Friday Quotes: It’s Open Line Friday!

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“I knew that it would be the Republican Party that first had a woman who works at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

“I would have loved for Senator McCain to say, ‘All right, Governor Palin and I are heading out on the campaign trail now. We think that Senator Obama should head to Louisiana and stop Hurricane Gustav.'”

“I heard Barack Obama gave a speech last night. Did he? I can’t find much about Obama’s speech today. Sounds like just a rumor.”

“‘We are a great nation at risk in a dangerous world,’ but Obama never talked about that last night. He never talked about the dangerous world we face. He talked only about himself.”

“Sarah Palin doesn’t have to wear pantsuits, ladies and gentlemen, and her husband is not a crook. This woman’s nickname is Barracuda. She takes no prisoners.”

“Sarah Palin’s speech was not about promises and platitudes, it was about achievements and about accomplishments. She has a story to tell. Her story is real, and her story is America.”

“By the way, the feminists ought to love this babe, Sarah Palin: She has a toddler and she goes to work. But we know the feminists will not like her because she’s pro-life and she has her babies.”

“I have to tell you, the McCain campaign the last six weeks has seen a huge turnaround. And you know what’s responsible for it? Conservatism.”

“If they ever got together, sample questions that Obama might have for Sarah Palin are, ‘Governor, are all NRA members as pretty as you are?’ and ‘Governor, when you found out that your baby would be born with Down syndrome, did you consider aborting it before or after the due date?'”

“Sarah Palin. Babies. Guns. Jesus. Hot damn.”