E-mails of Support Pour In to the EIB Network

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

Just wanted to add my prayers for your ‘SPEEDY’ and ‘COMPLETE’ recovery. I will enjoy the more than able substitutes during your absence but believe me, there is only ONE RUSH LIMBAUGH. I feel as though my brother is going through this ordeal because ‘We Are Brother’s of the Same Father, but a Different Mother’.


I’ve only started listening to you for the last two years, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. I’m an eternally recovering methamphetamine addict that constantly relives my rock bottom. I heard your rock bottom on 10/10/03.

By constantly remembering my rock bottom, it reminds me that I deserve the life I have now. I’ve been sober 5 yrs and the rest of my life to go. My husband has been by my side through it all because he believed I’d be who I am now. I know Marta and us, your fans believe in you the same way.

Can’t wait for your return.

My prayers and good thoughts are for you




I hope that you will receive this and know how many of your friends and fans are with you and how much we support you. You are loved more than you will ever know, and we certainly miss you. I have no doubt you can beat this thing and be stronger than ever.

You are responsible for my newfound love of politics and education on so many matters. You are still the best, and in your fans eyes, that will not change. I can assure you that the majority of your fans discount the critics and will support you more than ever upon your return.

Best wishes Rush, and God Bless!

Bowling Green, KY


Dear Rush,

You are in my prayers during this difficult period in your life. Having had an alcohol dependency, I know what you are facing. In my case, I laid it all at the foot of the cross, giving it all to Jesus. He saw me through it.

I don’t know what type of rehab center you are in, but I hope it addresses the spiritual aspects of addiction.

Looking forward to having you back at EIB.

Concord, VA


Hi Rush,

Some of the finest people I know have been met as a result of recovery from Alcoholism. I know it’s not the same but the treatment and recovery is very similiar. I have listened to you since 85 or 86 when you were first aired on KMJ in Fresno, Ca. You are in my prayers and I know for you, the best is yet to come. Having been there, I know that after beating this, you will be unstoppable. You have become a National treasure and people love you. We also need you to make our voices heard. There are several very good talk show people out there, but there is only one Rush. You will come back stronger and better.

God Bless and Protect you,

Fresno, Ca.



I pray that you are doing well. I have been where you are and I know that it is very tough. I also want you to know that I pray that you come to see what God has for in store for you. You can hear a lot of good in a recovery center, but the best recovery that I made was to build a relationship with Jesus Christ.

I love you and pray for you every day.

Peace and Grace in Christ alone,


I have listened to you for the last 10 years. You have become such a part of my daily life, I never realized how much I would miss you. The car rides aren’t the same, gardening isn’t, folding laundry isn’t, doing dishes isn’t. You are in my prayers, and we need you back before the election campaigns get into full swing.

Get well quickly,
Fondly, Carroll