“The People Spoke”

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: All right, “the people spoke in the 2006 election.” I am worn out hearing this. The Democrats are running around saying it all the time, countless times a day, in an attempt to claim a mandate. I know I shouldn’t be, but I’m always surprised how politicians seize upon a phrase or a focus group line and with the help of the propagandists in the Drive-By Media repeat it and repeat it and repeat it and turn it into an urban legend, an urban legend that becomes accepted truth. How many times have you heard “the people spoke in 2006?” You hear it from the left; you hear it from the anti-war crowd; you hear it from the anti-Bush crowd; you hear it from pundits, from the paid politician hatchet crowd. You even hear it from some RINO Republicans, and that’s what really irritates me. Like Sam Brownback who is out there saying the president ought to listen to what Democrats have to say about Iraq.

It’s interesting, is it not, when the people spoke in 2004 and reelected President Bush by almost four million votes, meaning four million people, the so-called people-spoke crowd did everything they could to block what the people spoke for: Social Security reform, permanent tax cuts, and they continued to gin up anti-war fervor. What happened to “the people spoke” in 2004? Well, when the people don’t speak the way Democrats want ’em to speak, then they’ve gotta be shut up and they’ve gotta be lied about and they have to be ignored. The point is, we’re not talking about reality here. We’re talking about propaganda. Let’s play the game. The people spoke in 2006. Really? Okay, let’s say they did. What did they really say? Let’s take a look at the Senate.

In Virginia, the people spoke, but they didn’t speak against the war. They voted against Macaca. If you think Jim Webb is the Senator from Virginia because of anything to do with the war, then you are a blithering idiot. Jim Webb is the Senator from Virginia because George Allen said Macaca, and the Washington Post made it a crusade to make sure that word and that statement of Allen’s was in the news every day. In Ohio, the people didn’t speak against the war, they spoke against the state’s corruption scandals and the mismanagement on the part of Republicans. Do you think the new senator from Ohio is elected because of the war? I guarantee you it wasn’t. The people in Ohio spoke about corruption. We could go to Missouri, if you want to. You think Claire McCaskill was elected to the Senate because of her opposition to the war? She was not. She was elected to the Senate on a false, lying TV commercial about the promise of embryonic stem cells.

If you think the people spoke against the war in Rhode Island, you think Lincoln Chafee lost because he was against the war? Then somebody explain to me how it is that Joe Lieberman won in Connecticut, when he was for the war. So the next time you hear the words “the people spoke in 2006,” remember this: You are not being told what the message of the people was. You are listening to political ventriloquists putting their words into your mouth. And that’s not democracy. It’s not representative republicanism. It’s pure propaganda and demagoguery. The people spoke. Let me tell you something, if it were true, if the people spoke in the 2006 elections, get out of Iraq, we would have already de-funded it. The people would have demanded it. The Congress would have no jitters whatsoever about de-funding the war. But they don’t have the guts, yet. They will do it. The Democrats will try to do it, if that’s what it takes to secure defeat. They cannot survive politically a victory in Iraq now.