Mitch Daniels: Bend Over for Our Enemies and Make Them Like Us

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number one. I teased you with this, and I really didn’t mean to. I just got sidetracked with this Middle East speech. Mitch Daniels in 2009. Now, remember, what does it say that somebody that is this low-key is needed to add excitement to our campaign, and that’s what the inside-the-Beltway Republicans are saying. Here is Mitch Daniels, and I’ve got three or four of these, but I’ve got time to play one. We’ll do the rest tomorrow. But Mitch Daniels, 2009, in Washington, making a speech at the Ripon Society.

DANIELS: The next Republican majority will have to emphasize those things that unite us, as opposed to those things about which we are in conflict or divided. It seems to me this is a message I’ve never heard Dick Lugar speak divisively, that, you know, the whole concept of a wedge issue should be foreign to us if we really want to come back. We’ve got a tall mountain to climb. We not only are out of favor right now, but the topography in this country is not moving in a positive way, standing on the political basis left to us. So we better be thinking about those things that unite us and we better be extraordinarily understanding of those who disagree, bend over backwards. I mean we’re all Americans.

RUSH: Mitch Daniels, we better be extraordinarily understanding of those who disagree with us, must bend-over backwards. Listen to the next one, it gets better.

DANIELS: The next Republican majority or its representatives, not to be trivial about it, ours needs to be a friendly sort of politics, people have to like you a little bit before they’ll listen to you, or at least they can’t actively dislike you, you just have to persuade them. And, by the way, I think the door is open to us on this. The meanest people I see in American politics right now are on the left. It’s not a caricature. By the way, it comes naturally. If you believe you are a superior person intellectually or morally elite, and therefore well suited to order the affairs of everybody else, then power and access to it means everything. And you’ll do anything — just about anything to get there.

RUSH: So what he said here is, people have to like you a little bit before they’ll listen to you, at least they can’t actively dislike you. We’re gonna have to make ’em like us. That was Mitch Daniels. That’s June 10th of 2009 in Washington at a dinner at the Ripon Society. And there are a couple more of these that we found. In fact, the whole sound bite roster from today we’ll probably keep for tomorrow, plus whatever new happens.


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