Two If By Tea 4th of July Contest

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 21,2011

RUSH: If you go to our website, TwoIfByTea.com, t-w-o, TwoIfByTea.com, From Tea to Shining Tea, you’ll see that we have a little something special planned for the Fourth of July. What we want you to do is register your town, your community for a shipment, a large shipment of Two If By Tea, straight from us to you. If your town is having a giant or a small Fourth of July celebration, you tell us why you deserve a truckload of Two If By Tea to be delivered to your Fourth of July celebration. We want to hear from you. There’s a form that you fill out. If you go to the home page on the lower-left hand corner of the main graphic with me as Rush Revere, it’s a red box, it’s got the word “contest” on it, if you click on that you’ll be taken to a form, put your name, all your vital contact information. It will be secret, nobody gets this stuff, believe me, we understand privacy here at Two If By Tea, and at the EIB Network.

You basically nominate your town and your town’s Fourth of July celebration. You tell us why your town deserves a giant truckload of Two If By Tea to be delivered chilled to your giant Fourth of July celebration picnic, barbecue party, whatever the town’s putting on. We’re gonna work this in conjunction with our local EIB affiliate. What will happen is the winning town will receive a truck full of cold Two If By Tea to be given away to you and your happy neighbors, a truck will be refrigerated, stocked in all four flavors, original sweet tea, diet original tea, raspberry, and diet raspberry. Now, our tea, Two If By Tea is all about celebrating the history of the United States of America, and I am the lead icon of our brilliant product, as Rush Revere.

So we want to know, what makes your town a true symbol of American pride? So just send us the details of your town’s history and why the Fourth of July is extra special to your area. And, of course, we are the final judges here. We will determine where our tea is going to end up. But it’s based on the case that you can make for it. So all the details and all the how-tos and all the whens, whys, and wherefores are at the TwoIfByTea.com website. Head over there now. And, by the way, we’re gonna be able to handle the demand here ’cause we never expected to shut down our own servers last week when we announced a week ago tomorrow, we did for a couple hours, so we’ve upped the bandwidth, everything should handle this massive demand.


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