Scary Stuff: Obama’s “Closing Argument” (with God-like Reverb)

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Senator Obama today closing his case for the presidency with a promise: to restore economic prosperity and a higher purpose to an embattled nation. Now, the audacity of that offends me. He is going to show the nation a new purpose? Senator Obama, we do not need you to show us a new purpose. The purpose of the United States of America is in the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence is our purpose. We don’t look to a damn politician to give us purpose. This is the kind of thing that Hugo Chavez says. This is the kind of thing that Fidel Castro says. We have four audio sound bites of Obama’s closing argument. Here is the first.

OBAMA: At a moment like this, the last thing we can afford is four more years of —

RUSH: Stop the tape. Recue the tape. I’ve been meaning to mention this for the last two weeks. And, Cookie, if you have time, you might want to go back and find just a couple — doesn’t matter what the examples are — it seems that more and more when I hear Obama on TV, there is a God-like reverb. There is a God-like echo. It creates the impression that Obama is speaking in a more lofty and important fashion and way and place. And lo and behold, this sounds the same way. Now, I don’t know how this happens — well, I do know how it happens. You can do anything you want with an audio signal. You can add reverb to it, you can put it through a harmonizer, make it sound however you wish it to sound, but he’s just at a rally someplace outside. As you listen to this, also listen to the reverb, the echo here, the God-like tone of this, in addition to the contents of what he’s saying.

OBAMA: At a moment like this, the last thing we can afford is four more years of the tired, worn-out, old theory that says — that says we should give more to billionaires and big corporations and hope that prosperity trickles down on everybody else. (cheers) The last thing, the last thing, we can afford is four more years where no one is Washington is watching anyone on Wall Street because politicians and lobbyists killed commonsense regulations. Those are the theories that got us into this mess. They haven’t worked, and it is time for change, and that’s why I’m running for president of the United States.

RUSH: All right, you want to parse this? Do we have to parse this? Sometimes I wonder does it matter to anybody? Well, I know it matters to independents, I know it matters to this great amount of undecideds that are out there. Not going to change any Obama voters’ minds. ‘The last thing we can afford is four more years of the tired, old theory that says we should give more to billionaires and big corporations–‘ yet he says he’s not a socialist and he’s not a redistributionist. To even argue it that way, misses the point. This is not what we’ve done. We’ve not given any money to anybody other than people who aren’t earning it! We’re not giving money to billionaires and big corporations, hoping that prosperity trickles down. It’s the government that’s been giving money to everybody. Why? So they’ll go spend it. They want trickle down when they’re in charge of giving the money away, as in these stimulus packages. It’s the last two years that things went screwy, Obama.

‘The last thing we can afford is four more years where no one in Washington is watching anyone on Wall Street because politicians and lobbyists killed commonsense regulation’? Damn right. And who are the politicians that did this? Democrats, Obama! Your party made all of this possible. ‘No one in Washington is watching anybody on Wall Street?’ That’s right, Chris Dodd — they were all watching, they just wanted to cover up what everybody saw and they did not want any regulations to stop what was going on. ‘These are the theories that got us into this mess?’ No, sir. The theories that got us into this mess are yours. ‘They haven’t worked, and it’s time for change.’ That’s right. His theories haven’t worked. They never work. His change is indeed redistribution. Here’s the second. We’ve got four of these. Here’s the second.

OBAMA: I don’t believe that government can or should try to solve all our problems. You don’t believe that, either.

RUSH: Stop the tape a minute. Where is this reverb coming from? There is never this reverb when McCain speaks. There is never this reverb when Sarah Palin speaks. Admittedly, there isn’t this reverb when Biden speaks. I don’t think anybody would believe it or buy it. But clearly something is being done here with the audio feed for Obama. Recue that, by the way. ‘I don’t believe the government can or should try to solve all of our problems.’ Yes, he does. That is what the audio from 2001 that we found clearly illustrates. Here’s the whole bite. I won’t interrupt it this time.

OBAMA: I don’t believe that government can or should try to solve all our problems. You don’t believe that, either. But I do believe that government should do that which we cannot do for ourselves. It should ensure a shot at success, not just for those with money and power and influence, but for every single American who’s willing to work. That’s how we create not just more millionaires, or more billionaires, but how we create more middle-class families. That’s how we’ve always grown the American economy, from the bottom up. John McCain calls this socialism. I call it opportunity, and there’s nothing more American than that! (cheers and applause)

RUSH: I get so tired of making this argument. I get so tired of refuting the whole argument that he’s making here. ‘I don’t believe government can or should try to solve all of our problems.’ Yes, he does. ‘I do believe that government should do that which we can’t do for ourselves. It should ensure a shot at success.’ How does the government do that? How does the government ensure a shot at success? Isn’t that up to us? Isn’t it up to our own ambition, our desire? Desire is 80% of achievement. Isn’t it up to our own willingness? Government can’t ensure a shot. The best thing that government can do for people who wish for success is to get out of their way, to remove onerous regulations and high taxes. Get rid of the impediments and then strip away all the punishments after they achieve the success. The government of Barack Obama will not incentivize success at all. It will be just the opposite. It will incentivize doing nothing. It will incentivize laziness. It will provide incentives for anger and class warfare and rage. ‘It should ensure a shot at success, not just for those with money and power and influence, but for every single American willing to work?’

Well, if you’re not willing to work, what’s the government going to do then? If they ensure you a shot at success and you don’t choose to work, what are they going to do? I guarantee you the government’s going to take care of you, too. ‘This is how you create jobs, not just for millionaires or billionaires? We’ve always grown the American economy from the bottom up?’ Now, this is very tricky because the American economy does grow when people at the bottom end of the scale prosper. This is how — I mean nobody’s born — well, there are people born billionaires, I take it back, Kennedy family and so forth. There are people that are born millionaires. The vast majority of the people earn it, and they started not with what they ended up with. The government had nothing to do but try to take away as much of it as possible along the way and even after they got there. But he’s trying to say this is a trickle-up economy, that somehow if we penalize the rich we’re automatically going to make poor people rich. I don’t know how that’s done. I don’t know how making rich people poor, makes poor people rich. It just doesn’t happen that way. ‘John McCain calls it socialism, I call it opportunity.’ So there you have it, your opportunity is going to come from Obama. Your opportunity is going to come from government, not from you. Here’s the third of our four bites.

OBAMA: No matter what John McCain may claim, here are the facts. If you make under $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime, not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, no taxes, because the last thing we should do in this economy is raise taxes on the middle class.

RUSH: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, there is a tax cut currently in place. President Bush had two tax cuts, 2001 and 2003. He has asked that those tax cuts be made permanent. The Democrats in Congress never went along with it. Those tax cuts expire in 2010. Now, here’s the deal, folks. These tax cuts expire in 2010 and your taxes are going to go up. You just heard yourself be promised that no taxes of yours will be going up, but in 2010 we revert back to the Clinton tax increases. So if you’re in the upper bracket, you’re going 36 to 39 in 2010, without anybody raising taxes via legislation at all. Obama says it’s not a tax increase, just tax cuts ending. It’s a tax increase, and you’re going to see less disposable income. You are going to get a tax increase, and then after that tax increase happens, Obama is going to start the rest of his tax increase program. Final bite here.

OBAMA: In one week, we can choose hope over fear and unity over division, the promise of change over the power of the status quo. In one week, we can come together as one nation and one people and once more choose our better history. That’s what at stake, that’s what we’re fighting for. And if in this last week you’ll knock on some doors for me and make some calls for me and talk to your neighbors and convince your friends, if you’ll stand with me and fight with me and give me your vote, then I promise you, we will not just win Ohio, we will win this general election, and together we’ll change this country, and we will change the world. God bless you, God bless the United States of America. Let’s get to work.

RUSH: That was some scary stuff. As Mark Levin said, this is a classically charismatic demagogue, with a little reverb added to his speech, little reverb added to his audio. In this bite he once again rips America. ‘We can choose our better history.’ It’s a history he resents. It’s a history he hates. ‘We’re going to choose hope over fear, unity over division’? Where is the unity? Where is the unity already from Obama? If he’s able to unify people, how come he hasn’t been able to do it? But again, just to close this out, in the same speech, Barack Obama said that he wants to restore economic prosperity and a higher purpose to an embattled nation. And he’ll show the nation a new purpose? See, we don’t need you to show us a new purpose. The Declaration of Independence is our purpose. We don’t need a damn politician to give us purpose. It’s going to be interesting to find out just how many Americans finally have now come to expect or demand that their nation give them what they want, because they’re Americans, and that’s what they think being an American means. We’ll find out in eight days.


RUSH: This reverb thing, it’s really making me curious. Let’s listen to a portion of Obama on July 24th in Germany at the Victory Column. Just listen for the reverb sound effect here.

OBAMA: People of Berlin and people of the world, the scale of our challenge is great. The road ahead will be long. But I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom. We are a people of improbable hope with an eye toward the future, with resolve in our heart. Let us remember this history and answer our destiny and remake the world once again.

RUSH: There it is. There’s that reverb it. It pops up all over the place in Obama’s network appearances. Either Obama’s doing this with his own sound system or the networks are doing it. I don’t care who. It’s one and the same. The networks and the Obama campaign are one and the same. By the way he also, if you recall in this Berlin speech — and how about this, ‘People of Berlin and people of the world!’ You know, knowing what I know now — this is July 24th — I’m going to go out on a limb here. Knowing what I know now, I think I know what he’s talking about. ‘I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom. We are people of an improbable hope.’ Knowing what I know now, I think he’s talking about oppressed minorities all over the world. I don’t think he’s talking about Berliners as victims of Nazism.

I don’t think he’s talking about Jews as victims of Nazism. I think he’s talking about oppressed minorities, based on skin color, all over the world. That’s how he’s identifying himself to these people although they don’t know it. Who would have known and who could figure this out based on what we now know. But he also said the world stood at one, the world came together as one to bring down the Berlin Wall. That’s not what brought down the Berlin Wall. The world did not become one to bring down the Berlin Wall. The Soviet Union didn’t join us in tearing it down. They had no desire to tear it down. Once again, that whole claim that the world came together to bring down the Berlin Wall, the world united as one, or whatever his phrase was, is again a rip at the United States. We brought down the Berlin Wall with our allies and the Brits! We defeated the bad guys. The world didn’t demand anything is one.