Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 3,2011

Story #1:German Pill Stops Cows from Passing Greenhaus Gas

RUSH: I don’t know if Algore knew this before he testified today.This is a story from the Independent Online from South Africa.It’s actually datelined Berlin, but it was published in a paper in South Africa.”German scientists have developed a pill that stops cattle breaking wind.”Passing gas, farting, for those of you in Rio Linda.”Methane emissions from cattle are responsible for four percent of harmful greenhouse gas emissions, and any reduction would be a major contribution to reducing global warming.Scientists at the University of Hohenheim in Germany say they have now tested a pill which in combination with a special diet and strict feeding times should make cattle less harmful to the climate.The pill, which is still being tested, breaks down the methane in the cows’ stomachs, and also has health benefits for the cattle.” Yeah, what’s the beef taste like, though?

“Winfried Drocher, head of the faculty for animal nutrition at the university, said: ‘It will make this energy available for the cows’ metabolism. The cattle can use the methane to produce glucose instead of just passing it out and it will enable them to produce more milk.'”

Oh, cool.What human applications might there be for this pill to eliminate gas?Let me ask you, a lot of you women wondering if something like this would work for husbands?Well, we’ll have to wait and see.Of course, you know these Germans do amazing things with genetics.Well, yeah, everybody knows women don’t need a pill like that for this kind of thing.Don’t take me down the road, but everybody knows that it doesn’t happen with women.It just — no.They would never, ever need anything like this.It is strictly for husbands and cows and so forth.

Story #2:Press Corps Cry Watergate? Screw Them!

RUSH: Tony Snow has the White House press briefing going on, and the Drive-By Media is now comparing this prosecutor thing — the firing of eight US attorneys — to Watergate.I predicted this. Everything’s compared to Watergate!I made this point last week.Everything is compared to Watergate.They’re trying to put the country in tumult and keep it in chaos, because they can’t pass any legislation. The Drive-By Media carrying the water for these guys.This is all because Bush yesterday said (summarized), “I’m not going to allow a fishing expedition. I’m not going to allow these people to come up there and get involved with partisan fight.You want to have a conversation with my people, fine, but no subpoenas. I’m not going to let any subpoenas,” and he’s vowed to fight this, and the Drive-Bys are furious. “How can he dare do this! This is like Watergate,” and so forth.That’s the only frame of reference they got, that and Vietnam.Screw them! Story #3:Gov. Blanco Quits for Bush’s Problem?

RUSH: Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco says she’s not going to run for reelection. The New Orleans Times-Picayune had the story yesterday.The decision comes “amid low polls and party pressure, governor makes an announcement at an evening broadcast.”Who says Hurricane Katrina was all bad?(No, I’m just kidding about that, folks, but look, I thought this was Bush’s problem.I thought Hurricane Katrina was Bush’s problem.How can the people of Louisiana have negative opinions of Governor Blanco when it was Bush’s problem?
Story #4:The New York Times: a Company in Trouble
RUSH: The New York Times Company’s February revenue is down 3.6% from a year ago.Yeah, all fine and dandy, but just how much was it down last year and the year before that?This is a newspaper company in trouble.Story #5:It’s Impossible to Calculate a “Global Temperature”

RUSH: By the way, there is no way to measure a meaningful average global temperature. I have this story in the Global Warming Stack. It’s a myth. It’s not possible to do. The climate’s too complex, and an average global temperature is meaningless anyway.

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