Welcome Back Emails

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

Dear Rush,

I am so very happy to hear the great news that you are returning to your devoted fans. Every time WWL 870 plays your promo which plays this song “back to life” Rush returning Monday, I could and did scream with joy. Can’t wait to hear you on Monday, you’re the best, we love you dearly.

A devoted fan, Vicki


Yip, yip, Yahoo!

We have missed you so much it’s not funny. Please take it easy and slow. The people that have subbed for you have been great. May God bless you and help you hang on. I know it wont be easy cause I’ve been there.

Love to you, Marta and the kitties,
Greensboro, GA.



Soooo very proud of you and the way that you conduct your life, especially “under fire”. We missed you and we are so very glad you will be back on Monday. Please tell your “fill-ins” what a GREAT job they did, but they know and we know, it wasn’t quite the same… all the same, tell them thanks for taking care of the golden microphone, you chose excellent substitute professors during your absence.

We appreciate you,
Suwanee, GA


Howdy Rush,

Seventy-three hours from now, I will tune to WJPF, 1020 on the AM dial, and hear RUSH LIMBAUGH for the first time in a month.

We have missed you, Friend.

Murphysboro, IL



I am so excited that you will be back on Monday. I can’t begin to tell you how much I have missed you, you are such a part of my day. I have been praying for this day and your continued recovery.

I am a 60+er who drives a SUV and travels in a large RV!




I have prayed for your recovery and will be listening on Monday when you return, as I have been doing since 1994.




I’m 25 and have been a listener for over 10 years. You’ve been instrumental in helping me shape my worldview and have opened my eyes to a lot of things that go on in this country. I’ve kept you in my prayers over the past few weeks and am anxiously awaiting your return home. There are still many lessons to learn.

Good luck and God bless.


Hi, Rush!

My husband and I have been listening to and enjoying you for about 12 years, ever since we discovered you in the Boston area. I was in a graduate seminar, “Bolshevism and Stalinism”, and was extremely disturbed over the Clintons’ campaign. You were, and continue to be, a breath of fresh air: intelligent, witty, and just plain funny.

You continue to be in our prayers for a full recovery and for strength for the future. We’re also praying for your family, in particular for Marta. All the substitute “Professors” have been great, by the way. We didn’t expect anything less from you or your staff.

We’ll be tuned in (as always) on Monday. We love you.

Two more faithful EIB listeners (and Limbaugh Letter subscribers),
Bill and Cynthia


You have taught us well Rush… the fight has continued in your absence!

Got your back here in Columbus Ohio!

Looking forward to MONDAY!!!!!!



Never thought I would be sending you an email letter, but I could not help it. After hearing David on your show with the update that you would be returning on Monday I finally realized how much of a true friend you are to me. Thank you for day in and day out stepping forward and standing on the rock. I too am going thru rehab, I stopped dipping SKOAL 27 days ago and it has been hard but I am making it. I have been dipping for 24 years, it has taken over my life, now I am free to live, and so are you. I will pray for your pain, I can only imagine how bad it is, and know that you will be a greater man from all of this…

Your devoted friend…


Hi Rush,

Can’t wait to have you back on the airwaves, Monday. The weekend will feel like forever, for a change. I just wanted to say a special thanks to all of the hosts. They did a great job in your absence. What a gift to have such good friends and good people to go to in a time of need.


Telford, PA



I was ecstatic to hear from David about your return to your post as Lord High Poobah of the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. Your impact on my life, thought, and political philosophy has been immense. I am pleased that you have sufficiently dealt with your medical situation to the point that it allows your return to the Golden EIB Microphone. And many thanks to your numerous Guest Lecturers for maintaining the Institute’s high standards during your absence. Best wishes for continued success in this new phase of your life.

Philadelphia, PA


I have been a new fan to your program for about 5 years now. My parents are loyal democrats and my brothers and I only new that thought process of politics. I’m an American who happens to be black, MY DAD WORKED HARD TO EDUCATE US (WORKING LONG /HARD HOURS ON THE RAILROAD). Rush, your program has changed my thinking in a way I see through the lies of the Democratic Party and the so-called black leaders. The blacks have been taken for granted for over 50 years with the same broken promises of jobs/education/and better living conditions. I’m 43 years old now and these problems still exist and no Democrat has been held accountable or the so-called black leaders. ENOUGH!

Black Americans need to stand up and not let our vote be taken for granted anymore by any party. I have worked hard, lost a job but pulled my self back up and continue living. The opportunities are there but we have to strive to be better educated and not let the government decide our status in life. Rush, thank you for making me think and compare the two sides. Welcome back and continue teaching us to be the very best we can be.



Hi Rush,

We’re all excited about your return on Monday. Can’t wait to hear your comments, observations and inspiration that you provide to all of us. God bless you, you are in our prayers – WE NEED YOU!

Warmest regards,



I am looking forward to Monday. You have been missed and I know your fans and family are so proud of you. I also know that on Monday it will seem like you have never been gone.

Hendersonville, TN


Hi Rush,

I’ve been listening to you since the ’80s, and as far as I am concerned the only thing that was dreadful about this incident was learning about the degree and intensity to which you were in pain.

Over the years, you have been a beacon of truth and honesty… and I feel that this has in no way impugned your character. You said that you didn’t want to be thought of as a hero for going through this treatment, and I just wanted to tell you what millions of your fans have told you… you were our hero long before this, and you remain our hero today.

You have championed the cause of Conservatism, and done so to a degree that supersedes any political conservative with perhaps the exception of Ronald Reagan, and since he is also one of my heroes… we’ll call it a tie.

Welcome back, God Bless you and your family, and I hope that one day you are able to beat the pain. I don’t know if you’ve tried it or not Rush, but my wife managed to relieve up to 70% of her chronic pain through acupuncture. We would never have tried this if not for the recommendation of a shoulder specialist. If you haven’t tried it, give it a shot, we were amazed at the results and it never would have occurred to us to try this.

Seaside, Ca


Dear Rush,

I am so thankful you will be returning on Monday. Keep up your amazing work. I often discuss your topics with my college and high school children. It gets them to see issues from a totally different perspective than the ones infused at school. You are doing something great for your country.

Osceola, WI



Welcome back to where you belong! I can’t wait to hear you on Monday. I hope your recovery is going well and I wish you the best of luck.



America is a much better place because of your insights and awesome ability to articulate the Conservative perspective. Thanks for all you do. And best wishes for your continuing recovery. You’re in our family’s prayers.




I am so excited that you will be returning on Monday. I joined Rush 24/7 today so that I can see you on Monday. It will be a banner day. I know you have had a difficult time but I knew that you would handle it with dignity and class, as you always do.

God Speed,



We’re having a welcome back party in my office for you on Monday! We are thrilled to have you back and will continue to pray for you to “slay the dragon.” We need you back at that EIB mic!

Mega Dittos and blessings on you,
Colleen and friends


Hi Rush,

I’m just so excited that you are coming back on Monday. I just can’t wait! I’ll be saying an EXTRA prayer for you on Monday because I know it won’t be easy for you.

I am so sick of listening to the news and having to find out myself “what they really are up to” and now I know you will be there to tell me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

God Bless.

Love & Prayers,


Dear Rush,

I am THRILLED you will be returning to your seat next to the Golden Microphone. While I have thoroughly enjoyed the loyal hosts who have kept the chair warm for you, I can’t wait to hear you live once again. My prayers are with you as you continue into your other phases of recovery.

God bless you, Rush! I’ll be looking for you on Rush 24/7 this coming Monday.

Norton Shores, Michigan



You’re coming back, you’re coming back, you’re coming back. I can hardly wait. I’m also glad that this first step for you is OVER and I really believe that you have made a commitment and will not abandon it. Look how you pursued your career. That same spirit in you and commitment will continue through your rehab. I believe that!!!

Sheboygan, WI


Dear Rush,

Many is the time that I’ve wanted to call in or send you a note of appreciation, but for one reason or another failed to do so. Now is the time.

For years I was like so many – not paying attention to politics or the importance until I became personally involved with a reason to do so. A registered Democrat, I started listening to you, searching for something to believe in when our son was sent to the Persian Gulf in 1991. There had to be something or someone who could give me some comfort that Mark would come home safe and sound and I sure wasn’t getting any reassurance form the whiners and “Bush Bashers” of that day.

You changed my life! My husband retired from the Air Force in 1974, and we’re now proud Republicans and staunch Rush supporters. Seldom is the day when we’ve missed your Rush to Excellence broadcast. We’ve missed you and are so glad that you’ll be back with us on Monday! Tuesday is my birthday and I will look at your return to the airwaves as an early birthday present!

Thanks for Everything,


What GREAT news!!!

How proud I am for the MANY answered prayers. I will be there Rush for you. I’ve missed you. I appreciate the ones who replaced you, as I know you do. I continued to listen while you have been out and feel you will come back even more respected. I am so thankful and proud of you Rush. I have prayed every day for your COMPLETE recovery from this addiction. Thank you for being so good to all of your listeners.

We love you Rush,



I am so thrilled about your return. Those who so aptly filled in for you were excellent but it will be great to have the Maha Rushie back.

Louisville, KY


Hi Rush,

For selfish reasons of my own, I am so happy to hear you will be back Monday. I will continue to include you in my daily prayers along with many of my friends that you will, in time, have a complete recovery. You have my support and appreciation for who you are as a person and I appreciate all of the things you have taught me over the last 15 years listening to you. Rush, you may be challenged many times in the days, weeks and months ahead, but you are a strong and determined person and you will make it.

Holly, Michigan



Congratulations on being the person that you are by acknowledging that you have a problem and then to seek help to recover. I know being a nurse that it can happen very easily. You and your family are in my heart and prayers for your continued good health.

As always,


My prayers are being answered, Rush!!! Can’t wait until Monday morning at 9:05 AM, California time! Keep up the great work and I mean work. God is blessing you…pass it around.



You return is greatly anticipated by all of us. You have had great substitute teachers, but none can replace the great Maha Rushie. You are a great inspiration to all who tune in, especially the average conservative thinking American whose cause you trumpet. God speed on your recovery and we look forward to all 3 hours of your triumphant return.

Orlando, FL


Dear Rush,

I am happy and thrilled to hear the news that you will be returning to the airwaves on Monday. Your substitute hosts have been great, but I have missed your wit, your wisdom, and your insights. I am proud to be a Rush Limbaugh listener. I know you don’t think of yourself as a role model, but you truly are. You have shown us all how to take responsibility, how to face things head-on with dignity and courage. God Bless You.

Hugs, Donna


Dear Rush,

You will be returning to the radio on the 17th, my birthday. Yahoo! I can hardly wait!
