RUSH: Minnesota state government is closed. The Minnesota state government shut down at midnight last night, the victim “of an ongoing dispute over taxes and spending between Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton and Republican legislative majorities. Talks fell apart well before the deadline, leaving state parks closed on the brink of the Fourth of July weekend.” Oh, the tears. You see how this works? Evil Republicans, state parks are closed, the little kiddies don’t get to have their snow cones and the sleigh rides, oh, no, no Fourth of July, evil Republicans.
The AP says that the shutdown in Minnesota puts road projects at a standstill, forcing thousands of state worker layoffs, and, of course, all of which we’re supposed see as a taste of the horrors the nation will face if the federal debt ceiling is not raised by Congress. That’s how all of this works. For the record the AP has already rewritten this article and they’ve given it a new headline. The first headline was: “Some Noticeable Casualties After Minnesota Shutdown.” The new headline: “Minnesota Shutdown Prompts Political Blame Game.” And naturally the blame falls on the Republicans.
But the whole purpose of this story is to set the stage for what will happen if we don’t raise the debt ceiling in the whole country. The whole federal government will shut down, oh, the horrors of it all. And again, note what the AP highlights here as the things that are gonna suffer: funding for the state zoo, the Capitol, child care assistance for the poor. Meanwhile, critical functions like state troopers, prison guards, the courts and disaster responses will continue, which should give the Minnesota legislature a pretty good idea what can be safely cut. But the newly elected Democrat governor insists on defying the newly elected Republican majority. It’s historic, by the way, in Minnesota, in both houses, the Minnesota legislature, Governor Dayton would rather shut down that state than consider any spending cuts.
What he wants to do is raise taxes on all those rich people who make more than $180,000 a year, meaning just about every small business owner in the state. And as usual, the AP hopes that Republican moderates will come forward to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Never mind that a record 600 statehouse seats went from Democrat to Republican in the midterm election last November precisely because most people decided their taxed enough already. TEA: taxed enough already. You couldn’t have a greater contrast. Virginia is one of the highest performing states in the country, a Republican governor. What do you have here in Minnesota? A Democrat governor says achievers in his state are not paying their fair share. A Democrat governor, a Democrat president have reached the same conclusion. Job creators should do with less. It’s gotta be tough living in a blue state if you experience success. You got a governor, you got a president reaching into your pocket.
If these guys get their way, America is Greece, only much, much bigger. But here’s the thing. The Minnesota government may have shut down, but Minnesota hasn’t. Minnesota has not shut down. The private sector is gonna be open for business. The private sector is going to be making sales, paying taxes. If you really want to shut down a state, have the private sector go on strike. That’s when a state shuts down. That’s when the tax revenues begin to shut off. If you want to shut down a state, if you want to shut down a country, then you take direct aim at the producers and the achievers, and that’s what liberal Democrats are doing. Barack Obama and these blue state governors treat the private sector like indentured servants. They’re parasites. As if they won’t pick up and move and leave to avoid all these onerous taxes and regulations. Every tax increase is an incentive to relocate or move assets. Ask
California said, “You know what, we’re gonna start demanding sales tax on anything Amazon sells in California.” Amazon said, “Okay, bye-bye, California.” Again, the dynamic reaction to an onerous policy. Now, what do the achievers get for paying more taxes at the state and federal level? What do they get? The people who make the golden goose golden, what do they get? Food stamps, public sector union salaries, benefits, dues, and pensions that far exceed anything seen in the private sector. That’s what they end up paying for and people have had it. They don’t want anymore of it.
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