Biden: The GOP Can Beat Us

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 7,2011

RUSH: Washington Ideas Forum, David Gregory interviewing Biden, and the question is: “Is the Republican Party strong enough a party for their nominee to beat this president?

BIDEN: Oh, absolutely! Absolutely! It’s strong enough to beat both of us. A significant majority of the American people believe that the country’s not moving in the right direction. That is never a good place to be going into reelection. Whether it’s your fault or not your fault, it’s almost sometimes irrelevant.

RUSH: What is this? Did you hear this? ” Oh, absolutely! Absolutely! It’s strong enough to beat both of us.” Does he mean you, too, Gregory? Yeah, the Republican Party is strong enough to beat both Obama and the media, or does he mean Obama and him? I’m sure he means Obama and him, as the vice president on the ticket. He did sound kind of enthusiastic about the prospect. “Oh, yeah! Absolutely strong enough to beat both of us.” I’ve never stopped to think people might also be voting against Bite Me, but, yeah. That could work.

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