The First Time I Heard Rush…

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Phil in Cincinnati, you’re next on the Rush Limbaugh program. Great to have you here. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you today?

RUSH: Fine, sir. Thanks much.

CALLER: Mega dittos, and congratulations on your 20 years. A longtime listener since the late eighties when I first heard you on my car radio, I went, ‘Wow, here’s somebody that believes the way I do.’

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: Hey listen, on this whole thing with the media not understanding after all the great coverage they’re giving Obama and making him presidential and messianic why the poll numbers aren’t going up, I think they’re unwilling to acknowledge, I mean they probably know it, but they’re unwilling to acknowledge the power of conservative talk radio, guys like you and Sean and Mark. Millions of people listen to you every day and you’re exposing him continually with all the —

RUSH: You know, that’s an excellent point, because I don’t have a extraordinarily large ego and don’t think about myself much. When I was reading that story about why the press is so puzzled, why Obama’s numbers are not higher, you’re right, there is an alternative media out there now that has a different perspective for people on everything the Drive-Bys try to put forth as mainstream.

CALLER: Yeah, I agree. And millions of us are not looking to them, their ratings are dropping continually because we gave up on them a long time ago as being truthful and we’re looking to folks like you to give us the real truth and —

RUSH: Well, I appreciate that. I think there’s also been a loss of respect for some of the Drive-Bys, there’s certainly a lot of distrust.

Here is Larry in Bend, Oregon, a cell call. Larry, I got about a minute here, but I wanted to squeeze you in before I had to go.

CALLER: Mailman dittos from a second-time caller.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I just appreciate what you’ve done. It was the late eighties when I first heard you on KPNW out in Eugene. I was hauling hogs in the coast range of Oregon, and I remember exactly where I was at first time I tuned you in, and I was so worried I wasn’t going to hear this guy again, because he was so right on, and just every point he hit he was right on, and I was thinking, ‘Man, who is this guy?’ And it’s been a great 20 years.

RUSH: Now, why were you afraid that you might not hear me again, because you think they’d frog march me to jail after somebody heard me?

CALLER: Well, you know, good things don’t last. I guess you’re an exception to the rule.

RUSH: I guess so. Well, look, it’s very nice of you to say. I appreciate it. I’ve never had anyone say he was afraid — well, actually that’s what ditto means. Ditto means don’t ever go away. I hope this show never ends. But to have his first thought being, ‘My gosh, I hope I can listen to this guy again!’ I know that a lot of you think the government’s not going to allow this, the Democrat Party is not going to allow this. They’re going to take care of this guy.