My Counteroffer to Larry Flynt

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 26,2011

RUSH: Speaking of the Republican primaries, Larry Flynt I see is offering up to $1 million for details of sex with Rick Perry. Have you heard that? (interruption) What, if you had details — you wouldn’t pass them on? No. No, no, no. If you’re a woman, if you’ve had sex with Perry he’s willing to pay you, but if you’ve got details of somebody else having sex with Perry you could follow up. I want to make a counteroffer, ladies and gentlemen. I today would like to offer up to $1 million for any details of sex with Warren Buffett’s secretary. “But, Rush! But, Rush! She’s not a public figure like Rick Perry.”

The hell she’s not. She’s now the most influential woman in America, Warren Buffett’s secretary and her tax rate.

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