Did DiFi Really Say “Oaf” of Office?

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: I want you to listen to Dianne Feinstein, who introduced the oath of office ceremony with Chief Justice John Roberts. Here, it’s just 14 seconds. Listen carefully as we replay Dianne Feinstein here.

FEINSTEIN: It is my distinct honor to present the chief justice of the United States, the honorable John G. Roberts, Jr., who will administer the presidential oaf [sic] of office. Everyone, please stand.

RUSH: Now, I’m not trying to stir things up here, but did she say ‘oaf’? It sounded like she said ‘oaf of office,’ with an ‘F.’ Well, look, again, I know people are going to get mad as they can be out there. I’m sure many affiliates are boiling mad out there. I’m sure she said ‘oath.’ I’m sure she did. She’s Dianne Feinstein. But oath, oath. Yeah, I’m saying it with a ‘th.’ I’m sure she said it. Here, let’s listen again, it sounds like she said ‘oaf’ with an ‘F.’

(replaying of bite)

I think the jury is still out. I think the jury is still out. We’ll give her the benefit of the doubt, even though the jury is still out, but it sure sounded like ‘oaf’ to me.