a bad choice of words. I fully expect there to be more monuments to this brave hero in the ensuing years.
From the Australian, the headline says it all: ‘Lawyers Cry Foul Over Leak of Julian Assange Sex-Case Papers — Lawyers for Julian Assange have expressed anger about an alleged smear campaign against the Australian WikiLeaks founder. Incriminating police files were published in the British newspaper that has used him as its source for hundreds of leaked US embassy cables. In a move that surprised many of Mr. Assange’s closest supporters on Saturday, The Guardian newspaper published previously unseen police documents that accused Mr. Assange in graphic detail of sexually assaulting two Swedish women. One witness is said to have stated: ‘Not only had it been the world’s worst –‘ gee, I can’t use that word. ‘– it had also been violent.” ‘Not only had it been the world’s worst sex act, it had also been violent.’ Anyway, I love the fact here that the leaker gets leaked on and everybody’s bent outta shape. The leaker’s getting leaked on here, and this is surprising Assange’s supporters.
By the way, isn’t it revealing, my friends, the same people who have only shown hatred and contempt for the US military are the ones celebrating ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ as a great historic accomplishment? So much irony in all of this. So if we’re not gonna call it the Pfc. Bradley Manning Act, the repeal of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ what are we gonna call it? It was ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ now we say ‘show-and-tell.’ The staff on the other side of the glass is looking at me with mouths agape, eyes wide open, and I’m just, as I said here, reacting to the things that I hear the left say. I guess if men aren’t supposed to worry about showering with gay men, then women shouldn’t worry about showering with men, right? I mean that makes total sense. This actually might boost recruitment after all. And Clinton, does he realize what a diss this is? He comes with ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ and now the left is getting rid of this as though it is one of the most bigoted things that has ever happened in terms of US foreign policy.
RUSH: Let’s go to the phones. Tiffin, Ohio. We’ll start with Bruce. Thank you for calling. Thanks for waiting, sir. You are up first.
CALLER: Hey, mega dittos, Rush. I’ve been listening since ’88 when I was stationed at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey.
RUSH: I appreciate that. You’re a lifer.
CALLER: Yeah. Yeah, I can’t believe I got through to you finally. Anyway, I guess on this ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ I think one of the possible outcomes is that we’re gonna have to go back to a draft eventually once this thing plays out.
RUSH: Why?
CALLER: Well, recruiting and retention are just gonna plummet, and my premise is, especially retention, I think military families, people don’t understand the military lifestyle. I’m retired myself, and, you know, it’s somewhat cloistered, and especially in a lot of places, you know, you buy your food, your clothing on base, I mean it’s just a little community in and of itself. And I just don’t think parents with young children walking to go get their kids a haircut or something are gonna want to have two men holding hands thrown in their kids’ face. I think most parents don’t want their children to grow up gay. That’s just a fact of life.
RUSH: Well, we’ll have to see. Only time will tell if this leads to a shortfall in recruiting and in retention. And if it does, if it’s serious enough that they would have to bring back the draft, which, we might have to do that to avoid a catastrophe. I mean everything Obama does is to avert a catastrophe. Which means here’s a great guy, he’s always finding ways to avert catastrophe. Interesting thought. We’ll see it play out. Whether or not you’re right, it will take some years.
In the meantime, quick time-out here, folks, we’ll be back and, well, now — (interruption) (laughing) — why would the left want a policy that would hurt recruitment? (laughing) Because that would weaken the military. Make no mistake, I mean this does not make them big supporters of the military. They never have been. The military, the US military particularly, according to the American left, is the focus of evil in the modern world. Anything that weakens it is right up their alley.
RUSH: I think a lot of people are missing the boat here on don’t ask, don’t tell. Our last caller was worried about drops in recruitment and retention. Are people not factoring in all of the homosexuals who have been dying to sign up and join? I mean, given the policy, we would expect the ranks of the military to swell here with all the… (interruption) ‘To swell,’ exactly right. Obviously, the reason to change this is ’cause there obviously has been a huge desire out there on the part of gays in America to join the military. (interruption) They didn’t want to join the military because they had to keep it quiet. Don’t ask, don’t tell. Now you can be openly gay. We should expect lines outside recruitment offices. We should expect Harvard and all these other places to welcome ROTC centers back on campus, right? I mean, that’s what we would think. It won’t be long. The Village People are gonna be throughout. The #1 recruitment song is gonna be ‘In the Navy’ by the Village People. Oh, whatever problems we have on retention and recruitment will be more than made up by the mad dash of openly gay people who sign up, otherwise why go through all of this to repeal the bigoted policy of President Clinton: Don’t ask, don’t tell?
RUSH: This is Terry in St. Peters, Missouri, not far from St. Louis. Great to have you on the program, sir, hello.
CALLER: Thank you, Rush, and Merry Christmas.
RUSH: Same to you.
CALLER: The ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ is gonna have a negative effect because what we’ve done is we’ve elevated homosexuality above military service.
RUSH: Wait, wait, wait. How have we done that?
CALLER: Well, I retired from the Air Force almost 20 years ago. I was a personnel officer, and I had to work long before the days of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ I was working with the Jags on discharges of homosexuals for active homosexual activity —
RUSH: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Judge adjutant general’s office, right?
CALLER: Right. They’re lawyers. They’re military lawyers.
RUSH: Yeah, okay.
CALLER: So we were working cases on misconduct for this and —
RUSH: Misconduct for open, active homosexual activity?
RUSH: People were being thrown out for that?
RUSH: Okay.
CALLER: And what we’re talking about here is actual physical activity, Rush. I mean person on person.
RUSH: Yeah. That’s what I understood it to be.
CALLER: Okay. And I think there have been homosexuals in the military probably ever since there’s been the military. But now what has happened in my estimation is through this ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ we have now elevated the homosexual class above the rank-and-file military class.
RUSH: See, that’s what I don’t — look, I know this is not about gaining equality, I know it’s about getting special treatment, but how does it elevate the homosexual class over the rank-and-file?
CALLER: Because before, if a person was a homosexual, either active or latent or whatever, if they kept their mouth shut and they were serious about serving in the military, they could get by. Okay? I mean we have heterosexuals in the military every day, and they do have interaction with members of the opposite sex —
RUSH: And they’ve been thrown out as well, haven’t they?
CALLER: Oh, yes, they have. I’ve worked those cases, too. But the point being here is now we’ve taken a — and at the risk of being politically incorrect, a deviant behavior and now we’ve made it —
RUSH: That is politically incorrect.
CALLER: I know, but I’ve always been that way.
RUSH: All right.
CALLER: Anyway, now we’ve elevated this to a status which I believe places the concept of service in a secondary role. The first is, I can now flaunt myself, and that becomes the first role. I’m sure there have been people throughout who have served —
RUSH: You mean without being thrown out? I just want to understand what you’re saying. You said they can now flaunt themselves without fear of discharge?
CALLER: That is correct.
RUSH: And now any discharge of homosexuals, so to speak, will entail perhaps a lawsuit?
CALLER: It might. I mean the —
RUSH: Is it because you think they have —
CALLER: — Uniform Code of Military Justice is still in effect, and whether it’s male on male or female on female, if it’s outside the sphere of marriage, quite frankly, it is misconduct within the concept of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
RUSH: Yeah, but that’s what Tailhook was all about.
CALLER: Yeah, it was and that was a whole political issue that I don’t want to get into.
RUSH: Right. But that’s what this is. Aren’t you basically saying — and I don’t want to put words in your mouth, you don’t have to agree with me if I’m wrong, but are you now saying that homosexuals by virtue of lifting ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ now have special rights, or they are a protected class —
RUSH: — such that that behavior is now immune from the —
CALLER: Well, I don’t say that the behavior is immune from it, Rush. What I’m saying is the identity is immune from it. I mean you could probably walk into a barracks room and see the multicolored gay flag hanging with pride, where before you couldn’t.
RUSH: So what?
CALLER: Well —
RUSH: How does that manifest itself as being detrimental?
CALLER: Well, I see it as positioning myself as a special protected class more concerned —
RUSH: Okay.
CALLER: — with my identity as a gay than my identity as a member of one of the Armed Services. And I think that can be counter to good order and discipline. And without taking up too many hours of the show, I think there are other areas that are now opened up for serious discussion. Do you send your lover in to war knowing that he or she might be killed? It’s very troubling to me.
RUSH: What do you think is gonna happen to recruitment? That has come up on the program today.
CALLER: Well, I think it’s possible that it could have a negative impact. I’d be a little concerned if I dropped my soap in the shower.
RUSH: Well, okay, that’s you, you’re speaking for yourself.
CALLER: Yeah, I’m speaking for myself.
RUSH: Somebody theorized this could lead to a draft. If it hurts recruitment it could lead to a draft because somebody’s gonna need a certain number of bodies.
CALLER: Well, if it hurts recruitment, could lead to a draft, but I think before we went back to a draft, we might see the repeal of the repeal of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’
RUSH: Oh, now that… can you imagine the fire fight that would be? What he’s saying is that the repeal of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ now puts sexual identity before unit, before army, before country. That’s what the caller’s fear the end result of this all is. Thanks very much. I gotta go, as I warned you a break was coming. Here it is.
RUSH: Now, here’s a question. It’s an open-ended question. Will straight soldiers, heterosexuals, be able to claim sexual harassment by gays in the military? Or will such claims now be considered hate crimes? How is this gonna play out? Well, you know, because in our culture there are certain templates. It’s like women never lie about rape, yet we got this ABC weather babe, you know, women never lie. Children never lie, yet we know that they do. This notion that there is predation in the homosexual community, oh, that never happens. Well, yeah, just like it never happens in the heterosexual. Of course it does. There are predators everywhere out there. Hate crimes are, if you’re thinking about it, well, it’s even worse than the crime that you commit. So anyway, it’s a lot of stuff to shake out, so to speak.
RUSH: I got an e-mail question here, folks. ‘What happens when a non-gay NCO orders a gay private into a dangerous situation and the private refuses the order on the grounds of gay discrimination?’ ‘Cause if it’s ‘openly,’ NCOs are gonna know who’s who. Wow. Interesting question.
RUSH: John in Cosby, Tennessee, you’re welcome to have your time on the air here, sir. Hi.
CALLER: Hi. Thanks for taking my call.
RUSH: Yes, sir.
CALLER: Hey, on this ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ one of the things that bothers me is the greater issue of how the debate is cast in terms of bigotry versus tolerance. And speaking as a pastor, I’m concerned that we aren’t able to take a moral stand in this country anymore without being called a bigot.
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: A couple of recent military leaders said if you don’t like serving with this new policy, then quit.
RUSH: Yeah, I think you’re right. We got two kinds of generals and two kinds of military people: warriors and politicians, who want to climb the ranks within the Pentagon.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: You’re not dealing with the warriors. You’re dealing with the politicians. There are two kinds of ’em.
CALLER: I guess so. But maybe liberals can understand, I mean if they feel like they can regulate public smoking, and they’re morally against that because it hurts others, does that make them a bigot against smokers?
RUSH: Yeah. Yeah. But what’s missing there is that a cigarette is an inanimate object. A gay person isn’t.
CALLER: Okay, what about teenage pregnancy, alcoholism? I’m not for that. Does that make me a bigot?
RUSH: No, but it means you do not understand the way kids are these days. Kids are gonna have sex, Pastor, there’s nothing we can do to stop it. Everybody knows that.
CALLER: Everybody.
RUSH: What we need to do is go all the way. Give ’em the bed, the nightstand, the pack of cigarettes for afterwards, and make sure the sheets are clean so they’re not doing it in the back of the car. That’s the liberal solution.
CALLER: So there’s no way out of the bigotry corner?
RUSH: Well, there is. You do what you do and to hell with being called a bigot. You’re not a bigot.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: None of us standing up for morality are bigots. You know, morality is always on the enemies list to the left, because involved in morality is judgment.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: ‘And you’re not good enough to judge anybody, who are you, Reverend?’ That’s their reaction. ‘You don’t know me. You judge what I’m doing. You keep it to yourself. You can take your morality, you can stuff it.’
CALLER: Well, you know, sometimes I say I don’t choose to be this way or that, and I don’t believe that people choose what tempts them. But if we’re unable to choose our behavior, then we’ve got a real problem, we got a low view of man, we don’t believe — what makes us different than animals?
RUSH: Right. We’re just automatons.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: That’s just a way of offering an excuse.
CALLER: Well, that’s my point, and I appreciate the chance to share that with you.
RUSH: Well, you’re not in the minority.
RUSH: You’re just made to look like it. Your best bet would be to stop watching the mainstream media and you’ll quickly have a different attitude. You are not in the minority. You’re only a bigot when you speak out against what the establishment wants. That’s all. You’re gonna be charged with hate speech simply because the left doesn’t want to hear any opposition. That’s a threat. That’s what political correctness is. ‘Shut up. We don’t want to hear what you say ’cause it threatens us.’