Huntsman, Romney, Bachmann (And Keep a Sharp Eye on Perry)

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 29,2011

RUSH: George Will echoing me on Jon Huntsman. Remember last week we had that great juxtaposition of sound bites with Huntsman at the Statue of Liberty, “I am not gonna criticize. I’m gonna be civil, I’m gonna be,” blah, blah, blah, blah. “I’m gonna be like Ronald Reagan.” So on Sunday morning This Week with Christiane Amanpour, the roundtable, George Will was asked a question by Christiane Amanpour, “What about Jon Huntsman?”

WILL: In almost every cycle there’s a Republican who appeals to people who don’t really very much like Republicans. Mr. Huntsman’s announcement that he would take the high road had a whiff of moral arrogance about it, and we will see. He said, “I’m not gonna run down my opponent.” He stood there where Ronald Reagan stood. And when Ronald Reagan stood there in 1980, he said this about his opponent Jimmy Carter. “A litany of despair, of broken promises, of sacred trusts abandoned and forgotten.” That’s politics.

RUSH: Hmm. Hmm. Well, George Will’s right, that’s exactly what Ronald Reagan said. We had the sound bite. George Will’s point is that Jon Huntsman is for voters who don’t really like Republicans. He’s a Republican the people that don’t like Republicans could vote for. Mitt Romney, fresh off saying that he thinks human beings created global warming, is now touting his record of working with Democrats. Romney is out saying that he’s the guy who can work with Democrats. I heard him say this, and I said, “Are we in a time warp? What in the world? Didn’t we do that in 2008, and don’t we know how that works out?” I’m the guy that can work with Democrats? This is not easy for me, El Rushbo. I know Romney. I haven’t played golf with Romney, but I’ve had some personal time with Mitt Romney and as a guy I like him, but I do not understand this.

George W. Bush claimed he could work with Democrats, but that was when he was governor of Texas. Republican primary voters do not want to work with Democrats; they want to beat them. My point is, where is the thinking here? Romney says he can work with Democrats. Keep a sharp eye on Rick Perry. I don’t know anything, I know nothing, but there’s an undercurrent there, and Michele Bachmann, they are going after her left and right. (interruption) Well, you know the Chris Wallace thing, I think she should have accepted his apology. He said, “Are you a flake?” And he blew it, and he admitted that he blew it, and he apologized for it. I don’t think he should have asked the question in the first place. He wouldn’t ask that of any Democrat, obviously.


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