“Black Nationalist” Salutes Host

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 20,2011

RUSH: Halo, Studio City, California, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Oh, El Rushbo, hello. Just a couple of comments, Rush. As a black African-American pro-black nationalist at heart, we love you, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you very much. You are a pro-black nationalist?

CALLER: We see the world as black.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: And everything else is just kind of fitted in there whatever way that they can.

RUSH: You’re on a bad cell phone. You see the world as black.

CALLER: We see the world made up as more Africans, blacks, and dark ethnics.

RUSH: Oh, gotcha, okay, okay, okay, I’m with you now, yeah.

CALLER: Okay, so once again, we love you Rush. It is you that we salute, not the Obomb, a name we’ve coined for Obama. He’s the Obomb because he’s been bombing out ever since he’s been sitting where he’s sitting.

RUSH: Interesting.

CALLER: If I ever see you in public, Rush, bend over, ’cause we’re gonna kiss your butt. Thank you, Rush!

RUSH: Well, join the crowd. That’s what it’s like to be me, folks, there’s a line out there, more than you know. Well what’s up, Halo, besides wanting to kiss my butt? That’s all she wanted to say? She’s gone. Wow. I didn’t even have to ask her.


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