NY Times: Kerry Is a “Pariah”

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: This is a story from yesterday’s stack: “Senator John Kerry keeps to himself around the Capitol.” It’s from the New York Times. “He is always rushing somewhere, head down, disappearing into elevators. A Senate loner for 22 years, Mr. Kerry seems all the more isolated now as he darts past the media hordes around the next set of presidential seekers, colleagues that include Hillary Rodham Clinton, John McCain and Barack Obama. Even in the best of times…” Now, this is the New York Times writing this: “Even in the best of times Mr. Kerry’s face hung droopy and funereal, one of the most weary in American politics. Today, Mr. Kerry, the Massachusetts Democrat who was the exit poll president-elect for a few hours in November 2004…” (Laughing.) The exit poll president-elect! The exit poll president-elect for a few hours? Who has ever been called that? The New York Times refers to John Kerry as “the exit poll president-elect for a few hours in November 2004 endures the particular pariah status that his party reserves for its losing nominees.”

(Playing of “Pariah” Parody Song)

RUSH: John Kerry: the exit poll president-elect for a few hours in 2004.