John “the Breck Girl” Edwards: Hedge Fund Taught Me About Poverty

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Did you hear about John Edwards? You will not believe this, ladies and gentlemen. Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut! We haven’t heard from the Breck Girl in a while, and this one is a doozy. Here he is singing.

(Playing of ‘I am Woman’ spoof song.)

That’s Paul Shanklin as the Breck Girl, John Edwards, ‘I am Woman.’ For those of you just tuning in for the first time and thinking, ‘Oh, my God, that’s even worse than ‘Barack the Magic Negro!” remember now, it’s all based on the fact some female columnist, I don’t even remember her name, wrote some time ago that of all the Democrat candidates, the Breck Girl understood women’s issues better than anybody else — including Mrs. Clinton! Now the story: the Breck Girl said yesterday he worked for a hedge fund between presidential campaigns to learn more about financial markets and their relationship to poverty. He also admitted he wanted to make some money.

So essentially they asked him, ‘What are you doing in a hedge fund?’ (He’s already in a little trouble here with his 28,000-square-foot mansion. That’s a little hypocritical.) ‘What are you doing in a hedge fund?’

‘I went to a hedge fund because I wanted to learn about poverty.’

Wait a minute! I thought he was already an expert on poverty. He’s already run a vice presidential campaign on that basis. But I tell you, it’s given me an idea, folks. The learning never stops here at the EIB Network. What I’m going to do is, since he went to a hedge fund to learn about poverty, I am going to work in a soup line for a week or two so that I can learn about the rich.