Pelosi: Energy Bill “Act of Faith”

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Ed in Fredericksburg, Virginia, nice to have you with us on Open Line Friday. Hello.

CALLER: Rush, I read again this morning — it seems like it comes about every second day — an AP writer saying that the Kyoto and the climate change folks that the United States is the only country in the world that’s all screwed up and we’re wrong and everybody else is right. It made me think that, you know, these folks are the modern equivalent of the Barbary pirates 200 years ago, when we stood for principle and the rest of the world just said, ‘No, we’ll just keep paying ’em.’

RUSH: (laughing) That’s a good point. But I think… The Barbary pirates did not operate on a global scale. This is a global operation here going on. In fact, it’s interesting to point out, did you hear what happened to the Australians?

CALLER: Well, yeah, and that was completely not mentioned in the AP article I read.

RUSH: Of course not! It hasn’t made it out of Australia yesterday. AP’s in the tank for socialism. AP’s in the tank for the UN running the world. AP is in the tank. The point is that they elect this big, new prime minister over there, a big socialist, and one of his first proclamations: We are going to sign on to the new Kyoto treaty and we’re going to send a delegation to Bali and we’re going to get it done. They go there and they find out that to take their emissions levels back to 1990 — which is impossible, by the way. That would destroy any country that tried to do it, or even that succeeded. What they found out was that the electricity-producing conglomerates in Australia said, ‘If you do this, Mr. Prime Minister, electricity rates in a few short years are going to go up 30% to 40%. We’re not going to be able to do it any other way, and you’re going to shut down our economy.’ He said, ‘Oh, really? We’re not going to do that! I just got elected. I’m not going to see electricity prices go up 30% on my watch,’ and so they backed out of it. Now, the point is, nobody can come to these accords, these 1990 emissions levels, and what will happen is fines, and fines of nations. The fines are paid by what? Tax increases! It’s just a giant fleece.

CALLER: Well, you’re exactly right. And, you know, the Barbary pirates, we said, you know, ‘A million for defense and not a cent for tribute.’ This whole Kyoto thing is nothing but, as you pointed out, a wealth redistribution, tax and fine, a pay tribute to these wackos kind of scheme. American exceptionalism is what it is, and we should be proud that we’re standing alone on this and facing it honestly and truthfully instead of just knuckling under to public opinion.

RUSH: Well, I want you to listen to something with me, then, because I agree with you. Go grab sound bite number eight there, Ed. This is yesterday on the floor of the House, and it’s Nancy Pelosi. Here’s proof that liberalism is, in and of itself, a religion.

PELOSI: If you believe, as do I, and I think all of us do, that this is God’s creation and we have a moral responsibility to preserve it, that’s why we have strong support from the religious and — including evangelical community, then I hope that you will take this act of faith today to take history and to make progress for the American people.

RUSH: This is the energy bill. The liberal Democrat energy bill is an act of faith, as far as she is concerned. By the way, I don’t know about you, Ed, but I thought that was very exclusionary. She didn’t include the atheists here in that speech as having any role in ‘saving the planet,’ and there are atheists in Congress, too.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: Were they not invited to participate in this along with the agnostics and the atheists as well? So turn the tables on them.

CALLER: Rush, I have to ask you: Would you consider taking your show international from an hour a day? Because I think this message needs to get out. There are thousands and thousands and millions of English-speaking people around the world who would love to hear what you’re saying, and who knows? Maybe you could do for shortwave what you did for AM.

RUSH: Well, I can’t. I don’t want to say too much. We’re always thinking of wider areas of distribution. Some of it’s already happening on the Internet, of course, but that’s not wide. That’s subscription through the website. But the big challenge would be finding affiliates, like in Great Britain. Where are you going to go, the BBC?

CALLER: On shortwave, you can cross boundaries, I think.

RUSH: Oh, shortwave.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Well, you know, we once were on a shortwave station back in the early days, the outfit out of New Orleans. (laughing) This program was revolutionary in so many ways.