Tuesday Quotes: An Army of One

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“We don’t need to drive around in these little buggies in order to save oil. All we have to do is drill for our own. We have tons of it!”

“Obama mentioned Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, the deceased longtime archbishop of Chicago, to the students at Notre Dame. He was a kind and good and wise, saintly man, Obama said. Never mind Obama joined Jeremiah Wright’s church after all this influence from Cardinal Bernardin, but that’s beside the point.”

“If all of us say, ‘Somebody needs to stand up,’ then nobody’s going to stand up. As long as you’re looking for somebody else to do it, it isn’t going to happen.”

“Obama believes that we have to pay for our unjustness, that we have to pay for our gluttony, that we have to pay for our greed. And how are we going to do that? By giving him and Washington more and more of the money we produce.”

“See how this works? Obama applauds the auto industry for joining him. But what choice did they have? If they don’t join with him, he’s going to take them over! Stunning!”

“Reuters is reporting today that ‘blue-collar US males are losing more ground’ in the employment area. Hey, how’s that hope and change working out for you?”

“These senior lenders that hold most of the Chrysler debt? Their Fifth Amendment constitutional rights are violated; they could sue. But let me tell you something: they’re scared to death of this administration.”

“By the way, Steve Gilbert at Sweetness-Light.com informs me that the 28-year-old freeloader in Bedford, Ohio, is a Democrat. Not that we really had any doubts about it.”

“Since everybody in their life wants to have meaning, what greater meaning could your life have if somebody comes along and tells you that driving X car is going to help save the planet? It’s very Machiavellian and Orwellian the way all of this stuff is pitched.”

“There’s something about me that renders these liberals insane and irrational, and I wish I knew what it was.”