Your Conservative Rock

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

“Which will be the most air-headed interview tonight, Chris Matthews and John Edwards, or Larry King and Paris Hilton?”

“And here we are: three busy broadcast hours on the most listened to radio talk show in America — a program that frightens and scares the American left to the point that they want to deny this program’s constitutional access to the First Amendment.”

“These elitist snobs at Hardball set up this ambush, but Ann did not waver from it whatsoever. It was cool. It was good.”

“We keep hearing, ‘We can’t deport 12 million people. Why, we couldn’t round them up.’ Well, how the hell are we going to make all these people ‘touch back’ to their home countries? If we can’t deport them, how we going to deport them?”

“One of the nicest guys on television and NPR is Juan Williams, but while talking about the amnesty bill he said, ‘It’s just a nice thing to do.’ So, in six words, he summed up the liberal argument for amnesty: ‘It’s a nice thing to do.'”

“If I was Ann Coulter I would’ve said, ‘Mrs. Edwards, so nice that your husband has your skirt to hide behind and refuses to appear on Fox News because he considers them hostile — and yet he sends you out to criticize me because I’m appearing on an enemy network.'”

“Let’s say cloture is defeated tomorrow — go ahead and exhale, but wake up Friday morning and understand that the Democrats can come right back with some other measure. These people are relentless.”

“The Drive-By Media is all excited about Slick Willie saying his wife ‘won’t be swift booted.’ Uh, ‘boated.’ Actually, I like ‘swift booted’ better.”

“Pardon my French, but the barred owl is kicking the ass out of the northern spotted owl. They’re raping female spotted owls — exactly. So if you’re going to put an abuse billboard anywhere, put it in the great northwest to get these barred owls to stop picking on the northern spotted owl.”

“There’s reason here to not throw in the towel: you’re the backbone of this country. You are the ones that make the country work, not these schlubs in Washington who get elected.”